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    Share plans for week

    Plans for the week -- yoga, meditation, and treadmill work. Regarding meditation, there are some good cds that can get you started on a practice.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      Share plans for week

      Well done Beach, excellent to get 23 days sober, only a week to go for the big 30, and then onwards and upwards...great to make a plan, and being able to stick to it now that you are AF.

      Sorry again Softy to hear about your Mother. You are a good thing, being there for her, fair play.
      All the best
      Still trying !!!
      AF 25th June2014


        Share plans for week

        Damo - will definetely get a meditation tape - as soon as I am in civilazation again...

        Softy - altzheimers is ahideous illness - read a lot about it and my Father-i-law had it. Think i'm also going that way...

        Thinking of you - what you do is compassion and love and that is the meaning of life - the suffering is worth the while:goodjob:

