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Drunken hockey tourney

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    Drunken hockey tourney

    Last weekend I played in one of my annual men's hockey tournaments. I used to drink cases of beer throughout this weekend. Being sober, allowed me to observe and experience the weekend from a new perspective.

    - getting drunk, for two days and nights, was the primary objetctive for these guys, not to play hockey - that used to be me for every Christmas party, hockey tournament, etc - I don't want that any more, I want to have goals and desires that are varied and that allow me to enjoy life - I don't understand why I drowned my senses for so many hundres and hundres of events
    - the guys who drank (like I used to) play really crappy
    - the guys who drank, had glossy eyes, and smelled of beer / booze, I never realised how easy it was to tell
    - the guys who got kicked out, were drinking
    - the guys who made fools of themselves, were drinking

    - the guys I enjoyed being around either didn't drink, or drank a little and have control over alcohol, and didn't drink more than one or two beer tops
    - the culture of the tourney really celebrates getting tanked, be it right or wrong. For some guys who do it once or twice a year, it may be different, I used to do it several times a week; every event I was in, I now realise, was an excuse to drink more and more, and not have to be so sneaky about it, and to drink more with others.

    - I love waking up not hung over
    - I love playing well
    - I love being able to drive, and not worry about the police

    I really did not want to go to the big parties at night. I guess I am changing, I would never have missed them when I was drinking. I did not fight with my wife. I still had energy and time to be with my kids, and play hockey. The weekend is so much more broad, when sober, it is hard to explain, it lasts longer some how.

    Anyway, this is a bit of a ramble, but that is how the weekend went.
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

    Drunken hockey tourney

    Wow I can relate to everything you said. This is such an awesome post. We often discuss the question of "won't I be bored and have no social life without AL?" I just love your description of before and after. It's like that for me too. Life is BIG now compared to how it was when my only focus was drinking (getting drunk). I didn't realize how small the box had become until recovery was well underway and I realize how many options there are in life.

    I also love your observation that the bad things just go hand in hand with being drunk. I always blamed someone / something for the bad things. Never AL. And it's really so obvious. :duh:

    Bravo. Enjoy your sober life!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Drunken hockey tourney

      Good for you Hill -
      You deserve the ramble
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Drunken hockey tourney

        I LOVE THIS POST! What a great contrast. When you're doing it, you just don't see the waste in being wasted. AF life is indeed bigger, fuller, richer! Thanks for sharing experience and observations, hill.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Drunken hockey tourney

          hillside, i think i remember the tournament this time last year. you saying what a tough one it was gonna be..... and look at you now......FANTASTIC.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Drunken hockey tourney

            Hill, the title of your thread had me going for a second! Glad you had a good weekend and it's always great to read your thoughts. Such a positive post. I am so happy for you, and your 'rambles', well you have no idea how much hope they give to some of us. Thanks Hill.


              Drunken hockey tourney

              Hill - way to go! :thumbs:

              Excellent post and I hope those that may be struggling right now will read this and think - hey - there is life after AL!

              Good for you!
              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Drunken hockey tourney

                Great post my friend!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Drunken hockey tourney

                  Fair play Hill, great to read about how well you are doing and how enjoyable life can be without Al.

                  Although in my early stages of being free (79 days ) I find I am reflecting a lot on how things were and grateful that I am escaping from the Alcohol trap.

                  Cheers Hillside, you are a great inspiration for anyone looking to get sober .

                  Damo in Dublin
                  Still trying !!!
                  AF 25th June2014


                    Drunken hockey tourney

                    I think the same motivation is behind many adults who play recreational baseball/softball--the practises and games give a gloss of respectability and comraderie to their need to get shitfaced afterwards. And the tournaments? Don't get me started!
                    Resisting all Magical day at a time


                      Drunken hockey tourney

                      Doggygirl, you make some great observations, and thanks.
                      Lav, and Green, thanks for your kind words.
                      Spuds, you are right - last year, I was only a few weeks sober, and had to face this tournament. Good memory on you ! This year, I had a great time. None of the stress over my not drinking, unlike last year.
                      Vintage, Sheri,Jolly, Mama, thanks for your ever positive thoughts and support.
                      Damo, thanks for your kind words, and congratulations on your 79 days, that is awesome.
                      RedJib, what a great tourn of phrase, "gloss of respectability and comraderie", I think I used that for a lot of events, even having my parents over for dinner, you name it. Wow, and the need to get drunk, it is true, I just never accepted the word "need", I would insist it was want.

                      Take care,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        Drunken hockey tourney

                        Great post Hill. I often wonder how many people actually knew or suspected I was a drunk because I turned up to so many things hungover and I was served by a guy the other day who stank of booze. He was a young guy and I think he must have been partying the night before but the smell was unmistakeable.

                        I totally agree too about time seeming bigger/longer. I find I don't have enough time in the day to do all the things I want to now. I keep staying up really late because I want to cram just one more thing in! A far cry from the days when I fell asleep through every film but felt constantly tired because the sleep I was getting was so crappy.

                        AF life is wonderful I'm coming up to 100 days and hoping to have a little celebration of sorts.


                          Drunken hockey tourney

                          Hi Bean, ya, it is sobering to think of all the times I must have stunk like booze, and people knew for sure. I agree with you. It is like, you can squeeze so much more life out of each day while sober, it is great. You should really be proud on your three months, and your 100 days coming up, that is awesome. Keep up the great work.
                          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

