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Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

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    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

    Hi DSLR
    Sorry you are feeling blah, fantastic job on getting to day 7! Gratitude is a great way to lift your spirits, also try some deep breathing, it's amazing how it helps lift your mood by relaxing you. One I've been doing recently in taking a breath in then making the exhale twice as long, calms me instantly.

    Wishing you all a wonderful sober Saturday
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

      Hey Guys

      Thanks for the invite! New Beginnings in April...
      I got into this new "cutting down thing" but I know it is only a matter f time before i get out of control. Yesterday and Today i only had 3 glasses if wine. Of course my goal is sobriety. Its just so freakin hard. Some days more than others. But will try to not drink at all tomorrow and get some exercise in. I have loads of excuses, either:Long day at work....or No work tomorrow! Or I can handle 2 to 3 drinks a day. But I am obviously addicted and abstinence is the only cure.


        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

        :wave:Morning everyone. Another nice sunny day. :sun: Goin to do my front garden later, the grass grows very fast this time if year and so do the weeds. Weekends can be tough but if you can get over the first time then it will gradually get easier. The last two evenings i have been drinking a Tesco fizzy flavoured water in a wine glass. Last night i got a craving for wine but i settled for my apple and raspberry drink. After that and a nice curry dinner i didn't want any. Yesterday i went to the library to change books cds and dvds and i got plenty to last me the next 3 weeks. Well hope you all have a nice sober saturday and a good weekend.:thumbs::lilflower:


          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

          morning all

          Another day added to the total, or crossed off the month however you count.

          I have to keep checking the clock is it really only 10:20? one of the great things about being sober, normally i'd have been trying to surface properly now after trying to fob the kids off with mommy is stilltired excuses.

          Ammethyst, there is always going to be/will be an excuse to drink, i can still find one now everyday, but finally found the courage to tell myself it has to stop now, you will too especially now you know abstinence is the way, yeah it's hard but way so much better, i do things now because i want to do them not because i had too to mask the fact i am an alcoholic, so many less things to stress about to hide the drinking is liberating.

          Ak i buy those posh juices too, i fill my champange glass and chill, those special fizzy rose juices taste like wine anyway well almost,

          Well the sun is shining, the kids want feeding, and the f1 qualifying has just finished so i've got no excuse not to get on now.

          Love all


          Just taking it day by day.......


            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

            Good morning all.

            DSLR, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling great - what a wonderful idea to focus on Gratitude.

            I have issues going on in my marriage right now that I probably hid behind with AL for years and now they are surfacing and really bothering me. But I have to say I feel so resolved not to drink that it just hasn't occured to me to go that route. I was noticing in TV shows last night when people were drinking glasses of wine I felt slightly disgusted. Maybe Alan Carr has finally sunk in and I am really viewing it as the poison it is!

            Chill, Molly good morning to you both! Glad to see you back here posting Molly!

            AK, Scottish, Jenny, Leave and all to come hope you have a wonderful AF day.


              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

              Sorry I missed some!

              Morning Amethyst and Fire as well!


                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                Hi mylife, sorry you are having problems with your marriage, but I am sure dealing with them with a clear head is going to make it easier to decide what it you want and don't want. I wish you well with it, I am sure a lot of us have experienced problems with marriages and relationship (I have been married and divorced three times so I am probably not a good bet for help !) and we are here to help you when you want it.

                Hi amethyst, welcome, you have found a great community here, good luck and be strong.

                Hi Chill, yes your right, gratitude is something that got lost in the mess that has been my head over the past couple of years. I have a meditation tape which is based on gratitude and forgiveness, I haven't listened to it for a while, but think I will get it out and play it tonight when I go to bed.

                Hi LIS, fire and molly and everyone, wishing everyone a great AF morning/afternoon/evening.


                  Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                  Good Morning everyone! Sorry DSLR that you are not feeling great - you have been a big inspiration to me. One great thing about this blog is that when someone is feeling down, someone else is there to encourage tham on. DSLR you have been so very upbeat and cheering everyone else on, that this is your time to get some encourgement from others! I am sending good thoughts your way.
                  Thanks for everyones good ideas - I did treat myself and the money I would have spend on wine this weekend has been spent on my hair! It is the first time I have been able to afford highlights for a couple of years - amazing I could spend money on poison and not on myself! After that I went to Trader Joes and bought some special AF drinks as recommended - thanks AKwineo - I was worried as it was 6pm and there is that lovely wine in the store, but I did it!
                  Then i came home, put a lovely ginger ale in a crystal glass - and took more good advice and watched a movie that I would not have done with the girls at home - a good chick flick. Went to bed, woke up in the am (not the middle of the night) and then went to the gym! I can't wait to having a feeling good wake up Saturday morning with the girls here - we will have so much fun..
                  mylife - my husband and I separated end of last year after 22years together - not my idea! However, I am getting myself in order, and I will come out of this stronger. I am getting into a place (fit, thin, AF, and maybe feeling good about myself) that i can handle the divorce that will be coming. I will be a good role model for my two beautiful girls and will not crawl into a bottle to get away from the mess that we created.
                  yes, day 5 and I feel good - I know there will be downs, and I know where I will be looking for help -
                  stay strong everyone - we all need each other...:thanks: all of you!
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                    Happy weekend!
                    So proud of you all!
                    This is the most active I have ever been on a forum. I plan on being here to the end.



                      Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                      Hallo everyone. Great to see so much activity here. Some gloomy, some happy, some tired (me :-)) but thankfully all sober!
                      Mylife, re. the marriage thing. I'm married nearly 33 yrs and we've had a fairly stormy relationship throughout. I found I couldn't analyze the problems even back in the early days when I didn't have a 'problem' with drink - when drinking (does that make sense??) It's really only in the last year that I've been able to view the situation objectively, and deal with it appropriately. That all sounds a bit pompous, but it's too long to go into details you'd all be asleep! I really feel at the moment we are happier together than we have been since I met him at 18. Don't know how long it will last, but ODAT right!! Give yourself a chance to deal with the booze and try not to make any too big decisions until you feel strong enough to do so.
                      Hey AK and Scotlass and Dslr and leavinsilence, amethyst, firefox and chilly - hope you're all having a lovely evening! Will check in later if I can stay awake!!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                        Hi everyone, hope you're all having a super dooper sober weekend! Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU as I've reached day 14 - longest in over two years, and couldn't have done it without you xxx
                        Had a few rocky patches, like now - it's Sunday Dinner time, usually with two bottles of vino, but hanging on in there, I'll get through! I've lost half a stone, skin and eyes looking good, and got HEAPS of stuff done, so the vino can go and get STUFFED! Onwards and upwards, we CAN DO IT!!! Love to all XXXXXXXX


                          Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                          Good morning/afternoon everyone, I hope you all had a lovely AF evening last night.

                          Thanks for your kind words scottish lass, that means a lot me. I am usually a 'glass half full' type of person, literally a lot of the time in the past and I had been on a real high since going AF last Sunday, so it caught me by surprise the other day that I would feel so down again.

                          But again this community has helped me to see that I am not alone in feeling like this and I am going to gets these 'ups and downs' on this journey. I didn't get myself into this mess in a couple of days, so it is going to take a bit longer than that to correct the damage I have done! But it is definitely a journey I want and need to take so bring on Day 8 and 'To infinity and Beyond' :H

                          Wishing everyone a brilliant AF Sunday.


                            Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                            Mornin Noodles and Dslr! Lovely sunny day here in Dublin!
                            DS, I think you make a very important point. The first time I stopped drinking I had a sort of begrudgery attitude to being sober sort of 'this had better be great or bugger it'. And OF COURSE it's not great all the time, of course there are rubbish days, days with headaches, days when the pull of the drink seems overwhelming - but in the long run - ooooohhhh yes it is so worth it. If I had the wisdom you have when I started I'd have saved myself a couple of very stupid expeditions down the drink path!!
                            Hope everyone has a lovely day - gardening, shopping and a bit of cooking on the menu in the molly household!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                              Sun is shining here in California, but it is so cold - just spoke to my parents in the UK and it is warmer there than here!! I told them I had given up AL - they could not understand why - trying to get them ready for my trip home this summer, they are big drinkers so it will be a tough trip.
                              Happy Sunday - I made it thru another weekend evening - but ate way too much chocolate - reading posts, at least i know why - hope my supplements hurry up and arrive!
                              Off for a walk, all bundled up.
                              Congratulations everyone, April has a lot of successes!
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                                Aiming High In April. . .come join us!

                                Hello All!

                                You all sound so upbeat and positive it's great to come here. Thanks for the advice Molly. I have heard it's important to wait a year to make any big decisions and I have to agree. One step at a time.
                                DSLR and Scottish - sounds like you have both been there as well! And you're both right it's so great we can all help each other through these ups and downs!
                                AK, glad you're posting and sticking with us! We can do this!!

                                Hope everyone has a fabulous AF Sunday evening.

