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If I can do this then you can do it too....

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    If I can do this then you can do it too....

    Day 47 AF today. This week I have surpassed even my own expectations. I had a two night stay away from home on business. On my own. In a Premier Inn (motel). In these places you eat in a pub. Two nights I ate alone in the pub with diet Pepsi instead of booze. Both nights I went back to my room after eating and listened to my iPod or read a book on my rekindled hobby(fishing). Today I had to drive for three and a half hours from South Wales to see my elderly mum who is in a nursing home with alzheimers. She had a fall last week and is pretty poorly. Stress, stress and more stress. On top of this there is an idiot in work deliberately trying to play poltics and cause trouble for me. So I have had the stress of dealing with that pest as well. Just arrived home and finished my evening meal having driven 750 miles in three days. The old me would be reaching for a bottle to drown his sorrows. I have learned that if I drown my sorrows they will rise to the surface again in the morning and not only still be there but will be worse because I will not be fit to cope. This is how life feels once you can break the barrier. Never ever give up your fight. I may well relapse at some stage but i have proven to myself I am more of a man than I ever thought I could be. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!
    Last drink 6th September 2013

    If I can do this then you can do it too....

    wow softy - that's just so wonderful - you're doing great and still an held up well under lots and lots of tough situations!!!
    My mom is in a nursing home too and that has always been a "reason" for me to have "something" before I visit.

    congrats on 47~ and counting~

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      If I can do this then you can do it too....


      It has been a tricky week but it would have been a whole lot trickier with a couple of hangovers. Every time I see this supplier at the other end of the country I have tobstay out the night before. I have always got smashed in the hotel. Yesterday was the first time I ever met him with a clear head. That is both astonishing ( that I got away with it ) but downright disgraceful and unprofessional on my part. I am ashamed. However you cannot change the past but you can change today and today shapes the future.
      Last drink 6th September 2013


        If I can do this then you can do it too....

        :goodjob: Congratulations on 47 days AF, especially with all the stress you've been under. Not wanting to sound facetious here but I when I read your post I remembered a quote that I saw here some time ago..... if someone tells you they're going to drown their sorrows, tell them that sorrows know how to swim. Again, good job on staying AF.
        I'm sorry about your Mum. Alzheimer's really is a horrible disease. It robs the person of some of the most precious things in life, among them, happy memories.
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          If I can do this then you can do it too....

          Well Done Softy.
          Sorry to hear about your Mam being unwell.
          47 days, brilliant....maybe we wont relapse.

          All the best.

          Still trying !!!
          AF 25th June2014


            If I can do this then you can do it too....

            great job Softy , never ever give up that fight
            AF 5/jan/2011


              If I can do this then you can do it too....

              :goodjob: Softy!!
              The wonders of sobriety, huh?
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                If I can do this then you can do it too....

                :yay:CONGRATULATIONS ON 47 DAYS, SOFTY!


                  If I can do this then you can do it too....

                  Softy, congratulations, I have found that the further down this trail of life I travel without my mistress, alchohol, the better equipped I am to manage, accept and overcome the stresses that life will throw at me. And you're right, you may stumble, trip and you may even fall. But, like the Welshman you are, you won't give up. Keep your vision focussed in your mind. I will hold you and your Mum in my prayers.

                  If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. ~ Will Rogers ~


                    If I can do this then you can do it too....

                    Wow Softy, a big congratulations to you. It is reading posts like this that give me hope. I am sorry to hear about your Mum and your work troubles. You can hold your head high, you did good!


                      If I can do this then you can do it too....

                      :goodjob: 47 days! Awesome! Sorry to hear about your mom - been there with my dad 2 years ago. It's so hard to see our parents that way. Sending you hugs:l

                      Well done for not giving into stress - sounds like your head is definitely in the right place.

                      Have a great day!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        If I can do this then you can do it too....

                        Well done softy 47 days is great, keep up all the great work and everyone else to.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          If I can do this then you can do it too....

                          Great stuff Softy! I am on day 43 (I think) so a few days behind you, but haven't been to the pub as much, just been in 'dangerous' situations once or twice.

                          I hope you Mum is feeling better.

                          I really take my hat off to you my friend for your strength and your outlook. :goodjob:


                            If I can do this then you can do it too....

                            Thanks for the support everyone. If there is any post to show newcomers the value of this place then this is the one. With people all around the world (literally) supporting you the strength you gain is awesome.:thanks:
                            Last drink 6th September 2013


                              If I can do this then you can do it too....

                              Well done on your 48 days.
                              I had the same start day as you, but slipped up at 44 days. Back on track now.
                              Stay strong!
                              Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!

