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Eager to find my way out

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    Eager to find my way out

    Alcohol runs in the family; like any doctor would say, it's heridetary. Yet when I got older and started a family of my own, had a good job, until I establish my own business, I found drinkinng as part of everyday social dealing when I'm out in the business world.
    A year ago, I terminated my business relationship with a partner; the company I established closed and my drinking habit progressed.
    I wanted to get out of it; had three rounds of recovery program, this all end up unsuccessful. Recently, to get out of the "rot" and my unexplainable mood swing, I 'd attend a "lunch meeting" and listen to stories which I put myself into any of the stories told as the person.
    Until one day, I happened to get into the website that send out messages for people like me that needed help. And thru this website , I happened to click into a line and end up opening this website, MWO.
    Immediately, that evening I surffed broadly, until I get so tired and today is my second day to continue my search of finding my way out.
    I'm in my early seventies and people mistook me in my sixties. I'm married (my second) to (a career woman, who's a christian, a clean human being, both physically and spiritually). With my condition, it's affecting her seriously; on top of that, it's affecting our relationship. My wife supports me in every way she can, despite "countless" falls in the house and " other accidents". Her wining, confrontation and argument doesn't mean anything at all; I believe, because what I'm doing (drinking) is just around the clock. I listen to hear day in and day out and everything I hear is just out of one ear and goes out of the other.
    This is just a part of my daily "ordeal" and my wife is begging me to seek help. I feel I'm at the last thread of my life, because I feel like killing myself at times. My wife keep telling me to seek the help of God (at moments of craving and drink water instead of soda, when I'm out of "booze).
    I realize this a "real struggle" , but I'm still hopeful I can find "my way out".

    Eager to find my way out

    :welcome: Jtol.

    The first step is recognising that you need help, and the second is asking for it. So you're doing good so far.

    Do you have a plan, other than the suggestions your wife has made? It's important to have a plan that will work for YOU.

    Do you want to stop drinking or cut down or what? Do you need professional help to address why you drink excessively? Do you need a support group? Medication? Counselling?

    I wish you luck and hope you can find your way out. I hope we can all help you along the way.
    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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      Eager to find my way out

      Welcome to mwo jtoljo2007 it is never to late to find and get your way out, read and post as much as you can and you will see you are not alone, hope to see you around the boards. :-) dont quit quitting.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Eager to find my way out

        Hi... Welcome to MWO... You are going to love this place.. Lots of caring people that will love to help you. Keep reading and posting..


          Eager to find my way out

          Also... Check out Newbie Nest in this section.. It is a good place to go..


            Eager to find my way out

            Hi...welcome to MWO. How is youre drinking effecting your health? The main thing is you msut WANT TO STOP - for YOURSELF and not only to get rid of your wife's the past everytime I quitted I did it for my husband, children, etc. Now I do it for myself. My health was taking a lot of battering because of heavy binge drinking and I had a change in attitude - I realise nobody can look after me as good as I can - it is no ones else's responsibility. I'm on day 19. Although I don't feel very good at the moment I no that drink will not help me and making things worse.

            You say you started drinking more heavy after you lost your business - is that really the reason or are there some other reasons? PLEASE, look after yourself. We are all here for you.

