I am REALLY struggling with detox. Shakes are the worst. Sweats a close second. Can't stop crying. (Today's my dad's bithday and I can't even call him because I know I'll bawl the second he picks up the phone.) I am taking the vitamins and aminos recommended in Seven Weeks to Sobriety. I also take hypothyroid meds and Wellbutrin. Oh, and yesterday I started Naltrexone and Campral. Not sure anyone needs all that info to answer my question. I should just get to the question because the shakes are making it mighty difficult to type!

I know it's important to eat at least three square meals a day. I need to snack too, because I'm hypoglycemic. But I just can't bring myself to eat. I had a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese this morning and that's all I've been able to stomach al day (and it's nearly 6 p.m. here). Part--but certainly not all--of this comes from my not wanting to prepare anything. (And normally I LOVE to cook.) Does anyone have any tips?