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My First Post

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    My First Post

    Okay, so I've never blogged so I'm not even sure if this will go anywhere, but what the heck. Writing is supposed to be cathartic, right? Guess I've realized I have a problem with drinking in the last two years, but really started believing it at the end of last year. I had an abnormal liver enzyme blood test result at the doctor and was told that I had to not drink alcohol, take tylenol, etc. for six weeks and then take the test again. Well, I couldn't go the six weeks without my wine, so I forced myself to do a diet that has you totally abstain from alcohol while you're doing it did it for almost 28 days). Went to the doctor then and the enzyme levels decreased in my liver, but my doctor wanted me to abstain another six weeks and retest. This was almost 3 months ago. I am on the diet again and didn't drink for a week, then had 2 vodka sodas, and now haven't drank in 3 days.

    How do you deal with the stressers that trigger drinking? How will this site help?

    My First Post

    Hi Maluhia,

    Welcome to MWO! This is a good place, very supportive.
    Download the MWO book from the Health Store here to get you started, it has lots of good info.

    Take a look in the for ideas to help you make your plan & get around those triggers.

    I found this site two years ago & am looking forward to celebrating two years alcohol free next month.
    You can do it too

    Best wishes,
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      My First Post


      My doctor told me another test in 5 days last June and I couldn't do it until today!
      How does this site help you ask???????????? You will have lots of co-angels ringing in on this!
      We will support you, we will listen, we will be there when you fall..
      But, you have to want to be here and put all you want into you and the effort of getting sober.
      This is the best place I have ever been. But I have to initiate what I want. I come here when I am lonely, sad, need advice, craving, etc.
      Stay with us and you will be thankful!

      Hope and faith are magical,

      The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

      *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


        My First Post


        March 26th!!! What a wonderful day!
        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          My First Post

          M, in the real world, there are many who cannot understand the struggle to not drink. On this site, everybody understands and will be there to support you every step of the way. Stick around. Read and post your own thoughts. Your liver would be a terrible thing to destroy. There lies illness and worse. You will find lots of friends here.


            My First Post

            Welcome Maluhia
            This is a great place to be, but first you have to want to give up drinking. You must look at alcohol as the horrible thing it is to all of us here. Give 30 AF days a go and then keep going, it only gets better.
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


              My First Post

              Hi Maluhia
              I can identify. I'm overdue for a medical, but couldn't pluck up the courage to make the appointment, as I was scared my liver enzymes might be a give away. Now I've had almost a month AF, or I have drunk on two nights in 6 weeks, whichever way you choose to look at it. I'm seeing the doc tomorrow and hoping things have settled.
              In a sober light though I see it a little differently. It's not so much that I want to be sober so the doc won't notice, it's more that I worry that I was continuing to do my body harm even though I knew what I was doing. We all do it and it's hard but not impossible to decide to stop.
              Stick around to read and chat and learn.


                My First Post

                Hi and welcome maluhia! I can't add much to what's already been said, but this site can definitely help you. Use the toolbox link that Lavande posted, and join us in the Newbies Nest, a great place for finding your feet and posting your thoughts to fellow newbies. Stick around, and good luck


                  My First Post

                  Hi Maluhia and welcome. I do hope that your liver tests come back OK.

                  This site is a great place for people, who have lost control of their use of alcohol, who want to get the power back over alcohol - moderation or going totally sober. There are many caring and kind people here to help.

                  There are many, many, triggers to drink for most of us. Societal, media related, week day related, mood related, stress related, rewards, punishments - you name it, and a lot of us used to use that as a reason, excuse, or trigger to drink. It is very hard to deal with these triggers for sure. It may help to have a clear goal in mind, and to really think about why you are not drinking.

                  Keep us posted, and read around in here, there have been several posts about this topic lately.
                  Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

