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All encouragement welcomed

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    All encouragement welcomed

    I am sitting at my desk (home office), almost ready to start yet another day behind at work, behind in life, and worried about how to cope. Wine is how I cope. But I've run out of runway, and as I look at myself, I don't recognize the person I've become. And my beautiful seven year old son, not yet aware of this dysfunctino in mommy's life, is growing up before me, yet I'm too tired from drinking to engage with him. For him, for me, this has to change. When you want to stop the pain and pick up that drink, what do you do......please, strategies welcome.

    All encouragement welcomed

    I am in the same place

    I am a daily wine drinker. The craving for it has taken my brain over. I literally feel like a hostage. I have begun the Sinclair Method: That is, I take a 50 mg Naltrexone tablet an hour prior to drinking. I am going to give this method as long as it takes. I believe that it will make my cravings for alcohol ABSOLUTELY EXTINCT. And it's about time! I've lent so much of my time, $$, moments to alcohol. I want to kick it out completely. Good luck to you!!!!!!


      All encouragement welcomed

      :welcome:ROML - I'm sure others will come along later, but I wanted to welcome you and give you a link to the toolbox:

      There are many strategies and plans under that thread which can help you get started. You'll have to devise one, because different things work for different people. Some use meds, some taper off, and some just stop drinking.

      I would recommend reading here as much as you possibly can, posting often, and setting some goals. The more you read, the more you'll see that people are much better off without alcohol when it has caused them problems in their lives. And, this is even more so for people like you with children. There are quite a few people here with kids, and they talk a lot about how much better their family life is now that they don't drink.

      Many have had success with drinking tons of water, taking the supplments, and reading books like Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Stop Drinking.

      Ketch, welcome to you too!:welcome:

      Sending you both peace and strength,



        All encouragement welcomed

        Thank for directing me to the toolbox. I feel so lonely and alone. I'll be reading these posts to join your community. Isolation is a HUGE trigger for drinking for me.


          All encouragement welcomed

          Welcome roml & ketchikan1 You have both come to a great community with lots of support and good sound advice,read as many posts & threads as you can and share your thoughts and feelings,you are not alone in this battle,we have/are all been there,give yourself a chance and get a plan together,

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            All encouragement welcomed

            The bottom line for me was that I had to want to quit drinking more than I wanted to drink

            ROML - what Sheri says was absolutely true for me. My first two tries were not successful because I wanted to drink more than I wanted to quit. By the third time I was so sick of the vicious cycle that something just clicked and I knew I wanted to quit more than I wanted that next drink.

            Lots of advice here for you to read and also lots of support. We've all been where you are at one time or another - reach out to us and we will do all we can to help you!

            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


              All encouragement welcomed

              Hello & welcome RestofMyLife & Ketchikan,

              Glad you found us, we're a good group here. You will find lots of support, you are not alone.
              A good plan & a firm commitment to quit drinking will help you tremendously!
              I highly recommend the Hypnotherapy CDs (available in the Health store here). They really helped me learn to relax without AL & to changing my thinking about it. AL is not your friend it is poison!

              Please feel free to drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support
              Wishing you bot the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                All encouragement welcomed

                Hello Rest & Ketchikan,

                Just to say welcome and stick close by this site. It really can be a great support if you want to take a break from the booze.
                Just by logging on is the first step. I wish you both well and hope you get going straight away and get a few Alcohol free days under your belt and take it from there.

                All the best.

                Damo in Dublin
                Still trying !!!
                AF 25th June2014


                  All encouragement welcomed

                  Hi x

                  Hi and welcome ROML, you're in great company here :welcome:.
                  I like so many on here, I have been in your shoes, many times. Like Jolie, I'd tried cutting down, abstaining without much success for as long as I can remember, then something clicked, I think that 'something' was my rock bottom, which for me I had to reach before that click could happen. I'm only on day 16, but for me that's a miracle, one which last month I couldn't even imagine, and so far so great, it's been far from easy, but I can honestly say it's been well worth it. For the first time in years I am looking forward to the future, not wondering what the Hell's instore for me and my family because I can't put a glass down.
                  Keep posting and reading on here, you'll get lots of support, advice and inspiration, we're all here to hold your hand :h
                  You're on your way, recognising the problem and wanting to deal with it, then finding this place, the only way is up!
                  Good luck xxxx


                    All encouragement welcomed

                    welcome to the community rest and ketch. Rest, this sense of isolation that you feel? We have all felt that, that's why this is such a great place. You are NOT alone here, there are people here fighting the same battle who understand.

                    I can't add to the great advice given above, just stick close to this place and read and post lots. :welcome:


                      All encouragement welcomed

                      RestOfMyLife;1071761 wrote: I am sitting at my desk (home office), almost ready to start yet another day behind at work, behind in life, and worried about how to cope. Wine is how I cope. But I've run out of runway, and as I look at myself, I don't recognize the person I've become. And my beautiful seven year old son, not yet aware of this dysfunctino in mommy's life, is growing up before me, yet I'm too tired from drinking to engage with him. For him, for me, this has to change. When you want to stop the pain and pick up that drink, what do you do......please, strategies welcome.
                      Wino here too - 5 days sober - and I just decided 5 days ago that NO matter how stressed, how much I wanted to numb myself to cope, its just time to do it regardless. Luckily for me I'm really fit so when the smaller kids go off to school and the older ones work ( I have 6) I put on my running shoes and just run and run. By the time I get home anywhere from 2-4 hours later then its time for housework and other stuff. It has helped to keep busy and personally I just arent prepared to put myself through being such a screw up anymore. I gave up a hardout smoking addiction about 5 years ago so very prepared for withdrawal and all it brings

