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I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

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    I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

    :new: I'm new to this site and am glad that I found it (by accident).

    Am 55 years old, married to a wonderful husband. Life is good. Except for the demon alcohol. Started drinking socially about 30 years ago, you know, Friday / Saturday nites, but never to excess. My mom got brain cancer in '87 and I was primary caregiver. Started drinking heavily at that time. Scotch was my friend of choice and had the best part of a 26oz bottle every nite. Drank heavily for about 6 years and stopped 'cause I was scaring myself. Went back to social drinking after about 6 months of being AF.

    Back to the heave drinking, isn't it amazing how quickly you can become "re-addicted"? Only now it's wine and sometimes vodka and very rarely rye.

    Wine? At least 1 litrer a nite (sometimes 1 1/2 or 2). Then Saturdays and Sundays it's generally 2 to 3 litres each day.

    Trouble is, I don't get traditional hangovers. Generally no headache at all, or, if I do, nothing that one or two tylenol won't get rid of. No nausea. Just very tired.

    But I know I'm slowly killing my poor body. I have no passion left for life. My only passion is the bottle. I will swear each day I'm going to quit or at least cut down, but as soon as I get home from work I think, "ahh, let's have a nice relaxing glass of wine". But I don't stop until that bottle is gone, and if it's gone before I'm ready to go to bed I'll open another one.

    You know it's bad when you start drinking (literally) the minute you get up on the weekend and don't stop 'til you go to bed.

    I've done a lot of reading on this site and ordered the book, CD's and supplements. I've also thought about seeing my doc about the prescription meds but decided against it for various reasons.

    NOW.... my fear.... what can I expect as far as withdrawal symptoms go??? I've quit in the past with basically no effects, but back then I was drinking socially and I also hadn't been drinking over 20 years on a daily basis.

    I've read about sweating, headaches, anxiety, shakiness and even potentially seizures (that really scares me). I do now experience sweating (generally in the night, sometimes during the day) that goes away when I have my "first drink of the day". Sometimes my heart will also start pounding.

    Do I need to be so scared that I don't stop? Even though I know I need (and desperately want) to stop, or at the very least, moderate greatly, is it rational to have the withdrawl feer keep me from doing that?

    I'm home today and it's nearing noon. I've had nothing to drink today so far. Can you believe that I'm proud simply of the fact that I would normally have started drinking about 4 hours ago?

    Thanks for listening and I'd really appreciate any words of support and perhaps others' experiences with withdrawal. Will this programm lessen the effects?

    God... this is truly overwhelming.
    Hi there... :new:

    I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!


    I would talk to your doctor about possible withdrawl.. in your case I would think tapering down might be better than quitting cold turkey but, I am not a doctor! The no hangover is actually not unsual for a regular drinker. The hangover is the tired feeling you get the next day. Great job starting the program and keep posting.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

      The advice doctors have always given me is do not go cold turkey, it is a shock to the body - slow down, preferably under supervision, a sip when it gets too much, cos it really isn't pleasant I'm sorry to say. And plenty of diazepam and sleeping pills if possible. You should be ok in a few days. I'm also no doctor, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


        I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!


        Hi! I'm glad you found us.

        Yes, I agree. Did you have a chance to take a look at the link above contained in the welcome message? It's from the National Library of Medicine and provides a general idea of withdrawal symptoms you can expect based on the amount you're drinking. I don't point this out to alarm you, but to make sure you know it's important to have the proper support during this time. And to commend you for raising this important question.

        Would you reconsider that visit to the doc? If not him/her, perhaps someone else with whom you're more comfortable discussing this health issue. Often practitioners in the area of addiction or mental health are more familiar with the new treatment modalities. And there's no shame in seeing either.

        Also, you need not check into a residential program. In terms of withdrawal, the discomfort can be mitigated by short term use of benzodiazepines. One of the anti-craving drugs recommended for this program, Topamax, can even be used as you are winding down on your drinking (although we prefer an up front abstinence period). However, this approach has been helpful to some patients as they ease off the alcohol. You mentioned there are reasons you don't wish to take the meds and they are not a requirement.

        But these are all issues you'll want to address with a qualified health care provider.

        Many members here have withdrawn from alcohol on their own because they didn't want to admit the problem to their physician, and I completely understand that. I did the same thing. But I do not recommend it. I am concerned when I read people describe symptoms such as yours (the shakes, rapid heartbeat, etc.) and see that you plan to go it on your own. It often leads back to the bottle.

        You don't have to do this by yourself. Please get the help you deserve. There's info on my blog about how to find a doctor, maybe it will help.

        Thanks for posting your question and sharing your honest story. We're all here to support you. Good luck in whatever decision you make. And keep us posted, okay?

        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


          I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

          Hi & :welcome:

          Glad that you have found us.........

          I was similar to you on my days off the 1st thing I would do was open a bottle of wine and gradually got scared.

          For me, moderation is working, i've set myself 7pm as a start time and have just had the one bottle, sipping instead of gulping, and other than the anxiety and sweats i've not had any major withdrawal.

          It will help if you read lots of the postings, you will get so much help from here.

          All the best and keep in touch, here's a special hug for you from me :l :l :l

          Take care, Paula xx


            I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

            I am im my first month here and it is really helping me. I have experienced the sweats and shakes and have been drinking daily for many years. I am in my third week of Topamax and it is really starting to help me. I am also taking some of the othe supplements like the Kudzu Rescue for the withdrawl symptoms. I am lso moderating my drinking and am starting to feel alot better, This is a great palce for help and support. Visit here often there are lots of great folks here to help.


              I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

              Preciouspinot, Owly, Paula, Roberta, Newbie... thanks from the bottom of my heart.

              A few years ago I went off my anti-depressants and it was torture. If I cut back to quickly the shakes, vomitting, headaches, insomnia and sweating were unbearable. My doc had indicated that I shoud have been able to get off the drug in about 2 months and set up a schedule for me. I had to experiment and in the end, I was actually opening up one of the lowest dosage capsules available and actually counting out 10-15 itsy-bitsy little round balls. To finally avoid withdrawal I ended up taking about seven months. But at least that way, thank god, I was virtually symptom free.

              I've decided to take the same position with Mr. Wine. This morning I thought it was pretty pathetic that I thought it was a big deal that I didn't start drinking the moment I got up. But then I started thinking, you know what? Good for me! I am proud of that. Whenever I am home I have a glass in my hand within 1/2 hour of getting up and the first litre is gone by noon at which time the second litre gets opened.

              I must admit I was getting anxious about tonight and went to the liquor store and bought a 750ml of wine, rather than my usual 1 1/2litres. That's only half the size. Once that's gone... it's gone. I also bought myself a goreous small, red wine, crystal glass (I usually drink out of what is lovingly referred to as 'balloon glasses')

              So I'm going to cut back, moderate and stop beating myself up about it. I wasn't going to admit to going to the liquor store and just let people think I didn't have anything. But then again, I'm no fool. I know all to well that anyone who's been a drinker probably wouldn't believe that a 20 year daily drinker could just quit that easily. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.

              Thanks for your words of support. I plan to visit here a lot. Hopefully somewhere down the road I can be of help to someone else.

              Bless you all. :h
              Hi there... :new:


                I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                You know, reading about your withdrawal symptoms from anti-depressants I must admit I consider myself incredibly lucky: I stopped efexor a few years ago without withdrawal symptoms whatsoever, and prozac 6 months ago having only a couple of days 'fever and bone aches, like regular flu......I have withdrawal symptoms from alcohol only the very day after a huge binge - horrible horrible horrible - but just one day....then I'm ok.....when I go alcohol free for several days the "only" side effect is deep boredom and insatisfaction that leads to depression, and eventually to the bottle again.........that's the catch......looks like the more I try to go without, the more I get back to drinking..........guess there is something REALLY important missing in my life........bah.......anyway WELCOME!


                  I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!


                  What makes you so sure you will have withdrawl symptoms? Didn't you say you drank heavily for 6 years and then went AF for 6 months with no real side effects?

                  I have been drinking a big bottle of wine everynight but have often gone AF for a few weeks and never had any withdrawl symptoms......except those stupid cravings that will pass if I just LET them.

                  Anyway best of luck to you however you decide to handle things!! It's tough, I know...I'm right here with ya!
                  Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


                    I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                    Hi It's Me,

                    I went to Detox about three years ago (which only empowered me to stay clean for 14 days total).

                    But what they did there was ensure you drink as much water as you possibly can, eat three meals a day - or try to and take a b-vitamin. And as pathetic as this might sound, when I come off of my binges, I get some pretty wicked withdrawal symptoms like severe anxiety attacks (which literally shake my whole body), insomnia, irritability, puking etc. But I have found, taking in lots of water and vitamin b really subsides it. I am not a doctor that is for sure, and would encourage you to see your doctor if you want to find what is safe for YOU. I found weening myself off wasn't an option, because I would look at the bottle of wine and say "Ah, whatever!" and finish it. If I ran out after the "Ah, whatever!" I would freak and have a delivery service bring me one.

                    Lots of water, good supplements (which I have been reading about in this forum) and lots of self-love!

                    Zampa 75:

                    I also have the same pattern as you do. The reasons why you go back to the drink are the same as mine. LOL. I really need to find something to fullfill me!
                    __________________________________________________ ____________________


                      I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                      I'n glad you found this site. Please listen to Roberta Jewell. Read the appropriate posts and if you're feeling lost, I'm on the island too, and in WA too.

                      I wish you the best. These are the absolute best people in the world.

                      Enlightened by MWO


                        I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                        I have been through dreadfull withdrawals. I have had the ambulance take me away because I had decided to deox on my own. It took about 4 days for ' the voices ' to kick in. And whilst in hospital I saw stange pychadelic worms running towards my bed. It is hars to explain. but I agree with what I have just read. Please just don't stop. Weaning is the answer ( I think ). Or a benzo, but that is just false security, when you are off them them , then it's Boom . Reality.

                        At the momemnt I am weaning, but it is really hard because I don't want to hear those voices, and I am scared to go to bed because that is when they come.

                        I wish you luck in all that you do .


                          I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                          Just as an addendum to that, there are lots and lots of people here who are lovely and will help you, but it's just those first stages.

                          Please don't just stop. It depends on how much you have been drinking. Please post back because there are so many clever people here who really can help you .


                            I'm Terrified of Withdrawl Sympotoms!

                            I agree w/ Caitlin.

                            Depending on how much I drank while on my binge & how long it lasted-my withdrawals were as easy as dry heaves, anxiety to more serious like rapid heartbeat (where I felt that my heart would explode out of my chest), puking (not being able to even hold water down) to horrible nightmares when I could fall asleep. It usually lasted 24-48 hrs after last drink.

                            But I found that like this disease my withdrawals progressivly got worse. I did quit cold turkey only cause I was so ill. And that last withdrawal left me feeling like I was dying.

                            If you're really scared pls see a Dr. It will ease your mind. Good luck. Peace.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

