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Finding meaning in pain and suffering

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    Finding meaning in pain and suffering

    Specially for you, Candycow...[COLOR=red][COLOR=red][COLOR=red][COLOR="Black Reading a book written by Howard C. Cutler and want to share some of his thoughts with all of you:-

    Vicktor Frankl once said, " Man is ready and willing to shoulder any suffering as soon and as long as he can see a meaning in it".
    Buddhist ways of handling suffering ...:- ..."suffering is a result of our own negative past actions..." ; ..." Despite THE UNIVERSAL UNPLEASANTNESS, THERE IS LITTLE DOUBT THAT OUR SUFFERING CAN TEST, STRENGTHEN, AND DEEPEN THE EXPERIENCE OF LIFE. Author Graham Green observes, In Italy for for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed - but they produced Michelangelo, da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, 500years of democracy and peace, and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock.

    Its about HOW YOU RESPOND to your suffering. By adopting the RIGHT ATTITUDE. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, overwhelmed with worry and guilt. you can see suffering as a privilege - it is a kind of opportunity - for excample:-

    [i]When you are aware of your pain and suffering, it helps you to develop your capacity for empathy, the capacity that allows you to relate to other people;s feelings and suffering....

    [COLOR=black] AND ALSO: iT IS THE VERY STRUGGLE OF LIFE THAT MAKES US WHO WE ARE. And it is our enemies (alcohol???) that test us, provide us with the resistance necessary for growth!

    Hope it make sense. To me it does! Have a nice, peaceful sober evening!:thanks:

    Finding meaning in pain and suffering

    :H about Italy and Switzerland!!!! I have been many times in Switzerland and lived for 1 year in Italy..
    Yes, i agree suffering could be productive if you direct it to the right direction...
    Some people suffer all life and can't get any benefit from it..some people just can't live without suffering - it's their status quo..
    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


      Finding meaning in pain and suffering


      Hi Audrey

      Yes, true. Some people LOVE suffering. Myself, hate it. But, without suffering I would maybe be a very selfish, full of myself person!

      There wea Psyciatrist, Eugene Heimler, he said we need a certain amount of satisfaction as well as frustration in our lives for optimal functioning. BUT there must be a balance... too much satisfaction leads to stagnation and too much frustration leads to paralyzing. I always believed that.


        Finding meaning in pain and suffering

        Audrey - forgat to ask - where is Latvia? How did you find living in Italy. Visited Italy last year and loved it!!


          Finding meaning in pain and suffering

          i guess maybe i dont do suffering well the last time years ago i lost everything in my yard i told myself it was gods plants not mine that was only 3 years of work this time it is 7 and people came year ater year to buy my lovinly tended babies
          god the pain is so bad right now i feel so empty right now i feel dead inside i feel just black
          my girlfriend says ill start again but there is no way iwill not go through this pain again
          my heart and soul was in that farm itwas the only thing that mattered


            Finding meaning in pain and suffering

            Hi Candy,

            Tell me more. Where is the farm? What type of plants? and what exactly happened? Want to be there for you and help you through this.:l:l:l


              Finding meaning in pain and suffering

              im in wi i had at least 500 differnt kinds of perennials i had a green house ive always loved and been good at propragating plants so id have a sale sell my new babies and take that money and hit all the greenhouse in area and buy new babies ive kept doing this for the last 7 years
              after the fire they would not commuicate with us we would here through a 4th party what was going on with new housing for us and the last time we yelled to much we were both stressed and they told us to get off the farm and that i had 2 weeks to get everything out well my plants are under snow they know that so i have lost everything


                Finding meaning in pain and suffering

                candy its heart breaking that you lost so much and that you are so empty right now and without wanting to sound patronising (and i realy dont) there have been terrible dissasters in the world lately and people are picking up the pieces and trying to build a new life. i realy hope you can too! you are all lucky to be alive embrace that gift. i wish you all the best and hope things pick up very soon xx


                  Finding meaning in pain and suffering

                  i know there are people worse off than me in the world right now people have had worse fires than me the clouse family maybe i should just sit here and kepp my d***** mouth shut

