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Think I've gone too far this time

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    Think I've gone too far this time

    Hey Louie

    no worries great to see more people chiming in. From my limited research it would seem if the yellow eyes is acted upon like.. THIS IS MY LAST CHANCE STOP NOW OR DIE... then the liver can recover. For us at this point its IMPERITIVE we dont fail.

    Take milk thistle tablets. Beetroot juice is a great tonic too, real stuff not the vinegar from the jar type, drink water, get plenty rest.

    When I managed 30 days before it was after about 5 or 6 days my quality of life ROCKETED skywards, i started to sleep good, feel good in mornings, lose weight and have a general feeling of well being.
    The weight fell off me without doing anything much else, so girls another big incentive there.

    Well this is second morning AF for me, I'm feeling better but still feel rough in the morning but its now an 'altered' rough, eyes still look shit but better, mild headache, but psychologically I'm improving cos I know this is day 2 of the rest of my life, theres no going back this time.

    Post experiences everyone, how your feeling etc....

    I will try to post here everyday

    Be strong
    AF 3-3-11
    1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
    Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
    NF since 1992


      Think I've gone too far this time

      Yellow eyes is scary Ronker, your body has given you a warning (terrific machine that it is) and you are responding to it ; that's how it works. Your yellow eyes are telling you that you are poisoning yourself and your brain is telling you to stop it. That's the mechanics of it.

      You are in control of this. Take it by the reins and read, post, educate yourself as much as you can. Keep posting too, because you are helping other people. Good luck


        Think I've gone too far this time

        That's great Ronker! Day 14 for me today and I still feel/ look like crap!

        But like you I know this is Day 14 of the rest of my llfe, and know there is no going back as well.

        Well done!!


          Think I've gone too far this time

          vintage girl;1070285 wrote: Yellow eyes is scary Ronker, your body has given you a warning (terrific machine that it is) and you are responding to it ; that's how it works. Your yellow eyes are telling you that you are poisoning yourself and your brain is telling you to stop it. That's the mechanics of it.

          You are in control of this. Take it by the reins and read, post, educate yourself as much as you can. Keep posting too, because you are helping other people. Good luck
          yep scared the crap outta me, I knew it was time.

          Its good in a way cos it was the backside kick I needed badly, but I wont go back this time, NO WAY, will always see those yellow eyes staring back at me in the mirror that morning!

          That coupled with Rain in my heart.

          Anyone who not seen this should watch it, it will sort your thoughts on drinking out, once n for all.

          Anyone got any other 'must watch' stuff?

          Its like smoking, I loved that but knew had to stop, I love my booze but I gotta stop, and its like stopping smoking too, its gotta be all or nothing, cutting down doesnt work.

          this is my third 'dry'night, got my appeltize, and looking fwd to bed!

          bed is the safety zone, no cravings, n relaxation....
          AF 3-3-11
          1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
          Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
          NF since 1992


            Think I've gone too far this time

            Ronker, do not stress about your liver; trust your body's ability to heal itself. We all have an internal program for healing ourselves, whether it be a cut on your finger or a swollen liver. I was reading a book on recovery and it states that your liver will start to heal itself immediately once you stop drinking. A swollen liver gets back to normal, whether you take Milk Thistle or not. Definitely keep taking Milk Thistle, it's a proven liver tonic. Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins. Get lots of sleep. Don't worry about your liver, "energy flows where attention goes". See yourself healing. Visualize waking up and having the yellow eyes gone. It will happen. Focus on the positives of not drinking and the negatives that have taken their toll on you will melt away. Empower yourself to heal!:goodjob:
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Think I've gone too far this time

              something else noted,,,,, eyes are itchy,, have been for a while,,, thought hay fever but read can be liver related....

              OMG gets worse, I'v e had some of these symptoms a looong time, just never clicked on the booze till yellow eyes.

              oh well onwards n upwards I suppose.........
              AF 3-3-11
              1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
              Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
              NF since 1992


                Think I've gone too far this time

                Ronker - It will get better. Your body is just getting all those toxins out. Keep drinking plenty of cleansing water and supplements. And remember what a freaking awesome thing you are doing for yourself. Your body and mind will heal and you will feel better than you have in a long long time. I know from experience! Keep us posted on your progress - we are rooting for you!!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Think I've gone too far this time

                  getting there slooowly, I'm totally lost now without my drink.

                  I dont crave it so much as miss it.

                  Thought bought making some hash cookies as i dont smoke but guess thats outta frying pan into fire!

                  off for kudzo
                  AF 3-3-11
                  1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
                  Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
                  NF since 1992


                    Think I've gone too far this time

                    Thanks for pm Ronker, and keep going. Hope you feel better v soon


                      Think I've gone too far this time

                      So where'd everyone go? I'm still going here, i ad a bit of an issue to sort so not been on for a while.
                      hows MYA?
                      AF 3-3-11
                      1 FEB 2011 new crusade (failed)
                      Stopped AL 17 November 2010 did 30 days
                      NF since 1992


                        Think I've gone too far this time

                        Hey Ronker - hope you are doing better and back on track
                        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                          Think I've gone too far this time

                          Good morning Ronker et al---

                          Day 16 for me. Big craving yesterday afternoon, after finishing a long DIY decorating project---so I poured myself a tonic water with a slice of lime in a nice crystal tumbler---NO gin---and enjoyed a late-afternoon happy hour without booze! Happy, indeed.

                          You can do this, Ronker. Your eyes will be milky-white in no time!
                          Jane Jane


                            Think I've gone too far this time

                            Good going guys! it does take time for us to see the physical signs of recovery and sometimes you can feel worse instead of better but stick with it.......your body is just repairing and recovering.
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Think I've gone too far this time

                              You should use the yellow eyes as a warning that you need to seriously think about making a plan on how your going to stop drinking and stay stopped. Take the positive from this that you have a warning where some people dont. Good luck


                                Think I've gone too far this time

                                Hey Ronker, you don't know me as I am a newbie, so nice to meet you! I was just wondering are you still AF, and did your eyes clear up? I have been following your story and as a fellow Aussie, I am very proud of you!! (Hope I am not being too nosy, if so ignore!!)


