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a pattern...and more....

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    a pattern...and more....

    :h hi everybody........just read on a member's thread that usually alcoholics are drawn to drinking by bad feelings, like depression, sadness or any other negative state of mind there is the world.........and at first I thought - Man, that's right! that's me... - but 5 seconds later I realized it IS true I drink when I am very upset or sad or deeply depressed or all the above......but it is also true I very often drink for the very opposite reason: cos I am happy and somehting fantastic happened or I 've just had a very good day or I have just done something I love and it turned out perfect and so on and so is the pattern.....IS THERE ACTUALLY A PATTERN??? know, the last week end I went out with my husband and friends - very good friends - and of course they know I like drinking and every once in a while they do drink a bit more too - my hubby does drink a lot too when he decides he wants to, but can really control himself very very VERY well , he CAN STOP- so we were out, like many times before.......but.....last time......I did not really do anything terrible or unforgivable or anything.....but, this time I remember very well the senseless speech, very senseless speech, and my girlfriends staring at each other for a split second trying to figure out what I just said, and I remember coming back from the restroom and not finding the table and them all - ALL, 6 OF THEM - looking at me thinking what is she doing, and also remember having a very quick and stupid argument with my husband and walking off and every single friend was staring at me, puzzeld........the previous times I knew I had done something stupid but I did not remember, and I knew it had not been a big deal - ........but this time, THIS TIME I remember their faces, their looks, my feelings at the very moment, their looking at me, me being not able to speak a proper sentence, not even to explain myself, cos I couldn't......and they are people I often hang out with, they do know I like drinking, but.....seeing their faces watching me and remebering them, knowing that they knew I was FRICKIN' DRUNK when I usually could be tipsy and too happy but in control, IN CONTROL..... - and the worst thing is there were my friends' brother and his wife......we had enjoyed drinks before, they knew I liked dirnking but had always been in control even if VERY happy cos of alcohol....but this time........this time they saw I was wasted and did not know what I was doing.....did not know what Iwas saying........of course this has happened before with collegues and not-so-close friends, but it was allright, everything ended in a joke.......but this time it ain't a joke, they - my friends and their relatives - saw I was drunk, this time it was with the peolple I hang out with trying to be normal......... this time I DO REMEMBER I WAS WASTED AND I WAS WITH THEM, and their faces, their looks.... nothing judging or disgusted of course, and thank god....but still, they knew, the F***CK they did, and evreytime I think about it - 300 times a day - it is so ashaming and horrible and impossible to get over with I sometimes think I don't wanna see them again for 10 years.......but then again I love them deeply, really deeply......and will see them probably next week-end........, SO, my fellow desperate alcohol dependant friends: I am sorry I bored you with this stupid nonsense, but i just wanted to share this feeling with somebody, and who on earth better than you guys........don't forget my first question.......sorry again, next time I'll try to be more interesting......
    by the way, I started the night forcing myself to have a beer, just to relax - been taking kudzu and glutam, thought they were doing magic, real magic - ........and little by little had a bottle of wine and 4 beers, just because I wanted to feel better, a lot better than I was feeling, even if it was good enough without alcohol...... but Ineeded somethinfg more, better........I was totally ok..........but wanted more, did not feel like dirnking at all, but ended up drinking cos it was the only thing to feel better, totally better, even without a major reason.......I know tomorrow I 'll want to kill myself.......what a torture... .hugs:sorry:

    a pattern...and more....

    You know Zampa....the fact that you got to "see" yourself may have been really lucky!! Now you have something to draw from.

    I often wonder what I was like during a blackout (I know you said you weren't blacked out). I mostly mean nights when I'm home with my family and I black out. Apparently I'm still having normal conversations with my husband (which, of course, I totally have no recollection of). But I almost wish it could be filmed. I wonder how I am. Is it obvious that I'm drunk or am I still functioning pretty well. What is my speech like. How are my motor functions.

    Anyway, hang in there. Your friends love you and just want what's best for you. Try to put yourself in their shoes and think how you would feel (keep the self loathing alcoholic voice out of this scenerio). You would feel compassion and love and maybe a bit of worry but not likely disgust or judgement.

    I think I know how you feel. We've ALL been there or we wouldn't be here. Today will be better.
    Tomorrow I get to wake up and not feel guilty. :yay:


      a pattern...and more....

      lost in space

      Hi Zampa
      That place where you went - I am sure I was there once. (many times)
      I was at a real smart hotel bar with friends, drinking good wine or perhaps they were drinking and I was gulping....
      Anyway I was on the way to the ladies room and I saw myself reflected in a mirror wall - staggering - I needed to lean against the wall to support myself
      I was so shocked - this was not at all the person I wanted to be
      It was the begining of a big wake up call to me.
      A time to think about where I was in my life
      Hope you are feeling better now - look forward
      Next time you are out with the same people try to be the one thats sober, witty, and aware.
      It's such a great feeling...
      Good luck


        a pattern...and more....

        Thank you so much for your advice, I really mean it........ my friends were the best as usual when I saw them yesterday, and I am very proud to say we went out for dinner, had wine and all the rest and I WAS NOT DRUNK AT THE END OF THE NIGHT, just a little tipsy like some of them but nothing more, I could talk, walk and be conscious of what I was doing......and that felt great, and this morning whenI woke up was even better, thanks again,take care, ciao


          a pattern...and more....

          I understand fully, that alcohol shame really cuts to the bone. Last night I was physically thrown into the road by the owners of my favourite bar, you can imagine how I feel.


            a pattern...and more....

            Oh Owly
            We have all had terrible experiences. I have done things that are so embarassing I cant even think about them now. I have been kicked out of bars too. We are here for you !
            Zampa - I am glad you are feeling better
            Over 4 months AF :h

