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I am new to this

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    I am new to this

    Hi all,

    This is my first post to the real world that I have a problem. I hate that I have a problem. I never thought it would be me. I have always been the strong one in my life, family, world.

    I quit once before for two years but someone I was close too, who probably also was addicted, gave me a drink and I have not stopped since; it has been more than six years.

    I am embarrased that I cannot drink socially. I want to quit drinking nightly and be normal. I recently left my husband and want to find a new life but am embarrased about my addiction.

    Can anyone relate?


    I am new to this

    Hi 1017KMR,

    Welcome to MWO, glad you found us!
    If you haven't already, read the MWO book. Yuo can download it right from the Heath Store here.

    Having two years of sobriety lost must be very difficult for you, I am sorry. But wiith a stong commitment & a good plan, yuo can do it again! Look in the for some good ideas.

    Admitting you have a problem is a very important step. I'm glad you've reached out. Read around the threads, you will see lots & lots of stories....we all have one. You will find lots of comfort & support here - I did

    Wishing you the best & please drop in the Newbies Nest thread for more support!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      I am new to this

      Can anyone relate? :H
      We can all relate.
      A lot of us would like to be able to drink normally, but most of us have a problem achieving that, whether it's social or alone drinking. I can drink moderately socially, but if I drink alone it can become a problem.
      If your problem embarrasses you, it's time to do something. Read the info on here and decide if you're ready to tackle yourself. This is not a problem you want to carry into any new relationship is it?
      My marriage ended last year after 21 years, and I have absolutely promised myself that I won't start a new one until I feel sure that I have gained control for a decent length of time.


        I am new to this

        Welcome 1017 KMR, CERTAINLY CAN i RELATE. This is my 13 th day sober. And this is also the first time I admit I'e got a problem and reaching out. MWO is a good place to start. Please do write regurly. Embareesed. Yes. Me to. ALSO - did'nt think it would happen to me. In the past when I decided not to drink socially my excuse to people was that I had malaria and my liver must rest. Now - I'm ready to say I'm an alcoholic... to be honest is the best way to tackle this problem. Try to do that - because it also puts a certain amount of responsibility on you - that is what I found. Best of luck for your new day


          I am new to this

          Hi KMR, I am very new to the site as well and am SO glad I found this wonderful community. You will get lots of support, guidance and bags of encouragement to keep taking those steps forward to your new future.

          Like you having finally admitted to myself and others (friends on MWO only at this stage) that I am addicted to AL has already made a massive difference in my thinking, I know I am closer now than I have ever been to taking that final step forward.

          You have done amazingly well to have stopped for 2 years, and you will get there again now you are ready. Be strong and remember you are amongst friends here.

          All the best for a good day and AL night.


            I am new to this

            hi and welcome. well done for taking the step of admitting you have a problem. i can certainly relate to how youre feeling. read as much as you can here and post to let us know how you are getting on. just ask if you have any problems, there is always someone here to help
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              I am new to this

              :welcome: 10 17 youve come to a great place. keep posting and reading. best of luck to you and wishing you a good evening xx


                I am new to this

                Hello 1017... Yes... I can relate. This place is awesome. I could not do without it. Stay and read... You will be right at home here...

