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Day 3 and all good!

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    Day 3 and all good!

    Thanks everyone for my welcome and I'm on day 3 and still feelin optimistic and determined. Talked to my Mum who's on the other side of the World today and just poured it all out, which felt so good. She wasn't at all suprised, and was proud of me for taking positive action. Getting lots of support so it's up to me to do the hard bit...but after reading so many inspirational stories on here, I feel I can and WANT to do it and feel like some of you guys.
    I've read some great stories on here and because of that I believe today that ONE day I won't even think about alcohol, I won't wake up every morning feeling sick and embarrassed about what's happened the day before, I won't have to fumble through a day at work vomiting in the toilets in silence because I can't call in sick again because everyone will know it's becasue I've got a hangover, I won't be a standing joke to everyone I know, I won't embarrass my kids or my husband anymore, I won't feel angry and full of self-pity anymore, I wont waste so much time and money sitting in oblivion, I won't be 3 stone overweight and covered in psoriosis, the list is endless.
    What an awesome site, and what an awesome group of people.
    Love and happiness to you all :h !!!!!!!!!


    Day 3 and all good!

    Good for you noodle
    Congrats on your 3 AF days!
    I hope your happiness & determination stay with you on your journey!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Day 3 and all good!

      Hey Noodle,

      Nice to 'meet' you. Congratulations on 3 days - keep it up, it gets immeasurably better overall.

      K x
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

      Recovery Videos


        Day 3 and all good!

        Very proud of you noodle! Well done!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Day 3 and all good!

          well done on your 3 AF days, and looking forward to hearing more from you on how wonderful you are feeling as you clock up the days. Keep going, it is so worth it. The feeling is better than any "perceived" feeling alcohol can give you!
          AF since 27th February 2011


            Day 3 and all good!

            Good for you noodle, I can relate to all of the bad things you felt and did while drinking
            I too am hoping to lose weight after quitting. Keep up the good work!


              Day 3 and all good!

              Thanks - a first today!

              Thanks all, nice comments and encouragement. Day 4 today, and liver feels slightly lighter already (how amazing are those things?!). Had a 'wow' moment in the shower this morning - whilst doing a mental shopping list whilst keeping within my (V.TIGHT) budget, was thinking...yeah pie for Sunday and so on budget should be fine...when I suddenly realised that I'd automatically not calculated for my usual wine consumption this weekend (with me and hubby would be at least $50-) and was soooo happy that I hadn't even thought about it, and then how I wasn't gonna have to go without anything important to pay for it....AWESOME. V. Happy. Feeling a lot happier and brighter, thanks again for everyones very kind encouragement, you are lovely people. xxx:h


                Day 3 and all good!

                Good for you Noodle.


                  Day 3 and all good!

                  well done noodle. you are right. it CAN be done.
                  Keep on here, post, read, explore. It is amazing the tips and support you will continue to get.
                  Be prepared for the cravings, accept them for what they are, they WILL pass.
                  Your life will improve every day if you put the work in on staying sober.

                  Best of Luck.

                  Damo in Dublin
                  Still trying !!!
                  AF 25th June2014


                    Day 3 and all good!

                    Brilliant Noodle, well done.

                    That's great about the money as well, I did that when I gave up smoking. Every couple of days I would add up how much I had saved not buying ciggies and since giving up on the 17th July 2010 I have probably saved myself about ?1500, not sure how much that is in NZ dollars! but its a lot and looking at it now I can't believe the amount!

                    I hadn't thought of giving up AL in the same way, but you are right Noodle, it's the same, money not going on destroying my life, thanks for the idea and inspiration!

                    Wishing you all the best and erll done for being the strong, AF person you know you are.


                      Day 3 and all good!

                      Good job noodle, keep it going.

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Day 3 and all good!

                        Thanks x

                        Thanks for your encouraging comments. Day 6 today, and feel a bit fuzzy, but had a great nights sleep. A bit ratty to people now and again, but nothing new there! Money wise, I reckon I've saved about $50. just on myself (at least!) since quitting, but nicer not to have to try and juggle everything just to pay for it, and panicking when I don't have my security blanket of at least 2 bottles spare in the cupboard. Skin looks a A LOT better - even have a slight bloom today! I reckon a wee bit slimmer too - all good. Tonight will be hard (first sober Sat for a LONG time), but I'm gonna do it, no worries. Most usefull quote I've found on here, which may be of some use to someone "It's not what you replace in the glass, but what you replace in your head" (Sorry I can't remember where I read that - but thanks to the amazing person who put it out there). I've sat and written it down all over the place, and sit looking at it - it just makes so much sense to me. When I've given up in the past, I sit and stress about ways to take my mind off things, and what to substitute my favourite drink with, all really irrelevant on the whole. I've forgotton about drinking wine for wines sake, and realised its not the wine at all, its the fact I want to get drunk. It's the getting drunk I've got to let go of, not what I'm drinking. Hope this ramble makes some kind of sense!
                        Love and peace to all, you've saved me x:h


                          Day 3 and all good!

                          You will be fine tonight noodle and tomorrow when you look in the mirrow again you will feel even better than you do today!

                          Have a lovely AF evening.


                            Day 3 and all good!

                            Great job on Day 6 done Noodle! It feels so great to get rid of this beast one day at a time.

                            Have a wonderful AF day/evening!

