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What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

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    What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

    Oh yeah, I forgot to answer the question! If people ask and really want an answer, I tell them that I'm doing a low-carb stint, and that is actually true as well.
    Resisting all Magical day at a time


      What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

      I was getting ready for the party last night, had a bit of a headache and was thinking what soft drink to take... "Maybe I'll be OK with just light beer". At which point I rang in my apology, ran a soothing hot bath and was in bed by 9 o'clock!

      Slept like a baby, then went for an early morning a walk on the beach.

      With a clear head, cool sand between my toes, and the warm morning sun on my face, I contempleted....

      Maybe for the moment, I'm content with being sober and alone, rather than drunk and lonley.
      Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


        What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

        I have to say the "I'm on a diet" or "watching my weight" or "on a special diet" or "health kick" .. I"ve heard all of those from other people so why not me for a change???

        The last time I was in a social situation where someone noticed and asked me why I wasn't drinking I just said I'd had a mild headache all day and didn't want to make it would have been hard to say I was watching my weight as we were eating dinner at a steak house and I didn't order anything remotely possible on any diet!


          What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

          Early days for me yet but I will be saying AL doesn't agree with me anymore, makes me feel ill. Also I will be saying (truthfully) that I want to stay clear headed for studying and taking exams. Another one will be I'm driving. That should do me for the next little while anyhow!
          AF since 27th February 2011


            What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

            Redjib, AL doesn't have any carbs, so you may have to change that up a little. Beer and wine have carbs, but not hard liquor. That's why they used to call it the drinking man's diet.
            I was at a dinner party with friends several months ago. One of our friends does not drink and has not for years. We don't see him very often because he lives several states away but he was there that night. When he passed on the wine, another friend at the end of the table yells out, Why don't you drink? Are you an alcoholic? Everyone at the table was so uncomfortable and both the victim and his wife said, no, no, he just prefers not to drink. I happen to know that it has caused him problems but I thought that was the most rude piece of work I had seen in a long time. I don't know what possessed her but she does has a sister who is an alcoholic and she shares that freely. Personally, I just say that I haven't felt my best recently so I stopped drinking and I felt so much better that I am stopping for a while. The truth is that I think most people in this drinking world we live in know that when most people stop that they have a problem, but they are too polite to say anything.


              What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

              At the end of the day/night, other people don't care if you drink or not. They really don't. They are mostly too wrapped up in their own worries to care. So, it turns out it is not a big deal to them. Unless you make it a big deal in your head for yourself (and worse project it outward). Just say: "I feel like drinking water tonight" or similar such line is all you really need. And have fun. Wake up in morning feeling great. TWO


                What Do You Tell Your Social Circle?

                I tell most people I don't drink as it makes me really really sick and ill... Even just a small amount. To be honest, I don't know whether they are ok with it or not but I couldn't care. Friends are people who care about your health and wellbeing and if they don't like the fact that al makes me feel awful then they are not friends.. Final!

