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Liver results.

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    Liver results.

    I just did a test where you send off a blood sample and they send back results. (green, yellow,amber,red)
    I did one a couple of years ago and it was green. I just sent off a sample this week, and theyPHONED me, to warn me of results. They will be red. As red as can be. But the 'gp' (he said he was, what do I know really) said not to worry, at worst might indicate a fatty liver, as my ALT was within limits, but AST high, but not significantly so ( he said).
    Basically, he said, if I cut out the drink (I did say it was cos of al I had taken test) that the results should come back to naormal within 6-8 weeks.
    I obv took test cos am scared, have a few other symptoms of liver damage. I know won't know without full liver test but he said was reversible at this stage.
    Am 47.
    Heavy drinker for toooomany years.
    If I stop drinking NOW, will I be around to see my kiddies grow?
    Am scared.
    REALLY don't want to go to real GP as will have impact on job, and have heard they have to involve SS if children under 10.
    Will giving up AL (so easy, HA!) be enough? Is that probably just what GP would say, or is there medication to help the liver (apart from herbs, I take milk thistle etc and have done for years, false sense of security...) and should I just go? I don't want medicine, I just want to stop drinking, and think this might be the boot up the arse I need.
    Sorry for confused post, represents my mind at just off to break news to my Husband...(who no longer drinks):sigh:

    Liver results.

    First of all welcome! you have found a really good, supportive site. I am not a doctor or even close - just an alcoholic that has been sober for a little over a year thanks to this site and a med called baclofen. Many here have had blood tests with results similiar to yours. Luckily, the liver is an amazing organ that can repair itself if the right steps are taken (Going by a common concencus). I think that the information the gp gave you should be trustworthy and you shouldnt panic but I do feel you should take a serious look at your drinking intake. I had a similiar experience with blood tests results and that is when I decided that I didnt want alcohol be the reason for my death. Feel free to reach out to folks here - many will welcome you. There is a chat room where you can go and talk to people who know what you are going through. Remember - you are not alone and many of us have been there or still going through it.


      Liver results.

      I went to to see my gp and they never told work and SS was never informed. I think it's best you DO go and see your doctor so he/she can support you and do the nessesary blood work and get a plan in action. As we all know, given up drinking isn't easy (if it was none of us would be here) If you stop now, yes you will be able to see your children grow up. As he said, it is reversable. From what i know.. if you damage your liver up to a certain point it can mend.. after that point, the damage is done and it will never mend.
      You now need to sit and think what is best for you and your family and also think of what you should do should the doctor contact your work and involve ss. Weigh up your options and see what end result is more important... you quit, see your kiddies grow up but risk your job finding out and SS being involved, quit on your own which you need to do to be able to see your kiddies grow up or continue to drink and well you know the end result...
      I know this must be very hard for you *big hugs* but luckily you found out now rather then later when it would be too late. It's all in your hands now.


        Liver results.

        Thank you, both of you.


          Liver results.

          aliame, I can really identify with your post - only I just got scared on my own. At least you were brave enough to have the tests done...I'm 46 and finally the nagging fear that I would die a shameful death and scar my boy forever - pushed me to the breaking point. I'm not using meds - but again, like you, have been taking milk thistle for awhile thinking it would offset all the damage I was doing....:blush: or I guess at least telling myself it would...

          This site has been so crucial in my being able to stay AF for 11 days - LOL...but hey - that is 11 days longer than I'd gone for several years. Post as much as you like and read and read and read - you will find so many inspiring stories from people here - and during moments of weakness - cry out for help and just watch how many come running to support you. :h

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Liver results.


            Don't panic about the liver panel liver enzyme levels were elevated but that's because I was stupid enough to binge on scotch the day before (January, 2008). Several months later, I abstained for a week before my blood work was done and my results were normal. Keep posting and reading....there is a way out here.


              Liver results.

              I wouldn't stress too much about the threat of SS being called if your employer learns of elevated liver function. Throughout the U.S.--and I'm quite certain this will be the case in the UK, Canada and most other western legal jurisdications--the onus is on the child welfare authority to prove demonstrable risk of harm. Merely that a guardian consumes alcohol (or any other substance) doesn't mean ipso facto that a child is at imminent risk. There must be evidence in the history of parental behaviour which shows specific harm (or likelihood.) If your kids are clothed, fed, and appropriately supervised, you've nothing to fear. Don't sweat it.
              Resisting all Magical day at a time


                Liver results.

                Sheri (and everyone) thank you so much for taking the time to reply. Sheri just wanted to ask, if as you say is no medication for liver damage, why do we get urged to visit Dr if elevated results? For them to tell us to stop drinking? Or is there something else ? If 'just' the drink, will go it alone.


                  Liver results.

                  Hi Aliame - the second time I gave up drinking was because my liver was beginning to ache, I went to the dr and they called me in for more tests as they were concerned with the one I had just taken. I didn't go back for more I was too scared. I decided then and there that it was time to give up drinking. I now have over a year of sobriety under my belt and my liver doesn't remind me that it is in there anymore (I think it's actually quite relieved). The pains stopped after about a month being AF.
                  Livers do regenerate themselves but they need time to do it and you must stop drinking before major damage is done.
                  St Johns Wort is good for liver repair.
                  Good luck and kick Al. to the curb once and for all.
                  It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                    Liver results.

                    Hi Aliame, I've posted this before but in Dec 2009 my liver results were very very elevated 'not QUITE George Best levels' was how my doc described it. By March 2010 my results were perfect and have remained so. I do know that if you get to the cirhossis stage it is irreversible but even then by stopping drinking your condition will not deteriorate. My doc told me since that if I'd kept drinking after that initial test I probably wouldn't have been around much longer! Scary, but true. And it is very doable, and the benefits go so far beyond the health part when you even have just a short time alcohol free - relationships, skin, hair, weight, financial, uncomplicated and guilt free - I could go on and on - good luck and hang round here - it keeps me grounded when I go on a flight of fancy!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Liver results.

                      Thank you.
                      For your honesty and your courage and your example.
                      And for helping me with a question which has plagued me for years...(Too many)


                        Liver results.

                        hi there, get some milk thistle from the pharmacy. No prescription needed and it's safe. Take two a day.

                        The Kudzu also has a liver detoxifier


                          Liver results.

                          Aliame, definitely don't shrug it off. It's a fear a lot of us have. I have just plucked up the courage to see my GP for a medical and have to go for a blood test on Monday. I only plucked up the courage because I've been AF for a month, but I'm still scared it might not have been enough for the levels to be within normal limits. To top it off, I've just read that drinking more than 4 cups of coffee a day can stress your liver!

                          I agree with Redjib that it's very unlikely your GP would dob you in to SS, unless there had been complaints from family, neighbours, school etc about your fitness as a mother.
                          It would be terrible to find out it was too late when you can stop the rot now. You at lest need to have repeat test in 6 weeks after abstaining.

