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Value of posting and reading

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    Value of posting and reading

    LilM, it is great that you are OK talking about alcohol now.
    Kunda, thanks.
    Mylife, that is cool that you had a very similar chat with your hubby. It sounds like you and I have the same outlook now on things.
    Road, some excellent words for sure, thanks.
    Not tonight, hi there. My wife supports my decision, but she wishes I would socially drink, I know that she does. Quite simply, she does not understand my relationship with alcohol. Like you, I cannot moderate. She now senses that I am happy and comfortable with not drinking, and I don't think she will even notice it any more that I don't socially drink - it will just become normal (I hope).
    Chillgirl, I am very happy that we are both, and others too, having these defining moments. I agree with you, they do strengthen our will. Thanks.
    T - thanks.
    Sheri, I totally agree with you; and I am very happy for you aswell.
    Wagon - you are welcome.
    Softy, good for you, it sounds like you are in a good place. Like you say, you can give things time. Gaining the power back is the question. For me, I have gained the power to not drink. I don't think I will gain the power to moderate.
    Redjib, like you, no one really understood what I was going through. I hid it well too. (except my big screw ups while drunk, the whole community knows about those). People who don't struggle with alcohol, don't understand, but stay strong, you can do it. Eliminate, great word.
    Vintage, thanks for your kind words. You can do it, just keep fighting the battle. I really think, that in time, those conversations will occur for you too. Don't forget, it took 13 months before I was able to have this conversation. You are doing great.
    Damo, I hope that you have a great time in London. That is great that you had this chat with your wife. You can do it. I find Holidays are so much better, now that I am not always thinking about how to get booze. Great job Damo.
    Dancing and Mazzie, thanks.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

