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Day1, help please

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    Day1, help please

    :new: I've been lurking for a while but just created loggin. I'm not real sure how this works, hopefully i won't get lost in the thread. I've been trying to kick AL for a while now but haven't had much success but i'm starting to feel so bad, I have to quit or I'm going to wind up dead. I'm really really scared. I asked husband to remove all liquor from house but I've done that before too. I finally opened up to my mom and sister-in-law, but really need support from others who have been there. I think my liver is enlarged, my heart is racing and hands shaking. Please help!

    Day1, help please

    Hey Spunky.. Just wanted to say hi.... There are great people here who will be along soon to
    give you great support.. I am on day 5.. Welcome and you are in the right place..
    Just stay around and soak it all in...


      Day1, help please

      Welcome spunky - as Shiner said, a great place to be! Try reading stuff in the Toolbox for help - you can download the book from the healthstore too. It is hard but it can be done - lots of folk here are AF (Alcohol free) and were where you are. If you have been lurking then you have read quite a bit - so just post and read some more - welcome and all the best on your journey,

      hugs, Sun xx
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Day1, help please

        Hi there Spunky.
        You are among friends here who know what you have been and are going through. I am only just over a week sober, and believe me, things can look alot different in such a short time if you are ready and want to stop. Last saturday I couldnt keep anything down, had the shakes and my mind was shot to pieces. Today I feel there is a future. Have a read through and feel free to post wherever you need too. The ppl here are like you and me. Alcoholics looking for a better life. Many have found it through MWO, and as I start my own journey, I wish you all the best and hope you stick with us.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Day1, help please

          Welome Spunky. You have taken the first steps and landed in a great place. So much support here for the common problem we share. Wish you the best and hope you stick with MWO. TWO


            Day1, help please

            Thanks for the kind thoughts. I have been drinking way too much for way too long and have tried many times to moderate or quit with little success. I did quit once several years ago for several months but it didn't last. I just know that I have to quit or I'm going to lose myself. Like I said, I'm really scared. I'm not reallly good at talking about my thoughts and feelings. I'm hoping that opening up in this forum will help me work out some of my reasons for using alcohol.


              Day1, help please

              Hi Sprunky,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
              If you haven't already download the MWO book from the Health Store here on the website. It is full of lots of good info.
              You need to make a good plan for yourself too. Look in the for some good ideas.

              You've made a great decision to take baclk control of your life now before things get worse. If you think you need medical intervention please contact your doctor. We are here to support each other & answer any questions yuo may have. Feel free to send me a private message if you like.

              Be sure to visit the Newbies Nest thread too for more support.
              Wishing you the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Day1, help please

                Well, made it thru last night. Almost asked hubby to bring AL back in but didn't. High heart rate and jitters made it really hard to sleep, only got a couple hours. I'm back two work after a week off to take care of my 7yr old with appendicitis. Tonights going to be a tough on because i'll be really tired and have to get kids through homework. I'll check back later


                  Day1, help please

                  Hang in there Spunky.
                  Take good care of yourself so you can take care of your child as well!
                  Drink lots of water & tea to stay well hydrated, it helps
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Day1, help please

                    Hi SPUNKY and welcome. Read and write lots, we are here to help. You can do this. It is not easy, but it can be done. Fight the battle, one day at a time.
                    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                      Day1, help please

                      :goodjob: and now for your next day.


                        Day1, help please

                        Hang in there, SPUNKY...can your hubs help out with homework tonight? You'll start feeling human in a couple more days. :l


                          Day1, help please

                          Great job on day 1. Take it day by day.. minute by minute.. Celebrate every second that you are af. That is one second that you are taking control of your life. Good luck and don't focus on tonight...Just focus on right now... Think positive thoughts and just breathe....


                            Day1, help please

                            Hi spunky just saying welcome to mwo, A great place with lots of support & advice, well done on your day 1, keep posting and reading and as others have said keep positive & focussed.

                            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                              Day1, help please

                              Hi Spunky - just wanted to welcome you.

                              Sending you peace and strength,

