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Functioning Addict needing help

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    Functioning Addict needing help

    I have had a problem with alcohol for a long time stretching over 20 years. At one point it was social drinking but I used to always get more drunk and outragious than everyone else. As I have got older I am now a stay at home drunk. I have a family & a well paid steady job that I do consistently well. The problem is when I have spare time. I always end up drinking, every evening, all weekends and its all through addiction and boredom. I always promise myself a night off, but it never happens. I really need a way out as although I am functioning I am spiralling into massive debt for my adiction and loosing self esteem.

    The thought when I have finshed work of not having beer fills me with dread, so my good intentions are always just pie in the sky. Anyone any suggestions?

    Functioning Addict needing help

    Hi Stella -- Welcome!

    My suggestion would be to give this program a try as soon as you can get started. Dont put it off. You can download the book that explains the details of the program, the vitamins and supplements you will need, most of which you can buy at GNC or a vitamin/ health store. They really do help to decrease your craving to drink, which if nothing else, will help you cut back on the amount to begin with. Sounds like you could really use the Topamax too if you can get your doctor to prescribe it. But its all explained in the book, so if you havent read the book yet, its kind of hard to know how to get started. So that's my suggestion..... read the book (its short and easy read) and you can download and print it at home. And keep posting and reading here -- you will learn a lot from other's experiences.

    All the best!
    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      Functioning Addict needing help


      I echo Allie. Read the book and the posts on here and you will go forward.

      There are no immediate answers. I remember being disappointed when someone said "Read, read, read" in answer to my first cry for help in July.

      However, it was good advice and I have moved from drinking to oblivion every night to just completing a month AF ( alcohol free).

      Wherever I go from here I have that under my belt. It cannot be removed. Look below at the caption i've chosen.

      Love Waves :welcome:
      Enough is enough


        Functioning Addict needing help

        Dear Stellaaddiction,

        I don't know whether this relates to you or not, but here goes.....I too have drunk heavily for the last 15 years or so, pretty much holding down a full time day time job. Over the years though I began to go out less and less and stay in more and more drinking more and more. Im not sure whether it was from the culmulative effect of just so much drinking over a long period of time, or me just pulling the shutters down and wanting to drink more than anything else. One thing I am sure of though, is that just drinking when I get home is BORING, day after day, week after week. I got absolutely nothing done in the evenings. (Walk in the door, open a bottle, was pretty much how it went). It is so mind numbingly boring, I wonder why I did do it for so long. Was working all that I could cope with? Was having a life outside of work too much for me? I don't know.
        But it is boring after a while isn't it? (I mean after a long while) It's like we are not living while we are doing it.
        Sounds really sad, but thats something of my truth.

        Over and above that, I agree with the others above. The book is a fantastic read. Very inspirational and filled me with huge amounts of belief when I read it.
        I do believe the supps and meds work, but what and how you take 'em is up to you of course.

        The best thing Stellaaddiction is that you are here and posting, reading and returning.
        Good luck and take care.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Functioning Addict needing help

          :welcome: Stella,

          You are not alone.........
          :h :h :h :h


            Functioning Addict needing help


            Hi Stella, welcome to the site.

            I've only been here for a week, but i've found it a tremendous help, the people are sooo supportive and we all understand how everyone feels. Like you, my drinking hasn't yet affected my work but on my days off I was drinking most of the day. Since finding the site i've decided to cut back rather than stop alltogether. My 1st 3 days I had only one bottle of wine instead of 2-3, and monday & tuesday I didn't have any!!!!! I'm moderating over the weekend and hopefully monday will be back to none.

            You've come to the right place.

            Take care, Paula xx

