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Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

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    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

    Hi all,
    Wonderful to hear so many upbeat and positive posts, Mylife - that's almost spooky - definately an angel looking out for you there, strange thing for someone to say out the blue!
    I'm posting 'cos I'm feeling really pants - sorry:upset:. Still holding out and on day 19 (Wow to self), but I've been dreading the weekend coming since Tuesday! It's now Friday here in NZ and just got my hubby some beers in the fridge (they're safe - hate the stuff) and myself some Tonic and cranberry juice which I've been havin with a squidge of lime - which just takes the edge off those cravings. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to cave in, which is weird, just fell kinda lost. Perhaps it this doing the same things, but sober that I've heard a lot of people on here talk about. Anyway, onwards and upwards with gritty determination! Same to all you lovely lot! Have a great sober weekend xxx:hxxx


      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

      Morning DSRL!!
      Thanks, things are going still well!!! My Day 4..Yesterday my mood changed to more relaxed but still i feel some dizziness and mood swings, anxiety..In February i did 11 days (i slipped on Valentine day:upset and i know day by day will be better..

      I have interesting new relationship which is helping too..i can say - i'm in love..

      Hello mylife!!!

      Yes, you expierienced really like a call of envoy of God

      I expierienced yesterday a call of envoy of Devil in a image of blond, beautiful, young waitress who offered me wine because it was sale...i wanted just juice and sandwich and almost had laugh when she offered:H

      Wishing you all sober and sunny day!!!
      The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
      /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

        HI noodle and audrey,

        noodle, sorry you are feeling 'pants', and I know the weekends are the most challenging but you have come such a long way :goodjob:, I know you will get through this and feel better in a day or two.

        Audrey, well done for day 4, you will sail past day 11 this time and keep going! How lovely being in love in the spring such a romantic time! and another excellent reason to stay AF so you can enjoy getting to know this person and remember everything!!

        I am having a not very good day either but for different reasons! My digestive system has slowed to almost a stop since stopping 13 days ago (if you know what I mean ), so took some laxatives yesterday and today, well....I think you probably get the picture! I won't be venturing too far from the house today, but hopefully it has done the trick as things were getting quite uncomfortable. Strange another side effect I had not thought of, that your stomach etc gets messed up by AL, (well mine did anyway) and like everything else it is probably going to a while to get 'things' back to normal but it is definitely worth the slight discomfort in the meantime.

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday and especially evening, be strong, 'you know your worth it'


          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

          Hi DSRL!!!

          Yes, what can i say..i'm lucky with my digestive system..sometimes to much:H

          I don't know what i do right or wrong but some tricks: i do yoga almost every day for 1 hour - it helps for all systems, and organs..
          Food and drink. I drink a lot of green and other herb tea (some of them are special for digestion), water with lemon. Food - greens (vegetables, green salad is wonderful!!!!!), live yogurt. plums, fruits..
          Of course maybe there are some special medicine.
          Warm bath is very good too... Any type of excercise!!!
          I hope you'll get better!!! Hugs!!!!
          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

            Morning guys!

            Noodle, Audrey you are right there was definitely an angel sitting on my shoulder there rooting for me. I'm going to use that to double my determination. I really think if we can make it through 90 days this thing will get much easier. Let's do it!

            Noodle, good job on day 19 - you can sail through this weekend no problem! Really focus on having fun without AL!
            Audrey, good job on avoiding the wine offered like that. Funny thing is I had all sorts of things like that happen my first weekend AF and now I'm glad as I was so determined that weekend nothing could have made me drink!
            DSLR, I had some problems adjusting too the first week. I am trying to focus on exercising and eating right as Audrey suggested. I know it will make everything in my body feel better!

            Day 15 here...but I'm not counting, just enjoying the new lifestyle!

            Have a wonderful AF day gang, and let's enjoy this weekend and really notice how wonderful a weekend is without AL! :l:h


              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

              Thanks DSLR and Mylife, you've given me the boost I really needed :h
              Just had a 'pamper' :H and after a full bottle of chilled tonic water (lots of rumbling going on down there) I'm off for an early night. Had a hectic week, and as we know, old habits die very hard. Now looking forward to a chillin weekend SOBER of course. Love to all, have a gd un XXXX


                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                Hi DSRL, mylife, noodle!!! Everybody from April gang!!

                Was successful with my Day 4 but cannot say that it was easy game..

                In the evening went to Danish movie (we heave here Danish movie week) to my favorite small cinema for intelectual movies..
                so, movie came for me at right time..the plot - former actress, alchoholic returns from rehab and starts fighting to have back her two sons. They're living with their father after court's resolution..
                The main idea is - she understands with clear head that the most important in her life is her kids ..not career which enabled her alchoholism.."Applaus" (Applause), director Martin Pieter Zandvliet.

                Wishing you a peaceful night or energetic morning!!
                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                  Hello Guys!

                  Audrey -- sounds like a great movie! Now I'm in the mood to see an intellectual movie tonight!
                  Noodle, good job on staying strong.

                  Hope you all have a great AF friday night!


                    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                    hi all

                    Another day down, good to see we're all positive even if we feel pants, dslr yes i had that problem about two weeks in, one of the good things now adays is the digestive system gets back to normal ..yay..

                    Well i almost slipped tonight but it gave me a wake up nudge. Hubs opened a bottle of beer and offered me a sip to which i automatically said no. then i picked the bottle up , that devil telling me it wouldn't hurt, even before i smelt it my mind was thinking ... have a drink then you could always have a bottle of wine with dinner... as soon as i smelt it then i knew what would happen if i tasted it, i knew i wouldn't be able to stop at one sip, that i'd be running to the outdoor over the road within two minutes. as i said a reminder of what i know will happen if i drink again, scary but now it's given me the determination not to drink when i go on a girls night tomorrow,

                    Anyway another early night for me, i'm so constantly tired which i'm hoping is just my body healing itself.

                    Stay well guys xxx
                    WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                    Just taking it day by day.......


                      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!


                      Morning DSLR, Audrey, Mylife, leave in silence, witchy ...and everyone else (phew - it's like that 'my granny went to market' game :H).
                      Had a mere wobble last night, but thanks to MWO friends, made it through and feeling more positive and stronger today - day 20 - yay!!
                      Glad to read that peoples tummys have been a bit all over the place, (well not 'glad' but has helped if you know what I mean) as mine has too, but looking at some posts, hopefully that should calm down again soon. Only lost another pound in weight this week, but must admit, had those sugar cravings and have been hitting the choc and biccies, but still, my priority is kicking out the booze so not stressed, at least it's heading in the right direction.
                      I'm gonna hit the shops today and treat myself, before settling down with the tea pot, biccies (lol) knitting and a few Miss Marples in front of the log burner tonight - bliss!
                      Wishing everyone a lovely sober weekend xxx:hxxx


                        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                        Hi everyone, wow I am so proud to know such a determined and great group of people, each day you all inspire me more with the challenges you have faced, how you did it and how it has made you feel, brilliant!!

                        Noddle well done for day 20, :goodjob: not slipping last night and losing more weight. I agree that it is probably best to concentrate on one thing at a time. I did that when I gave up smoking and did put on quite a bit of weight, so can't really afford to put any more on, but through this site I have learnt why I am eating biscuits like there is a going to be a 'great biscuit famine soon' ! and knowing that is helping me to tackle it. Lost 2lbs this week, so that's good, but that might be my 'dodgy tum!!

                        Leaveinsilence and mylife, a bit like noodle, I am glad I am not the only one, but not in a bad way! Things still don't feel to great today but better than yesterday morning, so as you say good to know it is just a phase, thanks.

                        Audrey, wow the film sounded great and just what you needed! What a nice thing to look forward to each week, rather than just 'drinking again'!

                        Well everyone, had better get on. like leaveinsilence I have been really tired for the past two weeks (day 14 today!) which isn't like me and I don't seem to be able to get up in the morning very well, which again hasn't been my normal sleeping pattern, but woke up at 0530hrs this morning and felt OK, so perhaps my body has been healing iself and has nearly finished that process which would be great, as I love the morning. I can't wait to see the sun rise to see if it is going to be a good photo day!

                        Take care all, wishing everyone a lovely AF Saturday/evening.


                          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                          Morning April Birds!!!

                          Wonderful morning of Day 5!! Less dizziness and anxiety..
                          When i don't drink i sleep like a baby..that's another reason for me to stay strong..

                          Hi mylife!!! I can suggest another movie too - it's thriller "Julia" with a great british-scottish actress Tilda Svinton..funny partying girl - alchoholic in her 40ies who accidentaly becomes a kidnaper..

                          Hi DSRL!! i hope you feel better today!! I can suggest a book about nutrition..My daughter is making fun of me when i study this book because the title is "10 years younger.Nutrition bible" (Nicky Hambleton-Jones):H..Nothing funny!!! Great book about healthy eating and anti-age products which are actually very good in recovering from AL too..Of course the book is more for girls after 30 not for 18 years old but actually my daughter now tells me that she'll know in advance how to retain her youth:H

                          Wishing you all nice Saturday!!!!
                          The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                          /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                            Labrīt Audrey,

                            Thanks for the recommendation, I will try to find it on Amazon. Actually in the UK there was a series called '10 Years Younger' where they took ladies of a 'certain age'! like me and helped them with their dress sense, hair, diet, lifestyle etc and most of them did look better and younger even if not reaching the 10 years mark. I would just be happy with not fat, spotty and blouted for a start


                              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                              Wow!!! Labrīt!!! How do you know?? Yes, latvian it's not very easy language:H

                              The book is ONLY about nutrition i promise!!

                              Another my "litlle bible" (but this is really funny book and uplifts your mood) is "A guide to elegance" (Genevieve Antoine Dariaux).
                              Have fun!!!
                              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                                Morning all

                                What a hive of positivity lately:l

                                One thing I've noticed before is whilst everyone seems to loose weight when they stop drinking I don't, it's not as though I eat more, infact I eat less as I'm not hitting the pantry in a drunken state, so I have no idea why that should be, eat less, exercise more, and drink less and I'm still the same weight, but well at least I don't fall off the wii fit board anymore:H

                                Well beautiful sunny day so going to do some work in the garden got loads of things to plant, seeds to put in, finish the patio and childrens area I've started, then I'm looking forward to a girls night in later at my friends, stocking up on plenty of fizzy juice to take with me and taking plent of L glut so I'm not tempted later, it'll be weird though it will be the first time doing a girls night without wine for me and I can't use the excuse of driving as she lives over the road

                                So wish me luck
                                WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                                Just taking it day by day.......

