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I need to get out of this vicious circle

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    I need to get out of this vicious circle

    I'm having problems with my drinking. I'm alright all week and then Friday and Saturday drink until I pass out and its beginning to frighten me. I have a son and twice now I have passed out while he has been up with me and has ended up falling asleep next to me after trying desparately to wake me up. What if anything had happened to him while I was in some stupor. I want and need to stop this vicious cycle that I have got myself into but not sure how. I've always liked a drink but if I'm honest I have used it as a crutch to get through life and give me confidence the same as smoking also another destructive habit. My son is my absolute life so why do I do this every weekend. I need some advice and help as I cannot go to my family they just wouldn't understand and would probably put me down for it
