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Time for Change

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    Time for Change

    This isn't the first time I've been on here but I'm at the point where I know things have to change. I'm a 39yr old married man with a reasonable job. My wife has told me I drink too much and I sometimes lie about the amount I've had to drink- usually a bottle of wine and 2 beers.

    After everything I've read on here & other sites I know I have to commit to 28 days AF to give myself some perspective. So today at lunchtime I will be having my last beer for 4 weeks & I will post on here every day with how things are going. I want to be able to look back in 4 weeks time and see my thoughts devlop as I put distance between myself and the booze. Keep you posted!!

    Time for Change

    Hi Foolsgold just want to say good luck on your journey and I look forward to reading your post
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Time for Change

      Best of luck foolsgold Im at 7 days AF today and it does help to go back through and read your thoughts. I to look forward to reading your posts.
      Pyes xx


        Time for Change

        Welcome Foolsgold, I am on day one and doing well!


          Time for Change


          :welcome: We've all been where you are. Good luck to you - I've been back and forth here as well since November of 2009. 3rd time seems to be my lucky charm as I am doing better than I ever thought I would be and it's true that you may have a totally different perspective after 30 days AF.

          Hope to see you around!
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


            Time for Change

            Welcome FoolsGold (reminds me of a song I love! ) glad you are here and you have a plan to work with. Keep us posted on how you get on


              Time for Change

              Thanks all for your good wishes. Just needed to post as I'm now in my post-work dangerzone of 5-8pm where drinks are poured on auto pilot. Feels strange that I know that won't be happening tonight.


                Time for Change

                FoolsGold;1082441 wrote: Thanks all for your good wishes. Just needed to post as I'm now in my post-work dangerzone of 5-8pm where drinks are poured on auto pilot. Feels strange that I know that won't be happening tonight.
                I'm a similar age to you, and good to hear that's your worst time of night as it is mine too.....

                First post here and on my 8th day without a drink...... prob not intending to stop entirely but I am stopping for a while and I am finding it hard.... sorry to crash your thread btw x
                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                  Time for Change

                  Pingu - Good to have you on board.


                    Time for Change

                    FoolsGold;1082448 wrote: Pingu - Good to have you on board.
                    Thank you. I'm going through my worst time right now, I need to keep busy so I am going for a shower and playing with my kids.....
                    I am finding I need things to distract me otherwise I end up punching walls and getting very pissed off....
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Time for Change


                      Hi Foolsgold. I'm a 53 year old women and am drinking socially for as long as I can remember. The last few years I go on binches and get very sick afterwards - my age is also against me, I think - not spring chicken anymore. This is my 11th day of no drinking. I don't find it difficult at the moment but realise that the test is coming in 2-3 weeks time. What does this 28 days AF mean? Do you drink because of spesific issues in your life or is it just a social thing that is getting out of hand?


                        Time for Change

                        I was brought up by parents who are big drinkers and drink was always around. I genuinely belive I have just slipped into a pattern of habitual drinking that I need to break. The 28 days AF (Alcohol Free) will be the longest time I've went without a drink since I was about 17. I feel I need this to give me some perspective on my drinking and life in general


                          Time for Change

                          I'm a bit like this (hence why crashed your thread...) slipped into a nasty pattern of drinking every night, not massive quantities, but much more than I should, and often alone, and as a coping mechanism too, and last week I went to the doctor who gave me some meds and told me quite bluntly that I had to stop drinking, at which point I thought no way I can't, but I have managed 8 days so far and I think 4 weeks is probably my initial target for alcohol free and then I'll decide what to do
                          OMG can't believe I have said all this, I tried to join the newbies thread but I wrote a load of old bull and chickened out of actually posting it....
                          good luck foolsgold, I found the first 3 nights really hard but then it got a bit easier, not helped by the fact that there is still alcohol in the house and I have to watch others drinking it.....
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            Time for Change

                            Have been way too bust to check in. Update - still AF but by Christ it's not easy. Sleeping OK but just don't feel right - if that makes sense!! Keep the faith

