spinning j. just adding my well wishes to you. i hope you can get to where you want to be. im still trying to get there. well done for realising what was happening and coming back for support
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spinning j. just adding my well wishes to you. i hope you can get to where you want to be. im still trying to get there. well done for realising what was happening and coming back for supportToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
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Hi luvmywine. Thats a shame about your daughter. My hubs was very cross with me last week. Ok now tho. Hopefully she will come round? I think we just have to keep trying . I didn't plan to drink at xmas after 4 months AF and I did and could moderate but it got worse each time I drank. So back to square one! Just got to keep trying!:lilangel:
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Hi Spinning J. I am returning, again to the site. I too had a good amount of time AF under my belt, and then gave in to the voices in my head that said I could drink moderately. I started drinking again around Christmas, and very quickly ramped up to my previous habit. I look terrible, my thought process is all over the place, so not worth it.
So, day one. Let's look forward to more sober days ahead!While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
Benjamin Franklin
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Hi spinning j and everyone ive just returned also day 2 for me. lastnight kept watching the clock panicking over wither i should nip over before 10 oclock when it closes! once it past ten i seemed to accept that i wouldnt be able to have any wine. so we must be strong and soldier on knowing we are all on this journey together! good luck all :l
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Hi not tonight I remember you from last time! I too started to mod at Christmas by Feb I'd had a binge so no more you are right it's not worth it. I will be Marching through March with you. Good luck this time
Hi Stashia day 2 buddy! I feel so much better today and like you yesterday I was thinking of just getting a bottle of wine because I felt rough! Like you I didn't because I want my life back to the way it was when I was AF berore Christmas!!!
Let's do this together!
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Hi. Welcome back. It's just proof that the AF beast never leave us does it... It stalks us where ever we are and waits in the shadows for justthe smallest little crack and BANG.. it's got a hold of you. Good thing is, you've managed 4 months AF once, you know how it was and what's about to come but you also know what it feels like to be sober and how much better life is..
Get rid of all the AL, stay busy and good luck Xxx
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:goodjob: am definatly there with you spining and reading everyones posts and drawing much inspiration from you all!! how sad to wish the day away so we can wake up on a new morning and thank god for another AF day over us!! So raising my wine glass to us all with pommegranite juice of course! lets put this beasty to bed!!
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Thanks everyone for your kind support! I'm doing well. Day 4 AF and feeling positive. I must do it this time. I don't want to let my family down again. I am so lucky and grateful for what I have. I will not let alcohol ruin my life. I've jumped on the March thread, thanks Dew for starting it! Hope you are feeling better okkslady?