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My New Life

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    My New Life

    My story with alcohol is pretty long. About 20 years ago I had my first panic attack and I started having a glass of wine or 2 before bed to make me tired so it wouldn't happen again. I onlly had them at night and they were terrifying. My therapiist said something that made a lot of sense to me. At night its like all the stuff you shoved into a closet that is way too full comes bursting open. Very true for me. By this point I had 2 small children and and an irresponsible husband. My drinking didn't really escalateat this point but I would have a glass of wine or two before bed to help me relax.

    The marriage got much worse and I knew I wanted a divorce. Never in my life could I see myself doing this! I convinced myself many times (at 40) that I could DO THIS (marriage) for the rest of my life. My drinking increased. Never passing out and only in the evening but daily. It calmed me.

    I got the courage to end the marriage, very stressful! During that time my oldest at 14 went off the deep end. Drinking, sex ,running away. Called the police several times. I was so ashamed. Drinking helped dumb that too.

    Its been 5 years since my divorce and the alcohol use stayed about the same until this last year when both my girls have been on their own and I have been alone. I work from home and found myself starting earlier and earlier until my whole evening is involved. If I have to go somewhere I have a drink before I do. I've been numbing myself.

    Every day I have wanted to change. Last Sunday was it for me. I know most people here are AF and I may end up there, but the last 5 days I have had 2 glasses at most at night versus 8-10, and I feel so much better! I used to drink up to 2 bottles a night! Had to numb myself sufficiently so I wouldn't worry about falling asleep.

    Anyway, the day after I decided to stop destroying myself, I found this place. I read rh posts every night. Very Inspiring. I want MYSELF back.

    My New Life

    Welcome! We all have different goals but very similar stories. We are here to support each other as we strive to reach our goals. Keep reading and keep posting and you will find many friends here.


      My New Life

      Hi Kelli and Welcome

      You've found a good place to come to and lots of support. Sounds like you are ready to begin a new chapter in your life. You can choose what you want and you can get yourself back When we finally acknowledge to ourselves and others that what we are doing to ourselves with alcohol is not good (putting it mildly) then we are in a position to change.

      I do quite a bit of lurking here and reading and reading has helped me so much. I even find myself thinking about everyone on MWO during the day and hoping they are all OK!!

      All the best to you


      PS Kelli hop into the Newbies Nest - great company there all at different stages.
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        My New Life

        Hi Kelli,
        Welcome. Anxiety and sleeping problems are pests. Happens to me as well. And yes, spesific evening. During day time you busy but at night, worries and feelings of guilt haunts me. Brain goes in overdrive. Heart palpulations, rolling round in bed, no sleep. Get up, pour a nice HUGE J&B on the rocks. Try reading and hope for the best. Not working, get up again, nother one - until finely pass out. Next morning then TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE. As early as I DECIDE the aeroplane is over, I crack the first beer...

        BUT it can stop. Maybe you also need a Lif Coach to help or see you therapist more regular and sort out why are you battle with anxiety.


          My New Life

          Thank you for the support. I feel so much better and relieved to have told my story. My biggest secret that only I know. Last night was my first "Friday night" and I was fine. I look forward to getting to know you!


            My New Life

            Hi Kelli and a big welcome to you! It's funny how when we finally face up to our demons it is our 'biggest secret', after time away from alcohol, it becomes sort of irrelevant which is brilliant. Good on you navigating Friday night - for some peeps weekends can be very tricky - not for me tho - 24/7 was tricky for me
            Never worry too much about the sleep thing, it was a biggy for me too, but my doc put it in context. He reckons that 3-4 hours sober sleep is far superior to 8-10 hours drunken comatose sleep, I admit to taking a half sleeping tablet from time to time tho, just to catch up, but I know I used the 'not sleeping' a lot as an excuse to drink --- truth be told I NEVER needed an excuse! Stick round Kelli, there's a great bunch of people here:welcome:
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              My New Life

              Hi Kelli,

              Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!
              I credit the wisdom & support of the members here for helping me to change my life

              Be sure to download & read the MWO book from the Health Store here. It's full of good info for you. And look in the for some good ideas to help you make your plan.

              I had a problem with anxiety attacks myself. I found out they were actually early menopausal symptoms. I thought wine would cure them - it didn't! I thought wine would cure everything that was wrong in my life, it didn't! The only thing that made me better was to just quit - once & for all

              You can do it too! Stay close & let us know how you are doing.
              Drop in the Newbies Nest thread too for more support
              Wishing you the best!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                My New Life

                Hi Lavande! Congrats on your 2 years! I have had the book for over a year, just didn't apply it. Now I am ready.


                  My New Life

                  Good for you Kelli!

                  Honestly, you can do this!
                  Be sure to arm yourself with a good plan, rid your house of all AL, promise yourself you will never buy more, make a firm commitment & do it

                  One step, one day at a time!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    My New Life

                    :welcome: kelli!

                    Sobriety has been life changing for me as well. Like Lav, I tried to use AL as a problem solver. All AL ever did for me was CAUSE problems!

                    All the best to you,

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      My New Life

                      Kelli - :welcome:

                      My drinking problem was a total secret from everyone like yours. What a burden to carry around! MWO has given me the freedom to talk about my problem, compare notes with others, give support to others, I could go on and on. It's been a life saver for me. My journey started in Janaury of this year and it hasn't been perfect and I don't count the "consecutive" days without AL (although I did accomplish 30 days AF like everyone recommends). I choose to consider the number of days that I haven't had alcohol in my life since then. Right now I am a little past 80 and though I still have urges (some very strong) from time to time, I am enjoying life without AL so much more.

                      Hope you stick around and make yourself comfy - MWO is like a big ole family that welcomes you with open arms!
                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        My New Life


                        My story sounds so much like yours.....I can totally relate. My drinking increased after my divorce and then more as I had issues with my youngest was just a way to numb myself....I wish I had never gone down that road. I've been on this site since February and I haven't been perfect, but I've been better. I'm going to do what everyone here recommends and go 30 days AF, starting today so we will see how it of luck and we are all rooting for you!
                        Gidget 1016

                        "Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out":h


                          My New Life

                          Jolie, hiding the drinking took so much energy! Where to stash the empty bottles and new stuff into the house. Exhausting. Living alone now for a while took care of that problem. Nothing stood in the way. I could start at noon on the weekend. After all I deserved to relax.

                          Gidget, I'm rooting for you!

                          Today instead of getting nothing done, I cleaned out several closets and was pretty ruthless about getting rid of stuff. So freeing!


                            My New Life

                            Hi Guys,

                            Suddenly laughing...its 3:26am in my country...woke up and went to kitshen to get a coke and an magazine. Statched in between the magazines I found an emty bottle... first I looked whether it is reaaly empty. It was. What would I done if it was NOT empty? I wonder...


                              My New Life

                              Beachbump ~ you would have dumped it. You might have thought about it..... That's my opinion and I'm sticking by it!

