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Found me a goal!

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    Found me a goal!

    So I found a goal to reach af that excites me and doesn't stress me.

    There's always my job to look out for, but that stresses me.
    There's my health, but that stresses me.
    There's my living situations, but that stresses me.
    There's my family, who I love and that stresses me too.

    Now though I'm on a commitee for a festivle in July (a long time off I know but I'm excited). I'll be working as a volunteer in the childrens booth for 5 days camping out onsite. Painting faces, doing crafts and playing mommy (I'm not one myself). There will be fire dancers at nights and booths galore, five days of music entertainers and so much more!
    To do this I need steady hands and a clear head.

    I'm already working on af and doing pretty well....from 2 16oz sixers a day (one before work until I got suspended for smelling of al) to 3 beers in the evening or little bits here and there while I'm tapering off to keep my heart in check. I feel positive about only this one thing in my life so far (getting better) as my consumption has made everything else a big stress.

    So Even though it's far off, I'll already be ready. This is making me think about getting involved in more things like it, as opposed to what I've been doing for like 10 years, which is sitting in my hole drinking infront of the tv...I hope with all hope I do not falter, I cannot.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    I'm lost, I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, Please ask me to wait.

    Found me a goal!

    TBTC, I think it's wonderful that you have this long-term project. It will keep you busy and help you get off the alcohol. I don't remember what your goal is. I would think that you're trying to abstain once you taper down enough to stop drinking?

    Anyway, let us know how we can help. Any stress that you can alleviate from your life is a must on so many levels. Stress causes a plethora of health issues even aside from drinking.

    Best of luck,


