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    God this sucks. My fear of withdrawl is worse than anything. I say I am going to stop, wake up in the morning feel awful and then have a couple drinks to reduce the nausea and shakes. I want to stop! Trying to taper down now. Works some days but not always. Depressed, anxious and mad at myself for not being able to deal with this!


    azmarkm;1071230 wrote: God this sucks. My fear of withdrawl is worse than anything. I say I am going to stop, wake up in the morning feel awful and then have a couple drinks to reduce the nausea and shakes. I want to stop! Trying to taper down now. Works some days but not always. Depressed, anxious and mad at myself for not being able to deal with this!
    Hi! Don't be mad at yourself! What you are describing sounds like a vicious circle. (it also sounds like a bloody nightmare, I really feel for you!) If you are serious about tapering maybe setting goals and sticking to them would help. Better still if you could just stop, but I don't know how bad it is and wouldn't dream of judging you.

    Maybe you should get something from the doctor to help you with the shakes and the nausea rather than having another drink to calm down? I am only suggesting it because I know how difficult it is to stop at one. Or two, or ten.

    I hope it helps to know that you are not alone in your struggle and you have come to the right place for help, support and advice. There is a lot to be learned from here, so keep reading and posting and I hope you feel better soon. :welcome:



      WIthout knowing how much you drank and for how long it is hard to advise on tapering-- I quit cold turkey but at my worst I was only drinking about a bottle of wine a night but over 6 or 7 hours. Physically I was okay but mentally it was rough. I used some meds last year when I got off but not much. If I had been faced with having to taper I think I would have gone to get the meds right away. I just wanted to get off drink right then. It could be that your fear of withdrawal is worse than it woudl actually be. Alcohol withdrawal can be serious business of course but also remember that alcohol has probably got a firm hold on you now and does not want to give you up-- so the fear might be partially caused by that as well. I am not sure where you live and I know in the US at times there is a real problem getting into a doc and feeling okay to ask for meds--but using them and getting off booze would give you a huge lift rght away I think-- good luck!




        Yes, it is hard to quit but you can do it!
        Each time you drink you just move yourself further from your goal of quitting.

        Arm yorself with as much knowledge as possible. Download the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. The book has lots of good information to help you.
        Seeing your doctor is probably the safest way for you to go. Tell him/her what's going on & ask for help.

        I'm glad you found MWO, this is a good place! You will find lots of support!

        Wishing you the best,

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:




          Been drinking at least 1.0 L per day for the past two months. Had a seizure two weeks ago. I just don't want this in my life! So here is what I did. Called Mom and Dad and several friends and let them know that I do not want to be alone again for at least a week. They have already dealt with this enough! Just going to have to do it! Thanks for their support.



            Good Luck azmarkm.

            Stick by this site, you will find it a great support.
            Have a look on the "tool thread" for lots of tips on staying sober. I think its in the Monthly Abstinence section.

            All the best

            Still trying !!!
            AF 25th June2014

