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its morning again

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    its morning again

    its onother day
    when you do something as terrible as i did how do you get over it and go on
    i want to stay living in this town but they all know wha ti did
    what is so unfair(i know lifes not fair) the night of the fire i had only bought a 6 pack
    but after the fire they found a old vodca half pint under the couch and of cource its in all the ins. photos
    the damb thing couldnt burn you know
    so everyone like the fire dept thinks i was REEEEELY drunk and this is a very small town
    my one friend who doesnt drink says we should just leave and start new
    i may not have ffriends here but my kids do i dont think its fair to thrm to take there life away just because there mom is a stupid drunken pig

    its morning again

    Candy, you are NOT a stupid drunken pig! Please dont say things like that about yourself. You may have a problem with alcohol, but we all do on this site or we wouldnt be here. The fact that you have been visiting this site is a good start at turning your life around. The help is here for you. You just need to ask.
    Take care.
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      its morning again

      Small littke town

      Hi Candy

      Yeas you not a drunken pig!!! Youve got a problem and as Hippy Chick says... we all have this problem and all of us made stupid mistakes that we would not have done if we were not drinking!!!

      We also lived in a small country town in South Africa that was very conservative. My husband and I were drinking like fishes, we were weird, artists. I wore my hair bright, bright red, my husband has a ponytail, etc, We did so much fun things when we were drunk but nobody in the town thought it was husband was locked up 3 times for drunk in public... each time for 4 hours until he sobers up. It was very embarrising - at that stage I joined a AA and was suprised how many support I got from this same little town. After a while we moved to Mozambique, obviously quit AA and starts all over drinking - NOW we are the only white people in our small Shangaan village and you cannot believe how much fffcups we made here...but everybody loves us. The other day my husband drove, drunk, with the quadbike in a family"s kitchen - while they had supper! In the process all their food was in the sand and all their plates broken. It cost him!!

      When we moved from the country town in SA we believed that the town is to small for us. Nearly 4 years later - people of the town make regurlarly contact and say they misses us so much because they always had something to talk about!!

      Moving can help - a fresh start can be good - providing you sort out your drinking problem. On the other hand - if your children are happy - make a effort to solve the problems where you are. Maybe admit to every one you've got a problem and wants help - you will see how they reach out to you! That I'm sure off!! GOOD LUCK

