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Eight weeks later

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    Eight weeks later

    Still no drink, now 56 days. Went to the pub again for tea tonight as per the Friday routine. Drank soda again. However this week I fancied a pint of beer. The pub had a favorite guest beer on and I have had mixed emotions. Partly I am so proud to not be drinking whereas the other part is getting a bit bored of not drinking. The novelty is wearing is hard to explain. I think it is more about being bored with routine. Drink used to give me something to look forward to, now it seems a bit empty without that goal / target / reward - call it what you like. Anyways I stayed strong and left the pub still AF hence posting early here tonight. I am going fishing on Sunday and have lots of stuff to do at the weekend both pleasures and chores so I will get to 90 days off by hook or by crook.:h KEEP ON KEEPING ON!
    Last drink 6th September 2013

    Eight weeks later

    Oooh I do look forward to your Friday night updates, but the hair on the back of my neck is staring to prickle.

    Partly I am so proud to not be drinking whereas the other part is getting a bit bored of not drinking.
    It's that old beastie boredom. I would rather be bored witless than wakeup with another hang over, another wasted day another day wondering what I said and did last night.

    I will ask you one question will one pint of your favourite ale really be worth it, because I know if it was me I'd be sitting gnashing me teeth for another week until the next one and before long I'd have chucked the idea of waiting a week straight out the window.

    56 days is fantastic, you have come so far,hun.:l
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Eight weeks later

      Softy whats your long term goal ? Are you giving yourself a break and then deciding what you are going to do ?

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Eight weeks later

        That my friends is the nub of the problem. I have no long term goal because the idea of long term frightens me too much to think of. Plan is 90 days at a time and I am only just half way through the first half of the first 90. I am not giving in though and the fact that I am posting this and accepting your kind word (thanks again angel JC) means I am still on the right road.:thanks:
        Last drink 6th September 2013


          Eight weeks later

          I was just wondering :-) And saying your giving up something forever can/is frightening,But your doing good so far keep going.

          Ps do you have to go into the pub as it does make it that bit harder when your surrounded by other people drinking & seemingly having a ball, your might get the wrong impression that your missing something.:-)

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Eight weeks later

            I find it easier somehow to go the pub because at least I am not deprived of my normal " night out" I am strong and will stay strong.
            Last drink 6th September 2013


              Eight weeks later

              eight weeks is great Softy, You might have to change what is a "normal" night out for your own sake , its hard enough to stop drinking when your not around it, i know i would find it very hard to be in a pub on a Friday after work and not want to drink. You must be feeling good now and that's when it can get really hard, the old " i feel great / i can handle this again" alkie mindset comes back into play. I was a few days short of 60 AF just after Xmass , felt great, no craving to drink we had people over and i decided to drink. it took me a week to get back AF again and i found it really hard to get back on track again , it was so not worth it and would have been very easy to stay drinking the way i was. keep safe MM
              AF 5/jan/2011


                Eight weeks later

                madmans;1084444 wrote: You must be feeling good now and that's when it can get really hard, the old " i feel great / i can handle this again" alkie mindset comes back into play.
                It REALLY is part of our mindset isnt it and no one seems to escape it. I have no real words of wisdom. Its just good to see it put down in black and white like that.

                "I feel great/I can handle this again" alkie mindset.

                Now the next time I get those thoughts I will repeat this to myself. Thanks madman. I found this very helpful. Well done for resisting Softy.I started around the same time as you(day 60)

                I wouldn't have the nerve yet to go into a pub. It would be a major head melt for me.Be careful Softy. Even the longtimers say they feel jumpy after too much time in pubs.
                I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

                There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


                  Eight weeks later

                  Softy, I would be CRAZY bored if I went to a bar every Friday! There are tons of interesting things to do in this world besides sit on a bar stool every Friday night no matter what you're drinking, yes? Time for a new hobby?

                  Good for you on 56 days AF!!!! You can do it!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Eight weeks later

                    softy great going on the 8 weeks, that is fantastic. just remember why you are here, and remember how good it is to wake up sober. no that pint of your favorite beer is not worth it. it has been said many times here that there is more to sobriety than just not drinking. its important to have other things to look forward to, maybe a special meal or a nice break with the money you save not drinking. you are doing so well, keep it up.
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      Eight weeks later


                      Hi Softy,

                      First time writing to are so far. I'm on 15 days. Long way to go to meet up with you - but PLEASE - agree with all the otehrs. You are tempting yourself unnecessary. Try to find something else to do on Friday nights. You're maybe strong now, but you cannot know what the sate of your mind is going to be next Friday or the friday there after...don't do this to yourself. You are not as strong as you think you are - if you were - you would not be here at all!:goodjob:


                        Eight weeks later

                        Softy, are you glad you didn't? Would you be up bright and early , away enjoying your fishing if you had given in?

                        I am so glad you didn't. Like you, I have not decided or committed to being AL free forever. Forever is a very long time. But your goal of 90 days is achievable my friend, look how far you have come. I started on Feb 1st, didn't realise we started around the same time, so, do you wanna go for that magic 90 together?

                        Let's do the 90 days and then we'll see, eh? You are not depriving yourself of a pleasure, you are just choosing not to drink poison, remember?

                        Hope you catch some big un's


                          Eight weeks later


                          I think it is only human to have a weak moment and wobble a bit. I stayed strong and shared my wobble with everyone here to receive overwhelming support. I am surprised you remembered the fishing VG! I did indeed wake up bright and early and went to the canal hangover free. I was rewarded with the best days fishing - 10 fish !!! WOO WHO! Mrs Softy is having a drink tonight and I don't want one even if it was offered. My first target is 60 days on Tuesday. VG you are three days behind me so it will be a big landmark for you on Friday. Once we hit 60 then 90 will be a doddle. KEEP ON KEEPING ON!
                          Last drink 6th September 2013


                            Eight weeks later

                            Softy, I so needed to hear that right now, having a major wobble myself right at this very minute! Glad you caught some tiddlers :H


                              Eight weeks later

                              TIDDLERS !!!

                              You know how to make friends you don't you!!!:H Now stop wobbling and be strong - you are doing so well BE PROUD - SAY IT LOUD - I DONT DRINK !!!!:h
                              Last drink 6th September 2013

