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New girl on the block

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    New girl on the block

    My title is trying to be upbeat! Not happy in my life, found this site. New and scared but trying hard to be positive. HelPPPP.:new:

    New girl on the block

    Welcome Westend:

    This is really a great place to be. I am fairly new to this site myself and have found it and the wonderful people here to be very helpful.


      New girl on the block

      Welcome Westendgirl, you are doing a really positive thing posting here! I know it can feel scary, but it should get better,...just keep on coming here and reading and posting.

      Hello to Kizzie Cat too.

      Take care


      Sober since 30/06/10


        New girl on the block


        Welcome -
        I've been coming here only for a few weeks now, and still new myself. There is much generous giving of support here, and many determined souls making a better way. There is much to be learned from the posts here - chief among them is you're not alone. There are many like-stories, and many many wonderful folks extending a hand just because they know how it feels to need one.
        Just keep reading, and post your thoughts. The response is overwhelming, and heartening.
        Keep checking in. It helps - so much.
        Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


          New girl on the block

          Welcome, westendgirl! You got us at a difficult time because we just lost someone, and we don't have a happy face on, but we are happy to have you and you will find encouragement and answers to many questions here. Read the book, order the supps, see your doc, and set off down the road. It's a good, new life.


            New girl on the block

            Don't bother!


            Don't bother - they're not interested - just get on with your life - they're all talk.


              New girl on the block

              This is not funny. Unregistered, speak for yourself. You certainly don't speak for me. Whatever your axe to grind, it doesn't help this struggling person for you to spit in her open hand. We don't care to be part of your private war.


                New girl on the block

                Private War?

                I have no private war - just expressing my opinion freely. This is just my personal experience of this forum. It suits some people and not others. I do feel, however, that there is a strong "tribe" which has taken over this forum and use it as some kind of playground gang. Please understand that a lot of the dialogue on this forum can actually deter people from seeking the help they need. Is this forum really, seriously about addiiction to alcohol, or is it just another happy/clappy I'm Ok, You're Ok kind of self preservation society? You and others like you are being extremely flippant and disrespectful to people who have a real and very dangerous, life-threatening problem. I merely warn newcomers that this is perhaps not the place to find a true solution to their problem. When new people post their stories, pouring out their hearts, often the replies are "I was there, I did this, my life was", - some kind of competition to have the worst experience? Okay, as I said, suits some not others - just stop making flippant promises you know cannot possibly be realistic.


                  New girl on the block

                  I'm trying to look at what you are saying with an open mind, but I guess my own experience doesn't bear out the "happy/clappy" view of this place. I see this place as human--flawed, struggling, but basically caring. My own experience has been that praciticing the program with medication, exercise, hypno CDs, and communication here has changed my life significantly. It has not been easy. It has required real self-discipline. My husband, who got sober 20 years ago with AA, said that this program requires too much self-discipline. For me, it's ideal. I wish to welcome newcomers because I think they deserve to have the same chance that I have had. For me, this has been the most significant event in many years. Not my involvement with individuals on the boards, but the life I have had since I have gotten control of drinking. And my change has enabled change in my children and my family. I just can't discount that, and I'd like to extend a welcoming hand to others with the same hope for them. And I don't like it when people hide behind the "unregistered" label.


                    New girl on the block

                    You don't like it here, unregistered? Then leave or be brave enough to post under your real name. How incredibly tacky and heartless of you for deciding to get on this bandwagon a day we are all feeling a lot of sadness. And perhaps before you leave you could give us a script for what to say to newcomers other than "I have been there, I understand" because I sure as hell know that is what I needed to hear when I came here; that I was not alone. Having fun around here does not make us flippant or disrespectful. What a completely ignorant comment to make.

                    Westend girl, please do not think this is the norm around here. It is not. I welcome you and hope you get a lot out of this site.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      New girl on the block


                      I am sorry to hide behind the unregistered label - however,I give much respect to your post - you obviously have gained a great deal from this forum and indeed given a great deal in return. Can we agree to disagree and in the spirit of this forum respect each others views. I would leave much happier and I really wish all of us (and I include us both, if I may be so bold!) the very best of luck in beating this "add your own description" - thank you for challenging me - this is the spirit which this forum really needs.


                        New girl on the block

                        Welcome, Westendgirl

                        I'm glad you found us. Congrats on taking that first step. I think you're off to a great start. Root around, use the "search" feature, ask lots of questions. Our members are awesome and incredibly generous in sharing information. Really honest, too. You'll see.

                        It's true, today was especially sad for us, we lost a very special member.

                        But we're so happy you've joined us. Welcome. :-)

                        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                          New girl on the block

                          WestEndGirl - there is an internal struggle going on that predates your post, as well as a same-day tragedy that has many of the senior members grief-stricken - A very good man has died.

                          Please do not disband this group as too dysfuntional for your healing. And, please ignore all unsigned posts. Many folks here are trying to make sense of thier loss.

                          Your timing notwithstanding, you have found a great resource for help. Please do not be discouraged, and please stick around.
                          I am happy to see you.
                          Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


                            New girl on the block

                            Thank you unregistered for your kind post. It softened a lot of things. Be well.
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              New girl on the block

                              Thanks, unregistered. Maybe you can pm me, and we can continue an open conversation. We need to respond to people compassionately, and people who come here are often not in the best of moods.

