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a Better day

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    a Better day

    Hi to all my friends,

    Feeling better although still not in the best shape... realize I've got so much to be thankful. Yesterday I watch a lot of Sattelite TV because could't get myself to paint. The one program I saw was about miracles and this spesific woman was a painter. She had a desease that paralized her right hand. She started painting with her left hand, then when that hand also got paralysed she sterted painting with het mouth...then I realized - I'm not painting because I'm not in the MOOD!!! Although still not in the mood, i Got up this morning and stat painting...

    The other program I watched was a GIFT OF LIFE - about organ donation. What I saw were people battling to stay alive for kidney and liver donars and the struggles around it and also the people that had to die to give somebody else life - and that made my realise...I was drinking myself in a frenzie - my liver is an embarresment, my kidneys are not well at all and it is self-inflicted - I did it to myself!! I'm sure there a are a lot of people taht would do anything to have my good health - the health I threw away so easily...


    Thanx again for all the support the last few weeks.:thanks::l:l:l

    a Better day

    Hey Beachy! Good for you. I found that I couldn't write or draw or do anything creative when I first got sober. I was so used to having a wine buzz. I am 5 months sober and just now getting back into it. Takes time for the creative juices to get flowing again - they were pickled for a while, right? lol. 21 days is amazing and we are so happy and proud of you. AWESOME JOB! Don't worry, things will even out. Just takes a while. You are doing great.

    Love Waggy
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      a Better day

      Thanx Waggy! You sound so bubbling! 5 months - good for you! Never fell of the wagon in this time? Cravings ?

      What are you drawing and writing?


        a Better day

        Hi Beachbump & Wagoneer, Yes I feel those programmes are a bit of a wake up call too. Those poor people undergoing endless procedures in hospital and hoping for a donor to save their lives, their loved ones watch them slip away, and we sit here poisoning and feeling sorry for ourselves, makes me feel pathetic and very humble when I watch those doccies. The gift of life and a healthy one at that is something we should hold onto, however lifes not always that simple (!). We're all trying though.
        Just caught my eye about creativity, I'm 6 days sober and last week exhibited some work that I'd completed whilst at the depths of drunkness - and it was a total embarrassment. I didn't want it to go on display I was so ashamed of it, but it was for part of my course so on display it had to go. Amazingly someone bought it, but if it had come back I was planning to set fire to it as part of some kind of cermonary for the end of drunk painting. I'm looking forward to sober creativity, and feel it can only improve. Like everything else it's gonna take courage to do it with 'sober eyes' (lol), but in my experience, staying drunk would mean no art career was on the cards anyway with the crap I was turning out in the end! In fact I'm off to get started right away - good luck to you too! XX


          a Better day

          Hi Noodle,

          SO nice to meet more artists! In what way can you see the differents in painting drunk or sober? The quality or type of things you are painting? In what medium do you paint? The fact tha somebody bought the drunken-paintings...cannot be so bad??? Tell me more about your painting...please


            a Better day

            Well done beachbump 21 days is great and having a positive attitude is a must also,keep up the great work your doing on yourself :goodjob:

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              a Better day

              You make me smile...

              Hi Mario,

              Is it you on that picture? It makes me smile and love looking at it! You look such a friendly and nice guy! Day 22... very, very, hot and humid day in Africa - really the only thing for this overwhelming thirst is an ice cold beer! And you know what... I'm sticking to water!! Say hello to all the Irish pubs and Dublin...think they are my ancestors!


                a Better day

                Yep thats me ok, work very hard so i do,......Keep sticking to the water its your only man, Have you been in Dublin before ?

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  a Better day

                  No...went to Europe sept last year and wanted to go to Dublin but had very bad experience with Ryan Air, so we had to drop it! Very sad about it because that is where my roots are and I new I would felt at home there. Working very hard - doing what?


                    a Better day

                    I am a truck driver :-)

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      a Better day

                      Yes, that,s hard work...

                      Just read about you nearly started drinking again - after a crisis - that is my biggest fear - when in a crisis the first thing I want is AL and don't know if talking to people will really prevent me...its scary


                        a Better day

                        Beach Bump we dont start getting drinking feelings overnight they slowly sneak into you,your mind starts playing games trying to give you that excuse that by drinking it will all just go away,but you know and i know that any problems we have and we all have them that by drinking they dont go away there are still there next day,give your self a chance for your mind & body to adjust to your new life,This feeling cant be beaten and it lasts,

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          a Better day

                          Know that...but afraid that I'm not strong enough - not enough self discipline, that my rebellious and free-spirit character will let me dowm - but am very determined not to let it happen - must just make sure I have plans on my sleeve if the temptation starts...


                            a Better day


                            I just read your first post on this thread and a couple of things rang true for me. I have some people around me who are fighting for their lives, and here I am overindulging in AL to the point of making myself sick. Also, I used to be a much more creative person. It seems I left it all behind. That's great you picked up a paintbrush again. Wishing wellness and creativity to you on the journey you've started.



                              a Better day

                              Hi Bluejay - and you? See you joined in Jan 2011 - drinking or sober? Lets talk about it!

