Hey Hips, these timezones are a pain in the butt aren't they!! Yep the horseriding sounds great - we get loads of groups of disabled kids in where I work and they are so rewarding to work with, they absorb so much and have no cynicism about them. I would love what you're doing, used to exercise horses when I was a teenager for a riding school, but like you had a fright and only got back to it a few years ago. My daughter and I went to a place near us, and I was given this huge old carthorse, needed I s'pose cos I was so big and fat, and I used to feel like an elephant on him - also stomach churning the whole time from the previous nights drinking:upset:
Fast forward to the weekend before last, hubs and I went to a lovely hotel and went horseriding - he was given the carthorse and I got this jiggy little white mare and I felt like a million dollars! I truly truly hate the person mad drinking turned me into!
Keep up the good fight girl:goodjob: