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What to eat when you have no desire to eat

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    What to eat when you have no desire to eat

    I'm on Day 3. This is the longest I've been sober in years. I was a morning, noon and night (and sometimes during the night) drinker.

    I am REALLY struggling with detox. Shakes are the worst. Sweats a close second. Can't stop crying. (Today's my dad's bithday and I can't even call him because I know I'll bawl the second he picks up the phone.) I am taking the vitamins and aminos recommended in Seven Weeks to Sobriety. I also take hypothyroid meds and Wellbutrin. Oh, and yesterday I started Naltrexone and Campral. Not sure anyone needs all that info to answer my question. I should just get to the question because the shakes are making it mighty difficult to type!

    I know it's important to eat at least three square meals a day. I need to snack too, because I'm hypoglycemic. But I just can't bring myself to eat. I had a few spoonfuls of cottage cheese this morning and that's all I've been able to stomach al day (and it's nearly 6 p.m. here). Part--but certainly not all--of this comes from my not wanting to prepare anything. (And normally I LOVE to cook.) Does anyone have any tips?

    What to eat when you have no desire to eat

    BTW, my doc gave me Ativan for the shakes, but it doesn't seem to work. It just makes me feel like Frankenstein. Very dull and therargic. But still shaking. I also wonder if it is part of the reason I am SO depressed..

    Thanks for any help!


    P.S. For assorted reasons/excuses, detox/rehab is not an option. I know it should be, especially since I've had seizures in the past, but it's just not.


      What to eat when you have no desire to eat

      Hi Pinksky, not medically wise here so just an observation. My first few days off the booze, food just seemed rank. I drank heaps of water - endlessly, and, this is where we may differ, I was well booze bloated, I ate very little for a week or two and the bloat just disappeared and I felt great - however if you are very thin - loads of alkies are, you prob should push yourself to eat - can't help you there I'm afraid. I know even now I eat about a quarter of what I ate when drinking, I'm guessing loads of small snacks if you're hypoglycemic is probably the way to go at the moment. After a few days you'll get the 'get up and 'at em' re. cooking back I'm sure. Maybe nuts and seeds would be good and easy to eat in the meantime?
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        What to eat when you have no desire to eat

        Coming Off.

        Tons of water. Eat what you can. Toast, butter and jam work for me. Also bagels and cream cheese. Am hypoglycemic, but dealing with it. Thank God for Diabetic friends. BP low as well, thank God for hyponatremic friends. I just want to sleep!


          What to eat when you have no desire to eat

          I, too, am on Day 3. Tons of water seems to help. Also, lots of encouragement from the people who have been through this and now are celebrating 64, 90, and years of sobriety. ODAT.
          Free at Last
          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

          Highly recommend this video

          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


            What to eat when you have no desire to eat

            Pinksy, I have been an insulin dependent diabetic for 48 years now, so I can really relate to what you are going through. I NEVER feel hungry, but force myself to eat. Your meds may be the problem. If you can eat fruit, it is a good source of carbs and YES, drink lots of water. I drink half a gallon a day and make sure you are taking vitamins! Best of luck to you!
            I'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
            but I'm sure not who I used to be!

            There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.



              What to eat when you have no desire to eat

              cheese and crackers, fruit, toast and jam. Desert if you would like. Anything is prob better than nothing at this point. and water and vitamins.

              azmarkm, sleep, I found this site because for the first week I couldn't sleep at all and I wondered if that was "normal" well I found out that it is normal and when it goes away wow, talk about some goooood sleep. Hang on guys! It pays off I promise!
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                What to eat when you have no desire to eat

                I agree with the others that anything is better than nothing, but heavier foods will tend to weigh you down.
                Finger food you don't have to prepare. What about those instant soups you make in a cup. You might not think they have much nutritional value, but when one of my kids had been vomiting and unable to keep food down for about 10 days I watched his skin go from grey to pink in minutes after supping Cream of Chicken soup in a cup. Have a banana. Eat some crackers or bread with your cottage cheese, or cut up carrots, celery etc and dip it in the cottage cheese or hummus. Nuts and dried fruit are good too.


                  What to eat when you have no desire to eat

                  I lived off cuppa soup and innocent smoothies for the first 3-4 days after I quit. Plus a multi vitamin tablet a day. And loads of fluids.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    What to eat when you have no desire to eat

                    keep food on hand and out of sight, that way you don't have to look at it when you don't feel like eating (that always makes it worse), but you can grab it as soon as you feel able to eat soemthing. Also, try foods you wouldn't eat often, somtimes it helps to eat something unusual. If you're trying to think of something you're ok with, picture the different things until you find something that doesn't make you feel ill and grab it quick as you can. Hope thats of some use
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


