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Sober observations of a drunken night

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    Sober observations of a drunken night

    I am not long home from a night out with people I work with (well, manage actually) most of whom are considerably younger than I am. Now, don't get me wrong. I am trying to get AL free and have managed for 26 days now. But even back at my worst stages I would always be on my best behaviour on a work's night out. I just couldn't handle the shame of going into work after having behaved badly, or being drunk in front of people I deal with on a professional level daily.

    People, I have to tell you, the way the younger generation drinks is really frightening, even to me!

    Maybe I never noticed it so much before because I was probably relatively sober but waiting to get home and open a bottle of wine in the 'safety' of my own home, but what I witnessed tonight was actually quite shocking.

    A young married mother, very drunk and openly throwing herself at a colleague that she had previously had no time for. (she was staggering all over the place, it really was heartbreaking to watch)

    A young man, always well mannered and chivalrous and very respectful, again very drunk and trying to pick fights with other guys.

    I felt like crying. I wanted to tell them 'you are better than this'!

    Instead of feeling out of place or deprived, I actually felt so sad for them, and how they will wake up feeling in the morning.

    I tried to put the young man in a taxi as I was leaving. He insisted he was fine and not to worry, but he clearly wasn't and I am worried. I am very worried, about all of them.

    I am sorry of this is a bit of a ramble, I am trying to get straight in my head all of the things I witnessed tonight, and the very worse part is, I recognised my drinking self in each and every one of them. A very sobering thought to end a sober evening.

    Sober observations of a drunken night

    ((((vintage girl)))). Thank you for sharing. Take good care of yourself-you are worth it!

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Sober observations of a drunken night

      It really is a hard thing to watch vintage girl!
      Now, more than ever you can count your blessings & feel gratitude that you have made the right decision for yourself.
      Make at some point in the future you can open a discussion on the topic of drinking at work, see what happens!

      I'm very happy for you
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Sober observations of a drunken night

        Hi vintage girl,
        I also shudder whan I see very drunk shows how addictive and cunning alcohol is. I use to think it was acceptable to be drunk because I never saw myself in that state. People would tell me how awful I behaved but I still carried on drinking. Just completely immersed in my addiction to alcohol.

        I am so grateful to see have seen the light! And I am glad to hear that you have too.
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          Sober observations of a drunken night

          VG, I fully understand what you are saying. Was only talking about this the other night. I feel a bit like pot callin kettle black - but like you I always (mostly) behaved in public and then went home and slugged the wine. But I do think the young people now (jeez I sound like my mother!) drink horrendous amounts. Back in my day - I'm in my 50's - we couldn't afford to drink like that even if we wanted to. A big nights drinking was 4-5 pints of beer and home broke! A young colleague of mine detailed what she will drink on a night out, shares a bottle of vodka with a friend before she goes out - half a dozen pints in the pub then onto wine and then double shots till she ....actually till she can't remember anymore and has to check her purse the next day to see how much she spent and then gadge what else she drank - it scares me, cos she is not alone in this.
          I watch my kids for that sort of drinking, and thankfully none of them are really arsed with it - eldest may go on a bit of a wild one on a rugby weekend, but other than that thankfully they seem to be 'normal' like their father
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Sober observations of a drunken night

            Thanks for listening guys. It's great to have this place to just put down thoughts sometimes. I've done some ringing round this morning and everyone seems to have got home in one piece (how I'll never know!).

            Lots of apologies and people feeling a bit shamefaced, and the young man I mentioned can't even remember half the night.

            It's another lesson for me in my journey, actually being sober and seeing really drunk people up close like that was something I'll remember and use if I am ever tempted!

            Molly, I know what you are saying about people not being able to afford to drink to excess like this when we were younger (I am 51). Money doesn't even seem to come into it with the young ones these days....and sorry if I sound like my Mum lol


              Sober observations of a drunken night

              Yep, I s'pose we do sound like our Mums but they were right I reckon Actually my daughter has a tshirt that says 'HELP, I'M TURNING INTO MY MOTHER'
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Sober observations of a drunken night

                VG - all I can say is wow. I can tell that you were very concerned for all your colleagues but I'm just curious as to how freakin great you must have felt as you laid your head on the pillow that night sober and knowing that you would be waking up with no hangover, more money in your pocket, not to mention your dignity intact.

                I am the mother of a 26 year old and a 22 year old. My son (the older) has definitely settled down from the earlier college drinking days but I still worry about my daughter who I know likes to go out. I pray to God that they have enough sense to always have a DD but sometimes I'm skeptical.

                Your first day back at work should be an interesting one - let us know how it goes!

                So happy for you as you continue to grow stronger in your journey each and every day!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Sober observations of a drunken night

                  What an interesting story Vintage...I could really put myself in your shoes. I used to go out like that with folks from work or during sales conventions where "anything" goes and what happens at the sales convention stays at the sales convention attitude. But there is always that morning of regret after. Oh boy, sitting here typing this, I still have some strong memories of things not only other colleagues did but what I did...yikes!

                  Along these lines, I am getting ready for a vacation to an all inclusive resort in a few weeks and I know I will be the only one sober on the whole property! I am sure I will have a similar story of the night life and then seeing people after they have sobered up at breakfast the next morning. At least I won't be one of the ones shameful for my actions with a headache and bloated belly in my bathing suit!

                  Good post, thanks for putting it out there for us!
                  Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                  BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

