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    Hi all, I have been a heavy drinker for over 15 years, I have tried to stop, my best effort was for 3 months, I want to heal my body ( liver, kidneys etc ) any help would be appreciated, I am 50 years old


    Hi Russell, welcome!

    I am new to the forum as well and you have definitely found the right place. You will get lots of support and guidance and there is loads of information and suggestions to help you achieve your goal.

    It might be worth popping into the 'Newbies Nest' to say Hi as well and I wish you all the very best on your journey.




      Hi Russell
      Welcome. Have a read of all the info if you haven't already. Once you're ready get yourself a plan of action. The toolbox thread is helpful - it's on the monthly abstinence section. We're all at different stages here, but all have the same problem. Some have gone cold turkey. Some have years of abstinence, but many of us are muddling through finding our way. The right support makes a difference as does your attitude.



        Welcome Russell - yep same as above - it is a great place and yes the Tool Box has some brill tips so go have a look!
        I'm in my 50's too and after blood tests some time ago where I was told I wasn't quite as bad as Georgie Best, I started taking control of things and I feel reborn. It is well worth doing, tough at first, but very quickly physically and mentally you will start feeling better
        Stick around here, it's a great spot and like DSLR says the Newbies Nest thread is a great place to start. It saved my life! The 'mother hen' (she'll love that description:H, I called her a 'tool' yesterday!!) celebrated 2 years sober yesterday, and she watches over all of us in that thread!!:welcome:
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14



          :welcome: Russell
          You have found a great place to get the support you need and there are many of us of similar ages who have successfully quit. I had been drinking for over 20 years and through many tools I found here managed to quit. Here is the link to the toolbox Molly mentioned.

          You have already proved you can do it by previously stopping for 3 months, that was fantastic! Now you need to build on that, identify the triggers, the most dangerous times of the day and put a plan together to deal with them.

          Wishing you much strength and hope you lean on us when you need help.
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996



            Hi Russell,

            Also in my 50's and liver and kidneys took a lot of damage because of alcohol, prescribe meds and living in malaria area. I found that liver pills as Essentiale helps to buil up my liver. There are a better med as well on script and quit expensive (forgot name). For kidneys a lot of berry juices are good. As soon as you feel pshysical better you will have the strenght to work on youre addiction problem. I found that one of the main reasons why I stopped is because I could feel my health is going for the worse - we are not springchickens anymore!!

            Best of luck!

            Want to contact you. Intrigued by the fact that you live in Portugal. O.K if I PM you?

            Have a nice day.



              Welcome Beachbump!
              September 23, 2011



                Hi Russell,

                Welcome to MWO, this is a great place!
                I think those of us in our 50's really know, deep down that it's time to quit & take back control of our lives or face the consequences!

                Be sure to download & read the MWO book if you haven't already - you can get it right here in the Health Store. You'll get a good understanding of the different aspects of the program. Then work up a good plan for yourself using the ideas in the Tool Box.

                Arm yourself with a good plan, a firm commitment & hop on board - you're not alone! Lots of us have found success, one step at a time

                Wishing you the best!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:



                  Hi Russell, Just turned 50 myself. We have lots of living yet to do! This is a great place to be, lots of support and information.



                    hi russell im 50 as well seems like theres a lot of us good luck on your journey wether it be moderation or total abstinence

