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It's me ... again

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    It's me ... again

    Hi everyone,

    I'm back again. I left because I kept failing even though everyone is so supportive. So I thought I'd get some AL-free time under my belt and come back. That plan didn't work. I don't even know what to say.

    This is really depressing.

    But I'm still hopeful.


    It's me ... again

    Bluejay - you came back and that is what is important. We are here to cheer you on. Get one or two days AF under your bet, continue to read and post and you will be amazed how you feel. You are among friends. Don't give up!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      It's me ... again

      Welcome back BlueJay-
      We have all been in the exact position. Best thing - you came back!!!!! Very tough thing, if it were esay this Board wouldn't exist. The importnat thing is you are learning. Keep posting, chin-up - fight on!
      We are all in this together.


        It's me ... again

        Welcome back BlueJay,
        I too have started many times, just don't give up. My question to you is, what have your learned? You obviously value being AF, want it, and have enough courage to come back and ask for support. Sometimes it is part of the journey.

        Go to the toolbox, keep reading, order the supplements and book, listen to the CDs. Really try it all, and find what works for you. We are all different and that is the beauty of this program. Take what works for you and leave the rest.

        It is amazing how healthy and peaceful being AF makes you feel. Things money can't buy, only something you choose to give to yourself. You can do this.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          It's me ... again

          Hi BlueJay, the great news is that you are back to fight the battle. It is not easy to try to gain the power back from alcohol; but you can do it.

          What are your goals? Perhaps a short term goal, such as the 30 days sober, to let your head clear? During that time you could reflect on what your longer term goals are, why you want to stop drinking, explore the cues and triggers etc.

          Hang in there, and let us know. How many days of sobriety are you at now?

          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            It's me ... again

            Bluejay you are not alone in your struggle. We are all fighting the same battle. Glad you are back. We are all here to help!
            While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
            Benjamin Franklin


              It's me ... again

              Bluejay - welcome back.

              Sending you peace and strength,


                It's me ... again

                Welcome back Bluejay.

                You can do this! We are here for you.

