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The new me, my new life

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    The new me, my new life

    Hi everyone!!
    Well it's been a month today, wow I never thought I would maKE it. I've been trying for years. Waking up in the morning talking to myself and swearing that I would TRY not to drink again....
    1 month ago I emailed 2 of my closest friends and ask for their help...and they did help me. I could not ask my husband of 16 years because he is my drinking partner (that's a whole other demon story). I quit cold turkey, woke up in the middle of the night in cold sweat for a few days.... now I'm just tired... Not sure why but I could sleep all the time. Is it years of abuse??
    I do want to drink again...socially, but I'm not sure when I'll be ready.... My husband now blames me for the lack of fun in our life!! Go figure I guess I'm only fun to be around when I'm drunk and passing out!?!?
    The first reason I stopped isfor me and the second is for my two teenagers (14 - girl and 16- boy). I've been having so much fun with them right now... I would do anything for them.
    This is only one little tiny piece of my life....The whole story is to come (hopefully) whenI feel comfortable...
    Thank you

    The new me, my new life

    hi daysie and:welcome: well done for reaching out for help. you will find great support and advice here. you do end up having no fun drinking....thats why you're here, and i bet you are finding a whole new fun being sober with your kids. keep reading and posting, let us know how you're getting on.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      The new me, my new life

      Hi Daysie,:welcome:

      I hope you'll continue on your sober journey - so much better for you and your kids. Maybe your husband will come around after he observes you over a longer period of time and sees how life can be!! If not, he can just be bored and drink alone. LOL

      Wishing you the best.



        The new me, my new life

        Hi Daysie:welcome:

        Congratulations with a month AL free!!

        It's difficult when you live with someone who drinks, for sure.

        Keep up the good work.

        Best wishes to you.


          The new me, my new life

          Good for you! I too have had the best time with my kids ever since I have been sober. It is awesome. And totally worth it. I hope your husband comes around. You just have to find a different kind of fun.
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            The new me, my new life

            Welcome to a wonderful place! You will find support and solace here. It's nice to have you...thank you for sharing your story. You will find that with each day sober, joy becomes more and more present in your life. That's what I have gained in just over 50 days...pure joy! Congrats on your success of one month sober!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              The new me, my new life

              Hi Daysie,

              Just wanted to say hello, welcome & CONGRATS on your 30 AF days :goodjob:

              Feeling tired, even slightly ill in the beginning is pretty average. Your body is in the healing process, take good care of yourself!
              Are you taking any supplements? Everything is outlined in the MWO book which you can download from the Health Store if you haven't already.

              Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support.
              Many of us are thriving despite the lack of support from our spouses, you can to

              Wishing you the best!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                The new me, my new life

                It took me 5 to 6 weeks of sobriety before I fell into "normal" sleep patterns.

                This drug messes with our minds and bodies so much, we have a hard time figuring what is what.

                Give yourself some time to sleep and be rested. It will happen. I promise.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  The new me, my new life

                  Hi there
                  congratulations on your 30 days. It feels great doesn't it? Enjoy the control you have over your life and the new ways of having fun. I don't think someone who drinks can appreciate that.
                  I still feel tired at the moment, even though I sleep better AF. I felt great in the second week. I think it comes and goes. Everyone is different. Despite that you have to be healthier


                    The new me, my new life

                    :welcome:30 days, wonderful. It takes time to heal, and the new normal may be more sleep times needed. I agree that the vitamins recommended by Roberta Jewell are really helpful and make a huge difference.

                    Sending you peace and strength on this journey to having a better life.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      The new me, my new life

                      Congratulations on 30 days AF!!

                      I hope to be joining you there in around 17 days time.


                        The new me, my new life

                        hey daysie, I have an almost 13 year old and I can totally "get" what you're saying! I love that when he mentions something that happened recently and I don't know what he's talking about - I can stand my ground and say "you never told me about that..." rather than sheepishly assume that I was drunk when he told me and therefore I don't remember. :-( Today is day 19 for me and while I'm still having lots of trouble with sleep, I am lovin it. :-)

                        Cinders, thanks for the hope that the sleep will eventually straighten itself out!

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          The new me, my new life

                          Thank you so much everyone!! You have no idea what this means to me...(well you probably do). Another week sober!!! Yes!! Still tired, but I'm getting better, my husband still drinks and when we go to bed he snores like a train....maybe that's why I can't sleep?!?!?
                          I swear I would love to sleep in another room at the moment...LOL
                          Almost 5 weeks I can't believe it and I can't believe that I don't miss it that much.
                          Last Saturday was bad... my husband was up to 5 bottles of wine and asked me if I found it hard? I told him that on that particular day I did...what does he do...? Offer me a glass???? Really???!!!! Thank goodness I made that choice for me and my kids....

                          Well it's Saturday again.... Yikes!!! Be Strong Nat.... Talk again soon....


                            The new me, my new life

                            Louie you will join me... and together we will beat this demon.... Hang on and be strong.


                              The new me, my new life

                              Hey lolab, Isn't great!! I'm so happy for you and for me. My kids are so open to me lately or maybe they always were but I don't remember??? I amso happy I found this site...

