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2 Days AL free

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    2 Days AL free

    :thanks: Im still going strong and feeling ok. I was feeling a little ill today but I think it is lack of sleep one minute I'm full of energy and then suddenly upset tummy headache then bam its gone and I'm ok again. This has been happening on and off all day ????
    I had a few moments where I was craving but I fought em off again and won woohoo feeling good Thanks again for the encouragement guys it means alot :h


      2 Days AL free

      Well its not 2 days anymore its 6 and I'm so bloody proud I'm busting. Yesterday I had a few moments where I was craving but nothing today (so far).
      I'm not getting ahead of myself dont worry I know I have a lifetime battle on my hands but right now I just feel so GOOD for the first time, in along time, and I'm loving it.:happyheart:


        2 Days AL free

        Nice work Pyes, bust away!. Nothing wrong with giving yourself a big pat on the back.
        Thanks again for the support!
        Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


          2 Days AL free

          Hey Bugs,
          Anytime good job on tonight to. Thanks for supporting me
          Pyes xx


            2 Days AL free

            Pyes, well done matey xx


              2 Days AL free

              Go Pyes! Go Pyes! (a la the Ricky Lake show)

              K x
              Recovery Coaching website

              "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

              Recovery Videos


                2 Days AL free

                Go Pyes! (and NO, i'm not a Collingwood supporter)

                Sobriety rock's! It will just get better and better. Have trust and faith in that.

                Keep it going.


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  2 Days AL free

                  Thanks again guys. Im struggling with myself atm, my hubby is home tonight and that makes me alittle nervous. He will want to drink maybe not tonight but tomorrow night definately. I just hope I can hold out.
                  Im not a collingwood supporter either I actually didnt think of it that way LOL may have to cahnge my name


                    2 Days AL free

                    Hi Pyes,
                    Stay strong and focus. Trust me, It feels crap having to start again.

                    I'm still on track, don't let me catch you.
                    Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                      2 Days AL free

                      Hey Pyes, nearly 7pm here and so far so good for me!! I'm actually not even having any cravings (yet), just keep thinking about going to the fridge out of habit! Fingers crossed I can hold out and make my first AF day in a long long time! :thumbs:

                      You hang in there Pyes, and remember you are my inspiration!


                        2 Days AL free

                        I nearly caved but decided to come on here to have a quick look and you guys have helped me no end like right now so I say :thanks: Ozi Im so happy for you, thanks bugs I dont wanna start again
                        Pyes xx

