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    Hey guys....

    I am so sick of being drunk. 2-3 times a week I drink at least a 12 pack of beer and black out. Miss work, my husband comes home to find me wasted all the time.....I am over it, but I can't seem to stop.

    Can someone send me the PDF of the dosage of the supplements that they can send me? I'd like to head to the vitamin store ASAP.

    Soon as I get out of bed that it.....


    Keep coming here

    Read read read and talk - you will get the support you need. We are all here to help and you can get your life back. Good luck. Join us on the journey.:welcome:
    Last drink 6th September 2013



      I know it will be better tomorrow, it just doesn't feel that way at the moment.




        Know exactly what you mean, we have all been there. Tomorrow is another day. Onwards and upwards.:h have a hug:h
        Last drink 6th September 2013



          We have all been there ByeBye and then some! The trick is to get through a few days without drinking and keep your mind from telling you that you can just have a few and be like normal drinkers. In my experience, it just doesn't happen that way! You might go over to the Health Store on this site. Just click on Health Store and you will see some of the supplements. You can also download the book MWO directly to your computer and read it. YOu will see the proposed supplement schedule. Most of the supplements can be purchased from your local vitamin store or from the site but they will take a few days to reach you.
          I wish you the best of luck in pursuing this new journey although it really isn't luck, but your own commitment to succeed that will take you where you want to go. I first came here about two years ago and felt so supported but I had not really accepted the concept of not drinking ever again so twice I have had a go at moderation. So did NOT work! Now I am here again having once again disgraced myself and I feel so bad when I read posts from people with a year or two of sobriety and think I could have been there. I also have had a husband who comes home to find me drunk or worse, he is home and arrive home totally trashed from drinking wine all by myself. He's had it, I've had and this time I just have to get it in my thick skull that what I am doing is NOT working. We will be here to support you.




            Now that's a great statement
            Welcome to MWO, this is a great place.

            After you read the MWO book look in the for lots of great ideas to make your plan - one specifically for you.

            A good plan & a strong commitment along with the wonderful support I've received here helped me reach my goals - you can do it too

            Wishing you the best!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



              Hi BBB, we have all been there, (or are there) so you have come to the right place. read, post and learn, and look in the toolbox thread as Lavande says, lots of great stuff there! Good to have you here, join us in the Newbies Nest till you find your feet :welcome:

