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Marching through March - come on and join us !

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    Marching through March - come on and join us !

    thanks Molly & FireFox, I just lost a long post, ahh well, thank you both so much. am going to to go sleep now. have workn tomorrow.
    this is why I love this site. people willing to help other people
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      Marching through March - come on and join us !

      Night night Witchy - things have a way of sorting themselves out - specially when we're sober!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Marching through March - come on and join us !

        Hi all,

        Hang in there Witchy and try and hold on to your sobriety you've done well so far and it's so worth it :l I'm meeting up with some friends tomorrow I haven't seen in years so really looking forward to that. I've had a great day, tiring but good fun and am heading off for an early night shortly.

        Wishing you all a great weekend.

        Dewdrop :h
        Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


          Marching through March - come on and join us !

          Hi everyone - obviously everyone has more interesting lives than me - youse are all AWOL
          Nice sunny day here in Dublin, have the house to myself, which is bloody nice, bit moany tho, so I reckon an omnibus of eastenders should just bout match my mood.
          Will check in later
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Marching through March - come on and join us !

            :Hi everyone. Just heading to bed shortly. I had a nice day out in the country with friends. Its day 15 and doing well so far so good and not many bad cravings. Good night i'll check back tomorrow sometime. Hope you all a good weekend. xxx:bedtime:


              Marching through March - come on and join us !

              Hi everyone,

              Day 23 AF today, and for some reason I am really tired this morning. But I am enjoying sleeping more soundly at night, no waking around 3am and not getting back to sleep. I LoVE that!!

              Have a great day everyone!


                Marching through March - come on and join us !

                Morning everyone its a nice sunny start but cool. Day 16 for me and i'm feeling quite good apart feeling quite tired most days and i don't always sleep tru the night. Hopefully this will improve with time. Just put some washing in the machine and will do some cleaning and ironing later. Might get a walk in. Just a quiet day planned so far and this evening just chill in front of the tv and do some reading. Happy monday. xxx:lilheart::wavin::cupajoe:


                  Marching through March - come on and join us !

                  Mornin Louie and Firefox. Great stuff both of you with the days (weeks now!) AF. Sleep can go a bit pear-shaped at the beginning but I found 5 or 6 sober hours sleep is worth 8 hrs (20 hrs prob!) drunken sleep, so it balances out. Am off to shops shortly, have to buy a carpet for the room that got flooded - what a waste of bloody money - anyway, has to be done!
                  See you all later.
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Marching through March - come on and join us !

                    Hi everyone. I'm still Marching! Day 16 . I've been to the gym and done some spring cleaning!!! Lovely day here. Witchy I hope you are feeling better you must be a really strong person to cope with your situation :l. Nearly half way through March already !


                      Marching through March - come on and join us !

                      Morning all,
                      Day 24 AF and feel better than I did yesterday, but am very sore from the gym, although plan to go there this morning and have a rest day tomorrow........

                      Have a great one everyone!


                        Marching through March - come on and join us !

                        OOOOOH Louie, I concur!! My legs are aching after a really short little jog on the beach (when I say short, I really really mean short!) I'm horrified how unfit I am - my job has me on my feet all day constantly moving and stretchin etc. - thought I was grand - I'M A MESS!!!!!
                        24 DAYS!! Nearly at the big one - doesn't it feel lovely. Think I'll have a 'rest' day today
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Marching through March - come on and join us !

                          :hallo:Morning everyone. Its dull and misty here but its stopped raining for now i think more is forecast for later. Just having some coffee toast and jam for brekkie. Heading in to town soon for some food shopping and i might pick up some garden plants to make a start on my tubs and boxes outside. Havn't started any gardening yet apart from sweeping up leaves its too cold yet to the mower out. I hate mowing and weeding but it has to be done at some stage. Anyway enjoy your day whatever you have planned. xxxx


                            Marching through March - come on and join us !

                            Hi everyone,
                            So I had a weekend of s***t from my Dad, when he was drunk, but then we ended up havin to take him to the ER on sunday night, he has cancer & has inished his chemo etc, but just lately hes been waking up choking, so they kept him in overnight, didnt get home till 4am, just goes to show even though I hate the drunk Dad, I do love my sober Dad. so you can imagine how screwed up I feel.
                            today it looks like it is going to be beautiful, i am hopefully going to try a receipce for Basil & Feta pinwheels this afternoon or maybe savory scones, yummy.
                            Firefox I love garden pots full of pretty flowers or herbs, what are you going to be planting? The leaves on the trees are starting to turn colour, it's so pretty, on my drive home from work, I drive up this long road which goes thru the middle of a huge belt (if that makes sense) of trees that kinda goes across 3/4's of the city, sort divides the city proper from the suburbs on the hill, so its quite big, I love it in Autumn & Spring, you really get teh sense of the seasons changing.
                            anyway kids, I will check in later.
                            Progress, not perfection!!!
                            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                              Marching through March - come on and join us !

                              Morning all,

                              I think it's Day 25 AF??

                              Witchywoman, very sorry to hear about your Dad, cancer is an awful disease which i am sure has touched us all. My mother passed away from it when I was 13, and both my sisters have had it. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

                              Mollyka, today is my rest day HOORRAH!! Not that I will be resting much, I have alot to do today and my left injured leg is sore and achy. Oh well, push on and push through - I have a life and body to get back!

                              Have a great one everyone.


                                Marching through March - come on and join us !

                                Morning everyone Its just after 5.30 am and still dark outside. I couldn't get back asleep so i'm up having a coffee. Witchy i'm so sorry to hear about your dad i hope he gets well and gets his act together he shouldn't be taking things out on you but its the drink talking that has him that way as i went trough it with my dad. I bought some primulas yesterday and i like many varities of garden flowers which i will buy bit by bit i'm always looking out for new ones to plant. I have some daffodils and tulips comong up now. I want to plant a herb box some time this year too. My cat has pink eye or conjuntivitits which started late on mopnday so i have to take him to the vet this evening or it well get worse. He doesn't seem in much discomfort but his eye looks pink and a bit swollen and a little oozing. Lucky we have the blue cross low cost vet on tonight as vets fees vary here and can be expensive. I got some bargains yestyerday outb shopping i got a nice patterned dress reduced from 17 euro in Pennys ( Primark in uk) to 7 e a short white cardigan a blk cami top and a pink hair band with a flower for 1.50. I also got some false eyelashes for 4.99 which i never wore before but i'll try them over the weekend and see how they look. I'm broke now as i didn't expect to have to take the cat to the vet as it only flared up yesterday afternoon while i was out.
                                Its St. Patrick's day tommorrow and i was craving alchol yesterday so i'm hoping i'll get trough it ok as i normally would have a few Irish coffees and then start on the vino. Seems some people have plans to go out for the day. Anyway i'm starting to waffle so i'll read the posts and check back later. xxx. :cupajoe:awprint::catroll:

