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Question for anyone...

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    Question for anyone...

    Hey --

    I have just bought the book -- but am a little cautious about having to go to my doctor to get the meds. First, just probably need to do some research about it, but I guess it has something to do with admitting that I think I have a problem -- does anyone else feel that way? I think the thought of going in and talking to my doctor makes it seem so much more real. Everything that I do is completely acceptable -- hey, let's go to happy hour after work, let's meet up for drinks on Friday, dinner on Saturday....all with drinks, drinks, a point where I feel it is too much for me and OFTEN find myself doing stupid things and being so regrettable the next morning. I guess I wonder if anyone else was intimidated by trying the whole program, meds and all in the beginning. I just started reading it today -- and am really willing to give it an open mind and whole hearted try...

    Question for anyone...

    Hi Denver, & :welcome: . I'm guessing you didn't just stumble across this site by accident. Maybe you've been having some questions lately about your drinking or behaviour...?

    If you are concerned about your health, or habits, ... what can it hurt to talk to your Doc about it? Or if you're not comfortable with disclosing everything.. there is always the route of asking for topa for migraines.

    Personally, I prefer to just spill it all out, but we do all have different situations . In any case, welcome aboard & good luck with whatever you decide, you're not alone.

    :l , Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Question for anyone...

      Hi Denver,

      I don't do the topa. I do the supps , cd's and water and eat right. Exercise helps too.

      :welcome: and I hope you find some things you can use here.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Question for anyone...

        Thanks for your responses. I still have not gotten the CD's or Supps but think that's the route I want to take minus the tope. I'm good for most of the week, in the sense that excercise has always been a huge component in my life so all week I have little to do with drinking than working out, eating well and being healthy. What I have the most problems with is the binge drinking on weekends, and staying out post-happy hour whenever I am out on the weekdays if I do attend. I fear that I'll miss all of that social interaction and gossip that, seriously, only comes when we've had a bit too much and I miss that fun tingly feeling of drinking. Not sure what to do, but I bought this book for a reason at 4am on a Monday morning before going to work but having drank a bottle of wine on Sunday night and regretting it. Want to live a better life -- have you guys found that it works without the top? Really fearing taking that drug. With my job I can't really fathom the motor skills side effects....any advice??


          Question for anyone...

          Hi Denver -
          I'm not taking Topa either. But, I have found that the Kudzu (from MWO) works. I'm not a believer in vitamins or dietary supplements - "Voodoo" I've always called 'em - but, the kudzu really seems to work. Cuts the craving. The psychological battle is ongoing, however.

          I told my doctor. Just came right out and said it. I'm tired of being cagey. I think, in the beginning at least, there is a fear of "cat out of the bag". Once the cat's out, then you're going to have to do something about it. Once other people realize you have a problem (and really, they probably already do), then you must do something about it; after all, you've let the cat out of the bag. And, honestly, deep down where no one else can see, do you want to let that cat out of the bag? Alcohol is a love/hate thing. I'm here because I need help with my drinking, and, I'm here because I love to drink. And, I hate to drink. Or, I hate that I love to drink. Or, something like that.

          Hang out. Read. See what you see. Try the kudzu.
          Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


            Question for anyone...


            I hope the Kudzu works, it really does help along with the other supps. I went the route with the Topa with the same fears you have expressed and luckly so far have had minor side effects. Everyone feels it different apparently. During titration you will be able to decide if topa works for you if you go that route so don't rule it out entirely. Good luck!


