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Am I kidding myself?

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    Am I kidding myself?

    Hi there. I just found this site, as I have decided to finally try to cut down on my drinking. I have taken this step because I have felt for a long time that I would like to stop, but feel like I can't. I hate this idea of not being in control of my own body - I would like to be able to take a drink when I feel like it, but unfortunately I have to drink every day.

    I cannot remember the last day that I did not have a drink. That scares me. I don't get drunk all the time, in fact I rarely have more than a few beers or glasses of wine, but sometimes, even if I have gone the whole day without alcohol, I go for a nip of whiskey or something just before going to bed. It's like I feel that I have to have something, like it's a daily supplement I must remind myself to take!

    I would love to be able to continue to drink socially, and maybe have a glass of wine with dinner and leave it at that, but am I kidding myself? Do I have to cut it out of my life completely? This is something that terrifies me, although I know it shouldn't, mainly because alcohol is such a part of socialising that a huge part of my life would be affected, and also because I like the taste of beer!

    Thank you for creating this forum, and to those other members who give their time to support each other, well done, and I hope to benefit from your experience and someday soon pass on my own experiences to others who wish to break free.

    Am I kidding myself?

    stallone;1084654 wrote:
    I don't get drunk all the time, in fact I rarely have more than a few beers or glasses of wine, .
    Hi Stallone and welcome. There is no diagnostic test to say who will be able to moderate and who will have to remain alcohol free(AF) for life. There is one thing I noticed in your post. The sentence I have just highlighted is not typical of an alcoholic.For most of us alcoholics a few beers or glasses of wine trigger an overwhelming and uncontrollable urge for more and we drink until we pass out.There is absolutely no way we can control this so we must avoid having even 1 drink. It might be worth your while to do a moderation challenge. Some people do a 30 day AF run first to break their daily habit and then try to re introduce alcohol according to their set plan eg 3 drinks at the weekend or whatever you think would be good for you.Take a look at the monthly and longterm moderation sections.Take a look at our tool box too which might help.

    There are supplements listed in the holistic healing section as well which are known to help with cravings eg l glutamine and kudzo. If your plan fails then it might be worth taking a closer look at your drinking. Good luck.
    I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

    There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


      Am I kidding myself?

      live and lern

      stallone;1084654 wrote: Hi there. I just found this site, as I have decided to finally try to cut down on my drinking. I have taken this step because I have felt for a long time that I would like to stop, but feel like I can't. I hate this idea of not being in control of my own body - I would like to be able to take a drink when I feel like it, but unfortunately I have to drink every day.

      I cannot remember the last day that I did not have a drink. That scares me. I don't get drunk all the time, in fact I rarely have more than a few beers or glasses of wine, but sometimes, even if I have gone the whole day without alcohol, I go for a nip of whiskey or something just before going to bed. It's like I feel that I have to have something, like it's a daily supplement I must remind myself to take!

      I would love to be able to continue to drink socially, and maybe have a glass of wine with dinner and leave it at that, but am I kidding myself? Do I have to cut it out of my life completely? This is something that terrifies me, although I know it shouldn't, mainly because alcohol is such a part of socialising that a huge part of my life would be affected, and also because I like the taste of beer!

      Thank you for creating this forum, and to those other members who give their time to support each other, well done, and I hope to benefit from your experience and someday soon pass on my own experiences to others who wish to break free.
      hi stallone,it s incredible you realise your al consumtion could get out of control,many of us have the same feeelings as you,forever is a long time,and your an alchoholic when you say you are,big step,what s the old saying,your your own liquior control board,ive been doing this for many years,you ve found a great site,listen,read and seek advice,that is what this journey is all about:thanks::goodjob:


        Am I kidding myself?

        Hi Stallone and welcome

        I don't feel well equpped enough to give advice but from what I have read coal is right; most who plan to moderate find it helpful to go AL free for 30 days and then make a decision on moderation or abstinence. I know when I started I just took it ODAT (one day at a time). I am on 50 plus AL free days right now, I still haven't committed to 'never again' but am really enjoying my life without AL, I'm too afraid to try to moderate.

        Let us know how you get on, this is a great place for advice and support whatever path you choose


          Am I kidding myself?

          Welcome Stallone. Like the others here, I feel we have our own internal barometer of what's okay for us and what is not. I didn't get "drunk" on a regular basis, but I drank more than I felt I should and too often. For me, that's not how I want to live my life. Also, there is the knowledge that this is a progressive disease hanging over our heads.

          Good luck with your journey, you have found a great site for support!


            Am I kidding myself?

            Hi stallone!

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place & for me a real lifesaver

            Only you can answer your question 'Am I kidding myself'!
            I know I BS'd myself for years & years & knew I had to stop! When I joined I wanted to learn to drink like a normal person but I had to be honest with myself. After doing 30 days AF I was positive that normal drinking is just not in the cards for me - end of story! So I remained AF, grew up quite a bit, changed my thinking & here I am - two years AF today. I couldn't be happier or more proud of myself.

            You can do it too
            Download & read the MWO book to get started & use the for great ideas for your plan.

            Wishing yo the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Am I kidding myself?

              Lavande;1084761 wrote: I remained AF, grew up quite a bit, changed my thinking & here I am - two years AF today. I couldn't be happier or more proud of myself.
              Wow - congratulations, that is a serious milestone.

              Thanks to everybody for their replies and support, I know already I have found a great resource here. I also downloaded Roberta Jewell's book and have started reading it. Today may not be Day One, but I will read the book and some posts on this forum, and make up my mind when I am ready to start.


                Am I kidding myself?

                good for you Stallone, I think you might have already started without even realising it


                  Am I kidding myself?


                  :welcome: You have found a wonderful place. The good thing is no one here will judge you. We are all trying and very few get it right the first time (myself included). I would really recommend the 30 days AF - then see how you feel. I too used to drink every single day - not to the point of passing out, but enough that I knew it wasn't doing my body, family life, my mind, any good. I've been trying for a couple years to stop, finally made it to 30 days and realized that there is life beyond 5:00 and that 1st glass of wine.

                  Good luck to you and hope to see you around the different threads!
                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

