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Rewarding Yourself

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    Rewarding Yourself

    Ive been trying to quit AL for so long now I feel lost. I was just wondering if anyone else had any ideas about how you can reward yourself if you dont want to drink anymore. Ive got some plans in my head of how to combat the AL voice from reading heaps here but you know when you've studied hard or just cleaned the whole house and you deserve that drink and you not so strong minded I was just wondering what others do for a reward.Any ideas or suggestions would be great. :thanks:

    Rewarding Yourself

    Hi Pyes ! I find a cup of tea and a bit of chocolate does the trick for me


      Rewarding Yourself

      Coffee and some chocolate or tea if you prefer is a nice treat and may be plan to watch something on tv or put a dvd or some music on. Another idea is an af drink wit ice and slice of lemon or lime in a nice glass.


        Rewarding Yourself

        It's tough, because at the time it does feel like a reward, but if it was a good thing you wouldn't be wanting to quit. I tend to head for exercise, or a hot bath or something I feel like doing that distracts me from drinking. After a while the urge goes away.


          Rewarding Yourself

          For a time I was making a drink with cranberry juice and olives. It was tangy and it hit the spot. Now, I just have this great tea I found, Bigelow brand with orange and spice.

          You can do this, keep trying, and find new things to do, new things to drink, develop new habits. It is so not worth it to feel sick the next day, so keep that in mind too.

          Sending you hope and strength.
          Formerly known as redhibiscus


            Rewarding Yourself

            reward yourself by not drinking poison... you're worth it!!!!
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Rewarding Yourself

              Hi Pyes,

              All great advice above. I would just reiterate, in my own situation, finding other enjoyable activities is a must. Having vacant time, especially in the early stages, will be deadly to any recovery efforts. I would also like to add that thoughts of alcohol as a reward do go away. I am over 70 days at this point and I do not look at alcohol as any kind of reward at all. I look at it as totally destructive. Give it time and you will too.
              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                Rewarding Yourself

                Hi Pyes, rewards are certainly cool to work towards. Your goals still need to be clear, and the reasons why you want to quit have to be for you. If you are only quitting to get the reward, this may be classical conditioning, and not quitting for the real reason - you have lost your power over alcohol, and you want to change that.

                The bottom line for me, is I am saving about $ 2500 a year by not drinking anymore. So when I want to buy a tool at the hardwear store or whatever, guilt free, I buy it. Having a little allowance like that, is my reward.

                Take care,
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Rewarding Yourself

                  As an adult I don't really feel the need to reward myself for anything!

                  But my gratitude list is growing huge!!!
                  Mostly I am grateful for my health, freedom from crippling anxiety/depression & the freedom to spend precious time with my very young grandchildren
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Rewarding Yourself

                    Buying that little treat, which for me is a book or a cd, is a good way of reminding yourself that you are saving your money as well as your life. I have directly replaced booze with ice creams - I now eat a Magnum or Solero each night ( UK brands) Another breakthrough is I have decided to take up coarse fishing again. I used to love early morning fishing in my teens. Sitting watching the dawn break and nature coming to life. From my early twenties when I started drinking heavy I haven't had the will to get up in the morning. Now on day 39 AF I have bought new tackle and am really looking forward to those spring mornings. It is like being young again. On a different topic but also inspiring is Eric Cantona ( a soccer player who played for a team I don't follow so normally would not like him) came out with a great line on tv over here. He probably stole the line but he said "the past is a prison so choose to be a free man and live in the now and the future" this is probably of Buddhist origin but is a real strong phrase to hold with you. KEEP ON KEEPING ON.
                    Last drink 6th September 2013


                      Rewarding Yourself

                      An indian head massage. It blisses me out for 48 hours and makes me feel as if I have got my reward. I need my reward. Oh and a new book instead of economical second hand ones,and shopping and a play or concert I love live entertainment. I bought new glam pyjamas today now that Im not passing out every night drunk I reckon I deserve them. I am REALLY into rewards.
                      I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                      There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                        Rewarding Yourself

                        I am really enjoying buying things I need/want guilty free.
                        Whether its a pair of runners , any clothes or even just a household appliance that we could do with but not essential.
                        Was never willing to buy much of anything as I spent so much on booze I felt guilty buying things.

                        Best of Luck in staying AF, something really good will happen in your life if you can stick with staying sober. The benefits are endless.

                        All the Best
                        Damo in dublin
                        Still trying !!!
                        AF 25th June2014


                          Rewarding Yourself

                          Wow guys thanks to all of you for taking the time to reply. Some really great ideas thanks again.

