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Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

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    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

    Good Morning April Gang
    Welcome Psycobuble, this is a great group to start your journey with, keep posting, reading, venting.
    Hay Mylife & Audrey, sorry to hear your feeling bad, but at least your AF, something to smile about. I have acouple of funny ways of helping myself when i get the blues, either works, the first trick is to close your eyes, think of somethng that makes you happy, then deliberatly smile for a couple of minutes, it feels kinda stange, but I always find that soon a real natural smile takes over & I feel better. the second trick is to put some really loud happy upbeat music on & dance it out, like when you were a small child & dancing was pure expression of joy.
    Scottish lass, dont feel bad, feel proud, you stopped yourself, you took control of the beast, not the other way round, you did good hun. remember its all about progress, that was progress.
    Leaves your day sounds awesome, here in NZ its starting to get to cold to spend time outside, but it is lovely watching all the trees turning colour for Autumn.
    anyway a big hi to DSLR, Molly & the rest, hope you have a great day/night.
    Progress, not perfection!!!
    A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

      Afternoon crew,
      Sorry to hear a few of you are down in the dumps, don't know why but me too .
      I'm feeling sooooo tired, and to be honest bored and I reckon craving, not good. I finish work today for the dreaded Easter break, and not looking forward to it really. Last few weekends I've been worried about time on my hands, despite doing just about everything I possibly can for my studies and the kids, but really trying to get through with you all. It's a bit of a sad state of affairs when you'd rather be at work than alone because you might go and do something stupid. I'm going to have a Dallas Bath :H (big and bubbly with a glass of tonic) and give myself a stern talking too, remembering the state I was in this time last month should help. I was looking at my diary last night and couldn't believe next weekend is the end of April - wow that's flown by.
      Audrey I loved your Chess board comparison, it then came to me that from the black squares we can see plenty of white ones which we can hop onto if we want to. I hope too you get of that black square soon x
      Witchy, I agree, at least we're AF, that's gotta be something to smile about, just sat here with a big grin on my face tryiong your gloom buster technique, and laughed when I noticed one of the kids looking at me as he passed the room like I'd lost my marbles!!:H
      have a good night/day everyone, oh and welcome newbies:welcome:, sorry! XXXX


        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

        Hi gang, sorry to hear some are down at the moment, I wish you all a better day and lots of good days over the Easter break. I also think the chess board analogy of Audreys is a good way of looking at it, it breaks it down to bit size chunks, and you see the 'white' squares are close by so I think it would help me to keep things in perspective when I am having a black square day, well done with that Audrey.

        I seemed to have lost my 'marbles' and along with lots of other things I keep losing! I don't know whether I did so much damage to my brain that this is the result and I actually notice it now that I don't have a muzzy head all the time, or if it is my age, or what, goodness knows but now I have lost my bank card and the most annoying thing is that it is somewhere in the flat, probably somewhere really close to where I am sitting now, BUT can I find it? nop! Got to laugh really it isn't that important, it is lost not stolen (still going to cost me though!), but soooooooooooooooo frustrating!

        Wishing everyone a lovely AF Wednesday.


          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

          Mornin everyone here, I've been missin a little bit so far too far to go right back, so just a hello and cheer up to all with the blues - witchy, I do that loud music thing too - bein a old old lady I love real oldies when I'm blah rolling stones, meatloaf, diana ross and the supremes!!

          DS When I started out gettin sober, I really believed my brain cells were shot to bits! Now after a bit of time, I reckon it is just (see previous) that I'm a really old old lady
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

            Hello Guys!

            Well, today is 20 days AF out of 20 days in April. So that's good news and it put me in a better mood today!

            Witchy, thanks for the suggestion on shaking the blues. It made me laugh just to think about it. I went home last night and ate two ice cream bars which made me feel better somehow as well! (they were low-cal ice cream so I could have 2)!!

            I've really got to start watching the weight thing -- but I think I'll wait until May for that!

            Molly, great to hear from you again! Loud music beats the blues every time I agree!

            Noodle, hope you're feeling better. DSLR and Leave, you're both doing so great! It's great to have company on this ride!

            Have a wonderful AF day all!


              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

              Hello all April birds!!!

              Hi mylife!!! Yes, today i steped on white square!!! I see that you're feeling better too on your Day 20!! Wonderful!!! I'm on my Day 9 so almost half of your "AL free ride" I'm craving for sweets too but no so much as in the first days...

              Had today manicure so now having classic red nails and i can say that i enjoy them more than bottle of red wine...

              Hi Leave!! I like your "dinner made with one hand":H I noticed too that physical cravings i have less and less.. i really want to achieve more than i did before (i wrote about 11 days)..perfect could be at least 30 days..

              Hello witchywomen!!! Thanks for advices!! About music- jazz is working for me!! Dancing - yes 100%!!! I studied a bit dance therapy..expression of your feelings through the dance are very powerful..only you have to be in appropriate place which isn't a street:H
              Actually i'm thinking all time to take ballet classes for adults (it's not because of "Black swan" and Natalie Portman...)..when i was small i attended ballet for 2 years and i still love ballet and dance..
              It was a good article in British "The Telegraph"
              Ballet classes: Getting back to the pointe - Telegraph

              Hi noodle!!! I hope you enjoy your "Dallas Bath" - how many new terms i learn!!! Yes, i'm playing Chess today i was on white, tomorrow i hope to skip black and jump on the next white...

              Hi DSLR!! Some years ago i lost my card for i-net bank, i ordered new one and after some time i found the "lost one" at home..some 5-6 months ago i left my bank card in ATM, made a new one again..but this time i have shame to admit.. i was a bit drunk...
              So, don't worry they're just cards..

              Wishing you all peaceful evening!!!

              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                Hello Guys -- just checking in to say goodnight -- or good evening or morning depending on where you are!

                Audrey, ballet sounds fabulous! Talk about a great workout and so beautiful at the same time! Great idea.

                Hope everyone enjoys an AF evening. I'm drinking a sparkling cranberry juice.


                  Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                  Morning or afternoon gang, hope you are all well.

                  In the saga of the lost card, I am off to the last place I actually used it last Friday, in the vauge hope that I was just careless and left it there, rather than senile and have lost it here:H

                  The forecast for today is for rain, which is a shame but the garden needs it and it will give me a day off, as it is not my favourite hobby! I would rather be out and about taking photos, which I might get to do if we have some interesting cloud formations for the rain.

                  Well day 19, I actually forgot how many days it was today, which I think is a good thing as concentrating on enjoying my renewed vigour for life rather than counting more of my life away.

                  Audrey the ballet sounds like a lovely idea. As a child, really quite small 4 or 5 I think, I really wanted to be a ballerina and pestered my Mum to take me to the local dance school. Unfortunately the teacher took one look at me and told my Mum that my 'feet were too big'! How she could tell at 5 I am not sure, so a promising career dashed As it turns out I do have big feet, but that didn't stop me from doing latin American dancing instead which I loved! Good luck with it Audrey a good distraction and idea for keeping fit as well I would imagine.

                  I hope everyone is making plans for a lovely AF Easter weekend, if you don't have to work? Mine will be Q mostly in the garden, if the weather is OK.

                  Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday.


                    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                    G-morning/evening/night Aprils!!!

                    My Day 10 starts..i hope in a few days i will break my own record-11 days:H

                    Hello DSLR!!

                    I was 4 and 5 when i attended ballet classes and wanted to be ballerina My feet was ok but my mother convinced me that i'm to tall for ballerina..stupidities!! i'm only 1.70m now and in modern world it's just normal height for dancers too..My grandmother all time told me that ballerinas are bony and at 40 they're retired...could be wonderful to be retired at 40 and have free life for yourself or teach students...AH!! Broken dreams..
                    After my unsuccessful "ballet career" i started to dance in any other kind of dance directions - folk, modern etc. Ah!!
                    Latin American dancing sounds great!! I'd love to learn Argentinian tango (i know a bit) and Flamenco (i adore Flamenco perfomances).
                    Ok, too much plans!!

                    Wishing you all AF Maundy Thursday or "Green Thursday" as we call it here!!

                    The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                    /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                      Good morning gang!

                      DSLR/Audrey, you know, I think I also wanted to be a ballerina when I was little? I also took ballet classes at a very early age, but I think it moved too slowly for me because I lost interest and went on to gymnastics -- which I eventually grew too tall to be really good there you go! Another dream lost! :H

                      Anyway, now it sounds like a great way to get in shape and do something really productive. Today is my last work day as well for the week due to the Easter Holiday. I'm going to try and do some gardening as well over the weekend and catch up on things that have been neglected around the house -- which is just about everything!

                      Have a fantastic "Green Thursday"! I never heard that expression before, thanks Audrey!

                      I'm off to the gym for an early start with some exercise. I've got to start focusing on my weight -- I think too many sweets have been sneaking into my diet since I gave up AL!


                        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                        Hello mylife!! We're great ex-ballerinas team!!!:H It's never to late make it as hobby Moving and movements (any kind) are essential to keep body and mind alive...5 years ago (when i didn't have my AL issue) i attended dance therapy workshop in Spain and there was lady after 80 who teached us breathing exercises..very lively women was..

                        10 days of sobriety and feeling really light and bright..soon here will be midnight so feel very movies, no party..sleep..Tomorrow Good-Friday (here we call - Great Friday) so i want to go to the morning prayers helped me a lot during this 10 days..

                        Wishing you peaceful and quiet Friday!!!
                        The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                        /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                          Good morning April Gang! We have almost made it to May!

                          Audrey, it's so great to hear you are feeling "light and bright". I generally feel so much better as well!

                          I had to battle some strong cravings yesterday, but I got through them and feel so proud of myself this morning. I thought how I would feel after I had my wine. A possible headache, dry mouth and so on. Anyway, I made it through and I feel great today.

                          Wishing everyone a peaceful and AF Good Friday. :l


                            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                            Hi guys, just a quick check in, i am so proud of how everyone is doing. Well done. We are rocking this month. xx
                            Progress, not perfection!!!
                            A craving wont kill me, but drinking could!!!


                              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                              Hi Aprils!!!

                              It's wonderful that everybody goes further and further..

                              Today my "sadness day" but it's not dark sadness..light and meditative..
                              I was in church..didn't really enjoyed priest (i like mine which is my hometown..) but had profound reflection about last 11 days..
                              I'm very grateful for finding MWO and my beloved one who supports me not beeing in presence..and my lovely daughter!!!

                              Today i broke my own record - 11 complete days!!!

                              Hi mylife!! I do something similar as you when some thoughts about wine comes in me mind - how miserable i'll feel in the morning again..guilt about futile attempt to get imaginary happiness...
                              The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                              /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/


                                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                                Hi Aprils!!!

                                I see that everybody is enjoying Easter time...

                                Day 12 and feeling like ages ago...
                                Look is 5 years younger than 12 days ago, mind is more sharper and more creative...mood is swinging but to the best of my remembrance i was like that from teenage years..choleric person with some swings to the melancholia:H

                                Wishing you a great pre-Easter day!!
                                The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
                                /Antoine de Saint-Exupery/

