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Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

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    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

    Hey leave welcome!

    Your post made me think, what do I do when I'm 30 days, 60,90, 100, 200, 300? If I choose not to drink do I choose to not go out when people are drink or where people drink? Or is my goal to go to those places and not want to drink?

    I don't know if anyone else gets this but sometimes on Friday nights when my body chemistry is just a little off I want to do something wild and crazy, it been like that since I was a teenager and it still is, I can't shake the feeling. It has to be fulfilled. I stopped doing the dangerous wild and crazy 8 or 10 years ago and since then I drank on those nights but never in between so that is maybe once every one or two months. Then I started drinking daily and when the feeling came I would go out and drink instead of stay at home and drink. Well what do I do now? How do I satisfy the wild and crazy need? I don't do drugs I don't sleep around and I'm scared to death of heights so bungee jumping is not an option and really I'm scared to death of anything that would produce adrenalin sober. What do I do?
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

      Hi everyone, 'tea' is one of those terms that has changed over the years I think. I am English and for me, going for 'tea' literally means either going somewhere special (like the Ritz) or to someone's house and drinking tea and having nice cakes and things, usally around 4pm.

      Then 'High Tea' (which we had when I lived with my grandparents as a child) was an early dinner (around 5-6pm), then you might have 'supper' later, a very light snack i.e. sandwich, basically just keeping eating :H

      jennyneric, perhaps you could think about volunteering for a charity during the times you need to be challenged? Perhaps a home or organisation helping the elderly, people with special needs, fund raising, anything that will take your mind of AL? Just a suggestion, I hope you find something that helps, good luck.

      Wishing everyone a good and AF 4th April.


        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

        Hi all,
        Jennyneric, , I know where you're coming from. I'm only 2 days in, but when I got home from work tonight, I thought 'what am I going to do?' all my hobbies, friends etc have fallen by the wayside due to my drinking. I'm contemplating this journey and thinking 'holy c##p, I need something to do!!!' Hopefully connecting will all you good people will give us both some ideas.


          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

          Morning everyone i hope all the mums here and UK had a lovely mothers day. The weekend was quiet for me but i finished and started another book. Going to have a late breakfast i'll check back later.


            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

            Mornin everyone! Bright and breezy here, Jenny, not sure bout the wild and crazy syndrome I know my drinking became wild and crazy in latter days, but deffo not in a nice way - I can happily live without my sort of 'wild and crazy'!! HippyC mentioned somewhere recently that when she was sober all she did was change the drink in her glass. Unfortunately that's not enough. All those hours we used to spend drinking have to be filled with something or the drift back to drinking would seem to me anyway - inevitable. With a bit of sober time, I found that hobbies I had let go and lost interest in, became more interesting again. I even stopped reading, which as a younger person I adored. Whatever you do should be enjoyable to you - maybe think back before drink became a problem and think what you really liked doing - you'll prob like those things again.
            Anyway, need to go and get myself sorted - on late shift today - have a lovely day all!!
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

              Good morning all!

              I slept well last night and am glad for it as I've got another crazy week ahead of me.

              Jenny, I think for me part of stopping AL is about changing bad habits and another part is that it's time to grow and move on as a person. As far as Wild and Crazy Friday nights...maybe think about what it really is you're craving on those nights and analyze it a little? Was the AL really helping you have fun on those nights or blocking out the fact that they weren't that much fun?

              I personally have a feeling that once I'm truly AF and living that lifestyle for some time my life will be so much better that I won't feel like I'm missing a thing. In fact, I think AL has been causing me to miss out as I wasted so much time in the evenings drinking I didn't do much else!

              Molly, Leave, DSLR, Firefox, Hope and all to come great to hear from you all! DSLR, thanks for clearing up that "tea" thing -- I swear I heard it used for the 4 o'clock tea several times at work (I work for a British company). :H

              Have a fantastic AF Monday all!


                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                Good Morning all! Thanks for the suggestions! I was thinking maybe I could go do something with my kids like skating or rock climbing or something physically wild and crazy. Or maybe date night with the hubbs and we could be wild and crazy! I just do want to drink anymore. That's all.
                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                  Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                  I'm still here but a little subdued. Feeling vulnerable to the wine. Need to be on here during witching hour for sure. I made a list Jennyneric of what I would do to fill my time and it actually shedded some light on the evolution of my drinking. I used to not want to stop our nightly wine drinking because the TV stayed off and we would sit and chat and it felt like me and hubby were really connecting with the wine. I did not want to lose that. Well since the Lybian revolution and the earthquake in Japan, the TV has been on CNN or hubby has switched to Spike TV and our little intimate time while sipping wine is a thing of the past. GOOD !! That's one excuse that has flown out the window.

                  This may not sound wild and crazy but I made a list of what I want to do for the month of April rather than drinking and it's all about organizing my little home. I have to keep busy or the demon will be biting my behind.

                  My baby granddaughter has been staying with me along with her parents for the past few days and she is my main motivation for not drinking. Changing her bum and feeding and just playing patty cake with her give me a much sweeter high than any merlot could possibly provide. 'Nuff said.

                  I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                  "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                  ? Lao-Tzu


                    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                    Heading strong into day 4. 3 days under my belt! Feeling good, feeling strong!


                      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                      Good evening all,
                      Day 4 of our sober April. We are leaving for a trip to Morocco this week. I have never been on a holiday without drinking, this will be my first. The time with my children will be better, but I find that my husband and I struggle in unfamiliar territory when I abstain (there is a lot to fix there.) I don't think he really understands what a significant problem I have with alcohol. He is not a problem drinker, but drinking has always been a mainstay in our relationship. In any case I am really looking forward to what a sober holiday has in store.

                      Tipperette I love what you said about how much you enjoy time with your granddaughter, and what a source of motivation she is for you. Time with our (grand)children is really a once in a life time opportunity. Enjoy!

                      Stay strong everyone!
                      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                      Benjamin Franklin


                        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                        Good evening guys!

                        Tipp, AK, Jenn, Not and all others keep hanging in there -- we can do this together! I feel good and positive I am going to make it through the entire month of April this time. Actually I have told myself never again, but right now I'll focus on April!

                        Have a great AF night guys.


                          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                          Hi everyone, Day 3 for me as I am at least a day behind everyone. Tomorrow and Day 5 are going to be the start of the real test I think as I haven't done more than 4 days in a row for many years. But got lots of things to read and watch in the evenings and will pop in here if I feel like I am beginning to feel the urge.

                          Wishing everyone a lovely day/evening.


                            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                            Mornin DS and Mylife, flying here - need a shower and hit the streets! Decide DS ' I am getting past Day 4' and then you never again have to say 'I haven't done more than 4 days in a row for many years' - get it!! It's another little achievement to aim for in this ongoing bit of a battle! I think the 2nd half of the first week sober is really specially rewarding - your body has distanced itself and all sorts of little improvements start, and physically and emotionally you start feeling stronger by the minute. Give it a go!!
                            Talk to you all later, morning to all else to come
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                              Thanks Molly, you are right, by starting off with 'I haven't...' I am planning to fail before I have even got there!

                              I am going get past day 4 and 5 and all the way to day 30.

                              Thanks again, have a good day.


                                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                                Me too Me too, today is day 5, I always think day 4, day 10, and day 30 are the hardest and the Friday's of course. but I will make it through April! The first day to the last day no excuses! I can do this!

                                Sharky you out there? How you doin?

                                Morning all! Beautiful Tuesday!
                                You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                                Everyday we choose the direction of change.

