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I am an alcoholic

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    I am an alcoholic

    Hi Jennifer,

    I too am an alcoholic and could have written your opening post. Same age, same habit, the only difference is that my husband turns a blind eye to the drunken elephant in the room, which I will never understand. I joined this site last May, and it provided me with the support and motivation to stop drinking for over 5 months. I felt really good about myself during that period of sobriety, absolutely life is better sober. Unfortunately in October (at my husband's birthday dinner) I allowed myself to believe that moderation was an option for me. It has been a struggle since.

    Stick close to the site, for it is a healthy place to be. What I have learned from this site is that sobriety requires daily maintenance. I hope have a great day today, and I look forward to getting to know you!
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin


      I am an alcoholic

      Welcome Jennifer most of us are still struggling but take it odat. There is lots of support here. Hugs.


        I am an alcoholic


        Good that you have the book and understand the program. Did you buy the supplements or CDs. I found them really helpful in the beginning. Your body and mind have lots of healing to do, and the vitamins and stuff are so helpful.

        Rest, drink lots of water, and know that you will feel better as each day goes by. In every way. Keep posting, we look forward to hearing about your journey.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          I am an alcoholic

          Just wanted to add my welcome Jennifer, you sound as though you have a plan and that's a great start


            I am an alcoholic

            :welcome: Jennifer

            As you have already read, a lot of us share a story very similar to yours. L-Glutamine helped me with the cravings in the beginning. I truly never thought I could make it this long and honestly - every day gets better and better. You can do this Jennifer and we are here to help you!
            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              I am an alcoholic

              Day two with no alcohol. I can't say I feel great, I can't even say I feel good. I actually feel horrible today and didn't get much sleep last night. I remain solid in that I will not drink today. I am drinking lots of water and have orders some additional supplements. I am tired and feel kind of depressed, hoping this passes soon. I have not been able to go without alcohol for more a couple of days for quite some time. I am wondering how long some of these symptoms will last? Can anyone share this with me? Thank you


                I am an alcoholic

                Jennifer, my sleep straightened out within days and then I went on to have the best sleep every - never imagined it could be so good. Hang in there! It's so worth it.


                  I am an alcoholic

                  Hi Jennifer...I am on day 15 today....I'll tell you that the first 3-4 days were awful for me. I was terribly shaky and scared for what damage I had done to myself, anxious, and irritable, depressed - like you and my sleep was very intermittent.

                  I think someone here referred to them as "jolts" - I had "jolts" that kept me from falling asleep. I felt like my whole body was jerking, but I was never sure if it actually did or if it was my mind...

                  I hated myself so horribly - kept thinking of how many years were wasted and what if I could never recover? But I think it was about day 4 that I started posting here and started doing so much better. I had several days of feeling almost giddy! I finally slept - as I was sooo exhausted - and I was extremely proud of myself. :-) (the giddiness has worn off but I'm still AF and loving it.) I can get close to people without worrying about them smelling it, and I can also drive anywhere at any time of day without worrying...:-) Those little things are amazingly uplifting. Not to even mention being so much better of a mom and wife.

                  I was an every day and often all day long vodka drinker...and I'm done. hang in there - really!

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    I am an alcoholic

                    Hello Jennifer,
                    I was wrenched a bit when I read your post and identify very strongly with your situation.

                    It seems to me that this is something we have to do in our own time, which is highly individual and personal. Nobody can tell us when that time is and no amount of nagging, alienating and bad outcomes will do it for us until we reach THE DAY of our own volition.

                    I'm glad you've reached your time now, while you can still shore up your life.

                    Most people say that the first three days are the worst. Drinking water as you are, great nutrition with some supplements esp B vitamins, as much sleep as you can, staying in a routine and keeping it all calm as possible, and logging in here all help as strategies.

                    I hope you feel much better soon.

                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      I am an alcoholic

                      Jennifer - I just wanted to say Hi and add my support. When I read your post, I couldn't believe it...I was just having the same thoughts yesterday....every bad decision I have made has been related to alcohol! I'm new to this as well, so I don't feel it's my place to offer advice but I will say that this site has helped me tremendously. I'm not where I want to be but I'm getting better every single day. I believe fighting this monster is easier in numbers and that's what we have on this much support from so many wonderful people! Hang in there!
                      Gidget 1016

                      "Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out":h


                        I am an alcoholic

                        Congrats on your day 2! D Hang in there.

                        Alka selzer and epsom baths can help relieve some of the detox symptoms. Alcohol ultimately just acidifies your body and both of these things can help relieve that acidificiation. You'll definitely feel better after a hot epsom salt bath.

                        Maybe try some detox tea? There are many MANY different varieties. Tea is very comforting anyway.

                        Good luck and keep up the awesome work!
                        ED rather than alcoholic- but sugar is totally my booze and I sure act like an alcoholic.
                        Current treatments: Julia Ross' Mood Cure, some MWO elements, NLP, (upcoming) outpatient clinic, some OA and AA stuff.
                        I'm totally down with the 12 steps, yo. 8D
                        Ultimate goal is abstinance. Doing harm reduction right now until I can get more direct counselling.

                        ~If Eminem can get sober, so can I.
                        ~If KEITH RICHARDS of all people can get sober, so can I!


                          I am an alcoholic

                          ~If Eminem can get sober, so can I.
                          ~If KEITH RICHARDS of all people can get sober, so can I!
                          :H:H HOW TRUE!!


                            I am an alcoholic

                            Hi Jennifer,

                            Just sending you some good vibes, and i sing here for you. I'm sure you've got a good plan, so stick with it, and stick with what's working. Alcohol is a liar. It will rip apart our soul, self respect, our pride, our family, and it will kill you whilst whispering sweet things in your ear. Do what you have to do to take your life back. Keep up the good work, and don't forget yer


                            Best wishes to you and your's. Now nail it!


                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              I am an alcoholic

                              KundaliniGirl;1068037 wrote: :H:H HOW TRUE!!
                              Hiya Kundalini girl.

                              Keef is off the grog? Wow! I love the man even more now. Take care of yourself.


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                I am an alcoholic

                                KundaliniGirl;1068037 wrote: :H:H HOW TRUE!!
                                Hiya Kundalini girl.

                                Keef is off the grog? Wow! I love the man even more now. Respect.

                                Take care of yourself.


                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

