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Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

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    Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

    Hi Everyone

    This is my first post and I only recently found the site so apologies if this issue/question has already been addressed.

    Anyway, I clasify myself as an alcohol abuser in that I enjoy the occasional visit to the pub, enjoy having a few pints but then fail to put the brakes on at the appropriate time - leading to fairly frequent blackouts, loss of memory, making a fool of myself, trying the patience of my friends, spending too much, and generally ending up worried about what I cant remember and depressed about what I can remember the next day!!

    With some degree of success I am atempting to manage my drinking a bit better. To help with that process I've read with interest about Kudzu as a help towards moderating the amount one drinks. What I would like is something one could take a few tablets of before going out, rather than something that has to be taken each and every day - does Kudzu work like this and, if so, will it contine to work into the future or does its effectiveness taper off over time?

    Ta v much and greetings from Dublin

    Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

    Hi Chromeo & :welcome:

    When I'm going out & know there's going to be drinking all around...
    I make sure to take an L-Glutamine capsule before going anywhere, as well make sure to have plenty of water, including a glass in between each drink (wine or beer...) as I don't drink hard liquoir @ Hubby's request- yep I guess I WAS THAT BAD!! Thank God he's never video'd like he threatened!! (that I know of...:egad: )

    Kudzo seems to work as well, and I think you can take them both, as L-glut is just an amino acid. I'm also on Topa, which for me has been a true life-saver! Welcome again, and catch ya around "campus"...

    :l Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

      Do you really want to drink less?


        Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

        It is not a magical cure I can tell you that much. I did notice that after three months on glutemine I did drink a bit less but still consumed a good amount, and wanted to consume just about every day.
        I have been on Kudzu for a week and I think it is helping. Some of the vitamines and supplements take awhile before they start kicking in.
        I have been unsuccessful trying bits and pieces of the program but now I am hopeful that I will have more success after reading the book, taking the supplements on a regular basis, and I have ordered the CDs.
        Keep in touch!


        : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


          Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

          Thanks Judie and Laura for your welcome and tips - certainly I think a lot of what I'll be about on this forum for the next while will be reading and 'cherry picking' but thats no bad thing....

          Owly's one liner (of course) has me intrigued. I'm going to make the assumption that your post is suggesting to me that I have not really faced up to the reality of my drinking and the logical outcomes of that reality i.e. that I should be contemplating moving to a life without alcohol. Maybe youre not going that far but I think you are asking whether I'm serious or not...

          Its a good and probably pretty perceptive question because my relationship with drink is not black and white - not that I think it is for anyone who ever takes a drink. As clearly as I can put it, drink is a drug I use no different to other drugs just cos its legal. I like and enjoy it and quite regularly have splendid evenings with friends over a few pints - problems only arise when I'm out on 'big' nights out which involve a longer time period. These have become a pain and certainly I have contemplated whether the couple of cosy pints might have to be sacrificed in order to prevent the disasters.

          However, and I dont think I'm in denial here, what my initial post is about is trying to prevent that sacrifice becoming an inevitability i.e. I'm attempting to find ways to moderate and control my drinking....

          Owly its just occured that I've probably mis-read your post completly(Gonna leave the above up there though... cos it clearly wanted to get out) ...You were probably asking if I want to use Kudzu to help drink less or to drink the same and get less 'fecked'. The answer I think is in my drinking pattern - I get kind of speeded up after a certain amount whereupon I start to loose track, i drink faster not slower and it all starts to unravel. What I'm looking to Kudzu etc for is hlp with pacing.....slower drinking to less effect. So yes I do want to drink less


            Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

            Hi Chromeo,

            My post was not intended to put you on the defense. Sorry!
            You have come to a great place with some wonderful people!

            : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


              Advice please on Kudzu!!!!

              Hey Laura

              Nothing but positives in your post(s) - I would say that I found Owly's post 'challenging' (In a good way) but thats part of what I think this forum is about. Anyhoo thanks again chat to ya later


