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Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

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    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

    Hi Guys!

    Leave, don't feel bad, I have not been losing weight either!! I am sick of being 15 lbs overweight, so I'm really trying to cut back, but staying aware of my sobriety as first order of business! Day 16 today and feeling great. Good job guys on staying away from temptation! Yes, I actually looked at one of my husbands beers the other day and thought "one sip??" but quickly decided NO.

    Audrey, thanks for the Movie recommendations! I will put them both on my list.

    Noodle, DSLR, Sunshine and the April Gang it's so great to be on this journey with such positive people! Have a wonderful AF night.


      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

      I found this in the longterm mods section and thought it would be a good one for the newbies who are wrestling with the moderate/dont moderate issue.

      Here is an extract from the Responsible Drinking book by Frederick Rotgers:

      Most People with Alcohol Problems Are Not Alcoholics
      Due to questions about the adequacy of the nation?s systems for dealing with alcohol problems, the NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) called upon the prestigious Institute of medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences to study and report on this area.

      In its 1990 report, IOM found that for every one alcoholic, there are approximately three problem drinkers who are at risk for serious health problems as a result of their drinking, but who do not meet the criteria for the clinical diagnosis of alcoholism, which is called alcohol dependence?..

      ..These problem drinkers have some problems related to their control over their drinking, and they may drink often and excessively, and may even take dangerous risks like drinking and driving. But they have not developed the near total and consistent loss of control over drinking, and the series of repeated negative consequences related to it, that marks alcoholism. A classic problem drinker is the college student who engages in binge drinking or the housewife whose nightly glass of wine turns into a nightly bottle. These problem drinkers can usually stop or moderate when they wish to.

      This sentence applied to me

      "the near total and consistent loss of control over drinking, and the series of repeated negative consequences related to it, that marks alcoholism" moderation is out for me. My off switch is broken. I did not drink that often but when I did,I couldn't stop. I believe that its not about how often you drink or about how much you drink. Instead it is about WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DRINK.
      Anyway I just thought I would share it with you.
      I am a sobriety tart. AA/Smart/RR philosophy, meds/diet/exercise/prayer,rabbbits feet/four leaf clovers/horseshoes. Yes please.I will have them all thank you very much.Bring them on

      There is no way the bottle is going to be stronger than I am.


        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

        Hey everyone.....I'm on board.....Day 8 for me....I just keep reminding myself that I need to keep in mind the goal and stay focused.
        Gidget 1016

        "Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out":h


          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

          Welcome Gidget!


            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

            Hi all April birds!!!

            Had wonderful morning of Day 6!! My daughter won 2th place in the state in research work in literature..i went to University hall (she is student only of highschool class, so still small) listen to her presentation (she was marvelous)
            Felt very happy about her and myself that i'm with clear mind, fresh, look very good..
            Than talked to my beloved one who at the moment is so far that i can't reach him - just call..

            After i felt so unbearable sadness for 2 hours..still..i'm struggling with temptation to go out and drink wine (at the moment i'm at home)..
            Listening Lloyd Weber and trying to cover my craziness..

            I hope to resist and not ruin my day..finally sunny here and 15' which is the highest t'this spring
            The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
            /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

              Good morning April!

              Audrey, maybe do something else first -- go to a yoga class or take a walk in the park. If you postpone awhile and do something positive, a lot of times the craving goes away. You can do this!

              Hope you all are enjoying a wonderful Sunday AF. I can't believe it's April 17 already! Have a fantastic AF day all. I know I will!


                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                Thank you mylife!!! I'm just thinking to go out and reach nearest park with my notebook.. to write down all what's making me sad and giving pain.."narcosis" is gone, so alive person has different feelings i know...
                i just needed somebody to daughter is busy with friends and others don't know about my problem and i don't have so many friends here..mostly they're in my hometown..


                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                  Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                  Hi Audrey, I cheated before and used Google translator!!

                  What a wonderful day to remember and one I feel sure you are not going to ruin because of wine :yuk:? As mylife said, try to get out and about, perhaps a nice long walk in this beautiful weather, read a good book, work on your AF plan for the future and how brilliant your life is going to be!

                  What ever you decided to do, please don't let it include AL, it's just not worth it.

                  Have a wonderful afternoon and evening .


                    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                    Hi DSLR!!!

                    Thanks for support!!! :thanks::thanks:I really needed today your confirmation because i had this crazy inner be or not to be

                    Yes, i went out - still sad and anxious..the first stop was at beauty shop to spray one of my favorite parfume which contains jasmine (chanel "Allure") and working for me as anti-depressant than coffee shop with take away cappuccino and sandwich and park..was sitting in the sun for 1/2 hour and result came - i went through this again!!!
                    It was good because all evening my daughter cried on my shoulder - she's really ambitious she wanted 1st place:H I was not like that..but i hope she'll achieve's totally different generation who's is born in freedom..
                    I'm happy that i can be alert, pay attention, give words of comfort and discuss..i would love to continue but i'm really tired..

                    Wishing you strength and energy for the next week!!!

                    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                      Good morning x

                      Good morning everyone
                      Made it through another weekend, starting to feel and look much better (couldn't look much worse!:H), so ready to take on another week. Great to read everyones lovely posts, nice to see everyone positive, and some IN LOVE!:h! which is very exciting.
                      Leaveinsilence, how did the girls night go? I'm building up the courage to venture out next weekend, but will have the excuse and motivation of driving, so not as 'testing' as your night! I've been a bit of a hermit since I quit, if it wasn't for all of you I'd have gone insane by now, so thanks :h Weather here today is bloody awful, so a day of cleaning, oh joy, still the evenings are nice cozied up with a brew and my sketchpad infront of the telly. Gawd, what a ramble, can tell I don't get out much! Have an awesome week everyone xx


                        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                        Hellooo Everyone:l

                        Another day over, so busy I hardly got chance to breathe...

                        Had a night out last night and came home in the early hours sober, having stuck to juice all night.

                        Exciting grand prix to watch this morning, then off to the garden centre, the kids behaved well for once, usually they are a nightmare when we go out, (i've noticed their behaviour has improved so much since I stopped drinking) Bought loads of plants and then had cups of tea in the centre cafe garden, laughing with the kids and enjoying the sun.... so wonderful to do sober.

                        Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend:l
                        WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                        Just taking it day by day.......


                          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!


                          The hardest part of last night was telling everyone I wasn't drinking, but it was fine, they obviously asked why and I just told them I was fed up of being hungover and my last hangover had lasted 3 days and I really didn't want to drink at the moment.... Hard part done, my friend asked me if I wanted a glass twice max, (just being polite not trying to get me to drink) and that was it, infact they all tasted my fizzy juice and decided they liked it and they were going to buy it themselves....

                          The feeling of walking home knowing I was sober and could remember every detail of the evening just added to it, infact I didn't even think about the fact they were drinking and I wasn't and didn't miss it at all to be honest, so enjoy your night out, if you're driving thats one way of easing yourself gently into socialising with other people who will be drinking:l
                          WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                          Just taking it day by day.......


                            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                            Great post Leave! Well done on your night out. It should always be that easy -- I don't know why we make it harder for ourselves than we have to!


                              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                              Thanks mylife

                              Actually that was something I was thinking about last night, why should it be difficult? Maybe it's because we've spent so much time worrying about hiding our drinking from the world that we make it harder for ourselves instead of celebrating what we are achieving...

                              I've thought that anyone who has a problem with me not drinking is not worth worrying about and they can keep their petty opinions to themselves, why should I drink just to please them... hopefully that is something I can use in the future
                              WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                              Just taking it day by day.......


                                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                                Well done Leaves, I sometimes think that we worry more about what other people will say that what other people do, I had a friend who kept trying to get me to drink, saying it was a special occassion, (another friends birthday), my reply was it will be a special occassion weather I drink or not. I am lucky most of my friends are pretty cool about the fact that I dont drink, (lol I never used to drink alot when out anyway, just when I am home by myself)
                                Progress, not perfection!!!
                                A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!

