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5 days AF

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    5 days AF

    Wow, what a difference five days makes! Starting to feel happy again and being more productive! Can't wait for more!

    5 days AF

    Well done!

    I'm 9 days AF (I lurk around these boards alot and am DETERMINED to get there) and I agree with you what a difference it makes. I envy the people on here who have done 6 months or more, and want to be able to feel how they feel.

    I feel moroe alive, have been sleeping like a log, although I can't understand why I'm falling asleep at 8.30 at night without any alcohol?

    Cupcake x


      5 days AF

      Sleepin like a log...

      Hi Mark, Cupcake:goodjob:

      I'm on 12 days and everyday I feel better, and Cupcake - apparently there are a medical reason for sleeping better. Alcohol is not actually a sedative and because drunkenness let you "pass out", it is not a normal sleeping pattern. Don't understand how it works myself, but I too sleep much better. Maybe it is also our emotional status - feels better, less feelings of guilt and there don't need to tell sheep!


        5 days AF


        After 13 years of hypothyroidism I couldn't sleep. Last night due to pharmaceuticals I did. I woke up feeling like a whole new person. My Mom said, "Wow you look great!"


          5 days AF

          Better mornings too

          I think sleeping is part of the recovery process. I feel more alert & alive in the daytime and able to cope with things better. The only downside is its making me question what I'm doing with my life and realising how much time I've wasted being hungover and just feeling generally unwell. I guess thatx's also part of recovery too.

          Cupcake x

