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    :new: Hi, feels strange doing this,but I've been reading your messages and feel that just maybe,this will help me. I've tried AA but couldn't relate at all.Thankfully, I'm not down & out, just cant seem to get through a day without a drink. Every morning (after a night of guilt )I resolve to give it up, but by teatime, I convince myself I can just have one or two...which leads to five or six,or seven or eight. I really hate this! Recently I lost my partner of 30yrs, because of my drinking, I have been in hospital twice due to falling down & needing stitches.I now realise I have a problem & need help, so I look forward to chatting with you guys


    welcome taylormaid you really have made a good choice to come here there is always some really good advice to be had and everyone is so helpfull if you can read the book take the meds and supps and consult your gp and most of all just keep visiting the website good luck and best wishes



      I'm glad you're here. Please download the book and start reading, and continue to read the posts on this've come to a place of many supportive people with similar stories. Right now, we're dealing with the loss of one of our own, so please understand that we welcome you, but we're just not as chatty as usual. We, of course, will be happy to answer any questions, so please don't hesitate to ask!
      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.



        [QUOTE=just cant seem to get through a day without a drink. Every morning (after a night of guilt )I resolve to give it up, but by teatime, I convince myself I can just have one or two...which leads to five or six,or seven or eight. I really hate this falling down & needing stitches.

        I wish you the best of luck. That really sounds like me. When you fall down and hurt yourself you realize that you have a problem and something must be done. I' m not looking forward to my blood tests tomorrow as I know my liver function test will be out of this world! Good luck! I am working on cutting back or eliminating booze myself as I know my liver can't take this much longer.



          I too have the same. Wake up, decide not to drink, get home and drink! Its a vicious circle of self loathing. Have done a couple of weeks at 5 days sober. However I get to the weekend and it starts all over again. My brother is getting married this week and Saturday I will try so hard not to drink.



            Hi Taylormaid,
            :welcome: to MWO.
            I hope you will find the help you are looking for here.
            There are many people here in the process of healing.
            We are not "there" yet.

            Check out all threads and post as many places as you can to look for the support you need.

            I post in monthly abs because that is my goal right now and also longterm abs. Working on it for months now. Don't get discouraged.

            YOU CAN DO THIS.

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10



              Thanks everyone

              who replied last night, it is good to have people who understand and feel the same...again, I went through todaysaying I wouldn't have a drink when I got home this evening and once again I found an excuse to pour myself a drink soon after getting home....I hope all of you who lost your friend recently have found some comfort now, its a hard road when we lose a loved one




                how did your tests go today? I hope you got good results



                  thanks Kate

                  its think your the only one feeling this way, having these problems and then suddenly you discover, hey, there are lots and lots of people out there trying to get through the same thing as you...your message helped me realise I'm not alone Kate, thanks for that



                    Yup, it feels like you're the only one...




                      You're certainly not alone, I think most of us on this site have been (and still are) in the same vicious circle, But since finding this site 11 days ago i've cut back from 3 bottles of wine a day down to only 1, and i've managed 2 days AF.

                      Good luck with everything and take care, it's good to have you here.

                      Take care, Paula



                        crap. i have done that for the last year. every morning having a frank talk with myself on the way to work about not drinking only to have "one" drink when i get home *then more* and then waking up in the a.m. to start it all over again. i am overweight, bored and guilt ridden. sunday i determined to quit drinking or go into treatment. i didnt drink sunday and had one glass of wine last night...hopefully, i can hold it together when i get home. glad we all have each other because this stuff is hard. congrats to nancy that is awesome and thanks for being so encouraging all!!



                          Welcome Talormaid!
                          You've come to a great place for support!
                          Keep Smiling
                          Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
                          April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
                          wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
                          wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
                          wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
                          wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
                          wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
                          wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

                          I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.



                            Welcome can do this! There are so many helping hands right here who understand..I came feeling just like you this summer, read the book and followed RJs recommendations to the T..I tried moderation for a while and now have been AF for six weeks (I finally realized I just tired of trying to fit drinking in my life..the topamax helped me change that). The program works great and the support here is wonderful..but you do have to want it..and coming here sounds like a big YES! Good luck!

