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Take 2

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    Take 2

    Thanks guys

    Day 3 now. Last night I slept a lot better than I have for ages. A much, much deeper sleep. Still woke at 4am and dozed til 6:15 but felt a lot sharper and more awake. Don't have red eyes today either! Did have pangs of anxiety but I'm hoping they'll dissipate.

    I'm finding my frustration levels are a hell of a lot higher. Rode motorcycle in to work a lot more aggressively than I normally would and my work and relationship problems are creating more profound reactions from me in that I really feel like exploding.
    One of my main motivations for going AF is to make key life decisions with a clear mind. Obviously I'm only day 3 and these emotions are a result of no alcohol in my system but for now they are causing me a lot of grief and I have to be careful what I do and say.

    Hope everyone's okay today and I hope my boss doesn't get on my case like yesterday - I'm just going to have to shut down and do what's necessary.



      Take 2

      Hi what is necessary just to stay sober. Keep going, u sound bright. Remember how much more confidence you will have when you speak to people knowing that its you talking not the AL. XX Bella


        Take 2

        Greetings, you are doing well and everything you are experiencing seems normal to me. So wonderful your sleep is getting better.

        I found that simple breathing deeply helped my anxiety. And focusing on my favorite beach. I know it sounds simplistic, but getting back control of your thinking goes a long way towards managing your emotions.....something we all learn to do on this journey.

        Sending you peace and strength.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Take 2

          Hi Jim, you are working your way, day by day, through some of the toughest hours. Hang in there. Yes you may be more irritable, aggresive (be careful on that motorbike), etc. Try to find a little time to exercise, it might help. One day at a time, add up those sober days. The weekend is approaching, the cues to drink may be strong and often. Expect them - surf them like a wave, they will pass, much like a wave does. Some are stronger or longer, but they will pass - hold fast!
          You can do it,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

